Chapter 20

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All night, you were thinking of what Namjoon told Jin.
"Well that, yes, and although we're not together, I wish to be together," It kept replaying in your mind.
'Y/n, he likes you, but, do you like him?' That thought kept you awake until 1am.
The next day you received a text from your brother and your cousin.

Myeonghan: Hey, I heard you visited Gyoshim, how's he?
You: Fine,
Myeonghan: Alright, be safe k?
You: Ok bro,

You went to Gyoshim's chat.

Gyoshim: We'll have to go through court,
You: What?!

You immediately texted Namjoon.

You: Namjoon ah,
Namjoon: Yes?
You: We'll have to go through court,
Namjoon: WHAT???????!!!!!!!!

You threw yourself back into your bed and turned the other way towards the window. When your phone buzzed.

Namjoon: When?
You: Let me ask him

You went on Gyoshim's chat.

You: Gyoshim, when is the court?
Gyoshim: Tomorrow,
You: Thank you.

Namjoon texted.

Namjoon: Well?
You: Tomorrow,
Namjoon: I'm not released yet!
You: It's discharged dear Namjoon, and I guess they would still accept you there,

It took you until lunch to realize what you just sent him.

dear Namjoon

You facepalmed yourself and you regretted sending that.

You were too scared to visit Namjoon. Because you were still thinking about your feelings towards Namjoon. You have never fallen in love with someone this deep, so you didn't really understand.
When it was the night, you layed down in bed and thought of Namjoon. His handsomeness, his dimples, and you didn't know why you were even thinking of him in the first place.
The night flew by and it was the day of the court. You gathered all the courage you had and visited Namjoon. The nurses said that Namjoon could not go to the court and needed to stay in the hospital. So instead, Namjoon followed you to talk to the animals.
"Minyang and Shomin, today is the day, we would get you out of the forest and back home, alright?" Namjoon said. They were sad that we had to leave. And you felt scared leaving Namjoon. You wanted no one but only him by your side.
When you reached the court, you were nervous. You wanted to clutch something but Namjoon wasn't there for you to clutch his hand. So you clutched the skirt you wore. When you entered the court room, most people were here. You weren't the last one.
The hammer hit the table when court started. You got a shock.
"May the lawyer please step up to do your procedure (omg isdk how a court works and idek whether smth like this involves a court but this is fanfics ok, pls understand)," The judge said.
Gyoshim stood up.
"I would like to allow, Ms Lee Y/n, to adopt the two wild animals. A wolf. And a raccoon." Gyoshim said, "And for that I would like a license (i too have no idea whether adopting a wild animal needs a license idk stuff ok, dont attack me for that it's called fanfiction for a reason and don't adapt from it) for it,"
"We would give the license to you, for the raccoon, but for the wolf, I'm afraid not," The judge said.
"Why not?" You asked. The judged shot at you a stern glance before turning to Gyoshim.
"Yes, why not?" He asked.
"Because of this witness," Another lawyer said. A female one, "May you please enter," She said. In came a black haired boy, same age as you, and it turned out to be Min Yoongi.
"Sit down," The judge said.
Yoongi took his place and smirked at you, you glared at him.
"Please tell us what you saw Yoongi," The lawyer said.
"Well, she apparently, got lost," Yoongi said pointing at you, you glared at him, he smirked and continued. "So while we all were looking, we were all calling her name, and we encountered two wolves, a white one and a grey one," Yoongi said. Your eyes teared up as he mentioned Minra.
"And they growled at us and one of my friends nearly got bitten by the wolves!" Yoongi exclaimed.
"False statement!" You exclaimed.
"Objection!" Gyoshim exclaimed.
"Min Yoongi is lying, the wolves didn't nearly bite them! It was Namjoon's snore!" You guessed. Yoongi scoffed.
"Ms Lee Y/n!" The judge exclaimed, "Sit down!"
You reluctantly sat down.
"Let your lawyer speak," The judge said.
"Thank you, so, as what Mr. Min said, the wolves nearly bit your friend's hand, am I right?" Gyoshim said, and Yoongi nodded, "Was it because, you were calling her name?" He asked.
Yoongi's lawyer put up her hand.
"What's that got to do with the close attack?" She asked.
"Because the wolves, being loyal creatures they are, they feel threatened when the thing they love, are being mentioned, so they be over-protective, but think about it," Gyoshim said, he turned to you.
"Ms Lee, when did you meet the wolves when that happened?" He asked.
"I don't know the date," You said.
"Mr. Min?" Gyoshim asked.
"The day after we went into the forest," Yoongi said.
"The next morning," You said.
Yoongi's lawyer put up her hand.
"How is it possible to trust someone so quickly may I ask?" She asked.
"Dogs are incredible creatures, so they gain trust easily, and plus, dogs can tell if they can trust that person or not," Gyoshim said, "therefore, the wolves were just being over-protective, but if they weren't as over-protective, that wouldn't have happened, as wolves wouldn't attack randomly if they wanted food as they didn't look like they were starving, did they Mr. Min?" Yoongi jus glared at you, "Nor did they look like they wanted to attack for fun,"
Yoongi was starting to glare at you, so did his lawyer, they realized they were losing. Yoongi's lawyer put up her hand.
"Wolves are not dogs!" You could tell she was going to rage after this court. Yoongi glared at her angrily for not thinking of a better arguement back.
"You are right, wolves aren't-" Gyoshim said.
"Yes, therefore-" She interrupted but Gyoshim stopped her.
"I'm not done," He said. She was furious. "As I was saying, wolves aren't dogs, but dogs are descendants, of wolves, so we can say that, dogs got the wolves' traits, conclusion? The wolf was being over-protective." Gyoshim said and when he sat back down, you gave him your thumbs up. The judge and the people behind discussed, before the judge hit the hammer once more, and stood up.
"We have discussed and have concluded that, Ms Lee would get the license for the wolf..." The judge said.
"And the raccoon?" You asked. The judge found you annoying.
"Yes the raccoon too, the license, court ended." He said.
You rejoiced.

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