CHAPTER 20 - Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Mason." Amber's voice gasped.

"Mason let it go man." Kyle's voice growled.

"Red! Get back here!" Mason yelled.

I glanced back to see Kyle holding Mason's arm as he tried to rush off the porch.

"Fuck off." I growled and kept walking.

"Let me go!" Mason yelled and I know he got out of the hold.

The sound of marching steps crunched behind me. I turned to him at the last moment and was face to chest with him. I glared up at him and backed away to give myself space.

"Stop acting like a bitch." He spat.

My heart dropped before I growled, "Don't call me a bitch."

"Well will whore work?" He asked harshly and I felt like he'd punched me in the gut.

"Fuck you!" I snarled and lunged at him.

I shifted mid-jump and barreled into the Alpha knocking him off balance and causing him to stumble back. Mason landed on the ground with a thud and I snapped furiously at his neck, but his hand held my throat keeping my jaws just inches out of reach. Chaos broke out around us.

"I'll kill you!" I snarled and Mason growled as I managed to get close enough that my teeth barley scraped his skin.

He shoved me away and with a growl shifted into his large wolf. He launched himself at me and I met him head on. I snarled as he bit my scruff and I slashed my claws across his snout. He barked and shook his head before biting the back of my neck.

"Stop! Both of you stop right now!" I think Mathew yelled it.

I yowled as I wrenched away from him and whirled around to bury my fangs in his flank. Mason howled and leaped away leaving me spatting out blood and fur. He snapped at my face and I pulled back, his jaws just a whisper from my nose.

"Stop!" Amber yelled trying to come in between us and I found myself staring at her. She was the reason I couldn't have Mason, she was the reason he could so easily use and leave me.

I pulled back my chops in a snarl and rushed at her with a howl of rage.

I stopped just short of her as Fenris came crashing down on top of me and I whirled onto my back and sunk my fangs into the closest thing; his neck.

"Red!" Someone screeched as I bit into the Alpha's throat.

Fenris let out a gurgling growl and tried to shake me off.

Amber let out an anguished wail.

I let go and scrambled from under him. My heart ached as blood ran from his wound. Suddenly I was pacing around him.

Goddess no... what did I do? Please Goddess help him, I didn't mean for this to happen!

"I'm sorry--I didn't mean to--" I broke off with a whine. I crept towards him and sniffed the gash.

"You're not going to die right? Please tell me you're not going to die." I whimpered.

Fenris panted and looked at me. "I'm not dying." He lay down and closed his eyes. After a bit his wounds began to heal.

"Come here." He grumbled as he opened his eyes and I crept to stand in front of him.

He leaned forward and touched his muzzle to mine and a warm sensation flowed through me. I yipped as the pain was zapped from my body.

I stepped away from him in shock as I realized I too was healing quickly and soon we were both good as new.

"About last night--" he grumbled softly.

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