Chapter 9

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   WheelJacks p.o.v

     I woke up to the sound of laughter. Unfamiliar laughter. I slouched my brow in confusion. I got up, rubbing my head from the dent in it. Then a running of ped steps. Then, music. Jazz. I sigh and lie back down. This was sure to be a long day. A helmache started to set in. I didn't want to get up but now my helm left me no choice. I needed some helmache medicine. Fast, if not, I think my processor is gonna pop out. Slowly, I drag my peds off the berth and set them onto the floor. I suddenly get too dizzy and fall straight to the ground. I yelp. I didn't mean to, it was just so sudden. I hear a pair of ped steps coming to my door. I was still too dizzy to make my way up and off the ground.
     "Need some help their kid?" I rose a brow at the mention of kid. I looked to see IronHide though. He's only like ten orns older! Okay, that is a bit I suppose. "If ya don't mind?" I could feel his smile forming upon me. "Sure thing." He bends to pick me up by my arms as my legs do some work to support my weight. "Thanks," I state as my peds once again, meet the floor. "How about I help ya to the med bay? You look a little dizzy." He did anyway though.

     "What seems to be the problem?" Ratchet asks and I look at him. My helm pounding to the point I hear thudding in my processor. "I'm having really bad dizziness. My helm hurts super bad," I admitted. Most of the time I would suck it up and call him Doc and smirk at him all the time. This time, I was in some serious pain. "Ratchet please make it stop." I grind my denta together. He knew I was in immense pain since I used his designation. "Hang in there. I'll get you some pain meds." I nodded which felt like I needed some oil for my helms wiring. Ratchet came back with the strongest stuff we have. "Take these." I took them. It would take a bit to kick into my system. "Stay in here with me until it goes away. Thank you IronHide, for the assistance." I heard IronHide walk away. "With helm dents brings helmaches. This is completely normal." I look and him through one optic, the other srunched in pain. "T-thanks." He bods before taking a seat in his chair. I relax for a bit trying to focus on other things. Until Jazz decides it would be the brightest idea as to turn up his volumes. The music plays super loud. I groan as I cover the sides of my helm. "Jazz!" I hear Ratchet shout, my helm throbs at that. I could hear Ratchet saying something to him. "Sorry Ratchet, I'll go atop of base." That was the end of it.

Smokescreens p.o.v

"So Hot Rod, what's your speeding record?" Hot Rod gives me a 'are you serious' look. "He hasn't tried that yet." Bumblebee admits for him. "You haven't captured your greatest speed yet?" My faceplates show my shocked expression. Hot Rod only shrugs. "We are going out of base to have a race!" I run into the main room, Bumblebee and Hot Rod right behind me. We all transform and head out of base.

"Ready?" Were all lined up, engines roaring, and rattling. "GO!" We all take off. I take the lead, of course. But, then Hot Rod passed me. He's ways ahead now. Bumblebee in pursuit of him. I'm left behind in a trail of dust. "You've got to be kidding," I muttered. I try my hardest to get back to them and it doesn't work. Then they pass the mark. Hot Rod places first. We all transform. "Nice Hoty Rody!" They fist bump. "No way!" I look at Hot Rod in disbelief. He smiles, "Thanks Smoky, I didn't know I could go that fast!" He transforms and heads back to base, again super fast. I look to Bee and he looks me in the optics. "What's wrong?" His expression is worried. "N-nothing." I shake my helm as I transform. I drive off after that. Not wanting to be embarrassed further. "How could he beat me?" I muttered.

I close the door to my berth room. The lights immediately turn on. "How can I go faster than him? Maybe Ratchet has something that could help...nah. He would say it's too dangerous. Wait! That synthetic energon!" I smirk. "I know where to find some too!"

Arcee's p.o.v

Jack hops off and takes his helmet under his arm. "Bye Arcee! See ya tomorrow!" He waves as he walks into the house. "Bye Jack." I transform quickly and press my bracelet to go into my human form. I grab the extra helmet and hop on my bike. "This is gonna be so fun!" A little drive could never hurt anybody.

An hour later out in the desert, I run out of gas. "Stupid! How could I have possible forgotten that I need gas when in human form. I couldn't just leave it here. I could just transform back into it but then what if I need it during battle. There's no way for me to go and get gas in my bot form. "Scrap!" I grab my phone out of my pocket. I call Miko who's still at base. My blue painted nail beats against the back of my phone. "Please pickup." I mutter. After the third ring it cuts short and she picks up. "Hey Arcee! What ya need?" I smile, "well I could use some gas. I kinda forgot about that. I need you guys to bring me some of ya don't mind." There's a pause. "Bulkhead said he's got some extra he'll bring to you!" I smile in delight, "Thanks, I'll send my coordinates." After that we both hang up. I wait patiently for them.

About twenty minutes later I see dirt fly up in the distance and it's Bulkheads form. He gets closer and I see he's also in his human form. He pulls up when close enough and grabs something from his passenger seat and unbuckles himself before opening his door and hopping out. "Delivery." I giggle at that. "Thanks Bulk." He nods and fills up the gas tank. "Alright, we should prolly head back." We both look to see the sun setting on the horizon. "Good idea." We both get into our vehicles and head back to base.

Once there, we got back into Cybertronian form. "Ah, it's good to be back." I stretch my arms. "Bumblebee is taking Raf and Miko home at the moment. Crosshairs is in the sparring room. WheelJack is sleeping in the med bay due to a severe helmache and Ratchet's in the med bay watching over him." I nod making sure everyone is doing okay. "What about Drift and Optimus?" Bulkheads optics go wide. "Ratchets gonna have my helm!" He Squeaks and runs to the computer. "What did you do?" I glare at him. He types fast. "I Uh sorta maybe have uh forgotten to uh bring Optimus and Drift back from there mission in the jungle in Brazil." I facepalm, "BULKHEAD!" I growl at him and he opens the bridge. "I'm sorry, I totally forgot!" Hey says defensively. Drift is the first one in, he holds a stern face. But, a claw mark on his chest plating, the headlight smashed out of it. Optimus comes through and has no marks on him. He only holds a face of disappointment. "What was the meaning of this?" His voice is stern, anger dancing through it. "Sorry Optimus, I completely forgot about it." Bulkhead bowed his helm in shame. "It's not me you should be apologizing to. Drift was attacked by a, what humans call tiger." Drift grunted as he put his sword back causing more energon to come out of his wound. Drift walked to the med bay and we heard Ratchet gasp. "What in the pits of Cybertron!" WheelJack groaned and Optimus sighed shaking his head.

Ratchet's p.o.v

I had fixed up Drift who was tired and went to his berthroom. Bulkhead felt guilty but Drift had reassured him it was alright. Bulkhead went off to bed. Arcee was talking with Optimus and IronHide about the energon that was found in the jungle. "Has anyone seen Bumblebee yet?" I asked coming out if the med bay making sure not to wake the snoozing WheelJack. They all stopped their conversation. "Everyone else went to their berthrooms." Arcee looked at the scanners. "He's on here." I looked and heard ped steps behind me. Crosshairs was coming out of the sparring room and looked at everyone. "The kids not back?" We shook our helms. His beacon was at a stop. I comm linked him and he didn't answer until the second time I called him. "Bumblebee?" He answered with a series of beeps. "Slow down I can't understand you!" He did just that, :.:ITS BREAKDOWN! HE TORE OF MY BEACON AND HES REAR ENDING ME! IM ABOUT TO SPIN OUT OF CONTROL RATCHET!:.: static strayed to come in then a bashing sound of metal against metal. The call ended. The silence was thick, thick enough to cut it with a knife. "What's the plan?" Crosshairs growled. Then, tires screeched through the tunnels. We aimed our weapons ready for a Decepticon. But, Bumblebee made it trough instead. His hood and the side of him was bashed into. Smoke came from his hood. "Bumblebee, can you transform?" The lights of base were still. Bumblebee whirred weakly and he transformed. He landed on his servos and knee caps. "Alright, let's get you up." He nodded as smoke cane form his chassis where wires would spit out energon. "Quickly." He tried to stand but to no avail. "Let me help you." Crosshairs muttered. He grabbed the young bot around the waist and threw his arm around his shoulders. "Thanks Hairs." Bee beeped. "It's no problem kid." I took them to the med bay and got to work. "We're gonna have to make you stay in base for a day." Bumblebee groaned at that and let out a low whistle.

(TFP) Book 3: This Little Word Is HarshTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon