"You won't regret it,"

"Never, you know why?" he shook his head in denial. "I will become a sinner for you because you are the only one who I can love and the only one who want me to be your first," A soft lips lit up his face hearing my answer.

"You will always be my first, even till my last breath," his words made me shed my first tear. How did I get so lucky to have him and his love? His lips touched my knuckles, then my forehead, my eyes, my nose and then my lips.

"I will always love you," he said against my lips while his one hand took hold of mine and lid it flat against his heart.

"Two months. I need two months," I whispered. I had asked for time but I was going to beg him for those. He breathed a heavy sigh and rested his forehead on mine.

"What for," he asked staring into my eyes.

"I need to finish what I started," he looked at me through hooded eyes, his tongue came out to lick his lower lip and all I wanted was his mouth on mine again.

"Why can't you stop?"

"Because I have gone too far," I caressed his cheek and his caught mine kissing the inside of it.

"Why two," he asked.

"I'm playing a dangerous game, Aaron. I'm playing with someone's heart and I know when it all ends, I would need time to find myself again, to be who I was again, to be who I was when I met you."

"And if you fall for him? Where would it leave me?" His tone wasn't accusatory but one filled with pain.

"No one can love me more than you Aaron and even I can't love someone else other than you," he didn't speak and we got surrounded by silence.

"Please," I plead. "Please, give me your trust, your patience, your time, your love, your strength and your hopes. Trust me and I promise I will be come back only to be yours forever so we could run away to our wonderland," I breathed out against his lips.

"Will you stay with me for tonight just so I can hold you?" he asked.

"I will," his eyes bore into mine like they were searching for something.

"Then, I will give you your two months but not a second extra, Serilda. Not even a breath extra, two months then I'm coming for you and you can't run away. Promise me you won't run away," he asked while his eyes pleaded mine to give him that.

"I promise, not to run away and to be with you for the rest of your breaths after these two months end," I spoke with confidence, determination, and love.

"I will always be there whenever and for whatever you need me for in these two months because you are my only future," how could such simple words be my undoing. I closed my eyes and savored this moment. This is the best moment of my life and I will never forget it.

"Let's go upstairs," he told me and went to close the door that was left open because of the magical and passionate kiss we had shared.

"Let's go," he said taking my hand and leading me upstairs. He took me to his room where the bed was undone. His laptop and some pages were scattered all over it.

"Just let me clean this up," leaving me near the entrance he walked to the bed picking up everything and piling them up on the side table. The line of medications right there caught my attention.

"What are those for?" I asked pointing towards them.

"Sleeping pills, vitamins, medicine for migraines, depression and all," he replied without looking at him.

"When did you started taking those?"

"You won't like the answer," he replied.

"But I would still love to have it," he looked at me after hearing me with a guilty look.

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