Chapter 4

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   Bulkheads p.o.v

     "You are fired!"

     I walked down the steps to the museum in a black t-shirt and blue jeans. I had been fired. It wasn't my fault the guy threatened me. He said he was a Decepticon. At least I though he did. It was pouring rain. Then, something brightened my day, more than anything could have. A girl with black hair and pink streaks jumped out of a car right onto me. I thought at first she was mistaken until I saw her face. "MIKO!" She laughed as she wiped her tears away. Then another guy stepped out. He had super light brown hair that was shaggy and all over like Bumblebee's. His eyes were a low blue. He was wearing a black leather jacket and blue jeans. "Who are you?" I ask and put Miko behind me. She poked her head out though, "Bulkhead you don't have to worry, that's-." She was cut off by the man, "I'm Hot Rod." I smiled wide, "HOT ROD! Bumblebee is gonna be so happy when he sees you!" I hug him tight and he laughs. "I can't wait to see him. We just have to find him first." He looked sad at that, "I know." Then someone else stepped out. This man had a man bun that was black like the rest of his hair. He wore almost something like robes that were blue. "Drift." He bowed and I smirked, "Nice to see you too Drift."
     "Crosshairs, Jazz, and IronHide are back at our new base. Along with your other human companions." Drift went back to the driver side of the car. "Agent Fowler gave this to who?" Hot Rod was the one to answer, "me but Drift don't trust me to drive when it's rainy yet." Hot Rod rolled his eyes. "Safety precautions." Miko mumbled and got in the back. Hot Rod did also, "you're older you get front." I chuckled and got in. "Have you found anyone else?" They shook their heads, "a beacon was on you. It showed up as you and Miko insisted she went. I thought it was a trap. Young minds do not listen well." Drift sounded annoyed. "That's Miko." Then a Call came to someone's cell phone. I looked back and Hot Rod had his IPhone 7 out. It was a grey one. "It's Optimus' beacon!" Drift gave a curt nod and took the Phone. He followed it. "IronHide got the last beacon. I don't know why this happens but I know the cons know we are here." Drift muttered angrily. "Surprise, surprise." Miko grumbled. "Let's just get there. It's not far." Drift sped up to the limit.

Bumblebee's p.o.v

I awoke to see daylight peak through the blinds. My vision was blurry for a moment before everything was in focus. I tried sitting up only for my leg to shoot a pain up me. I clenched my teeth and threw my head back as I clenched my fists. "Are you alright?" I noticed the voice to be Optimus, "hurts." I gasped through clenched teeth. "I'll get pain medicine." He left without another word. I hated being hurt, but sometimes it's worth the pain. I just hope we find the rest of the team. I hope Raf is doing alright. I need to learn more about big words.
     Optimus came back into the room, "Take this." He gave me two pills and a glass of water. I sat up slowly on my elbows and drank it, while swallowing my pills. "Thank you." He nodded and went to a window where a seat was already in place. "What's wrong?" My voice was so scratchy I didn't know if he knew what I said. "I'm...worried." I got up to my crutches and hobbled to him, "sir, I know they are alright. Arcee may be small but she's fierce. Bulkhead may not be light on his feet but he's tough. WheelJack might not take everything seriously but he's swift. Ratchet may be old and grumpy...also a wrench thrower but I know deep down he's the old bot he used to be in war." Optimus was now looking me in the eyes. "Thank you." I shook my head, "no need." He smiled a little bit and looked back to the outside.

     A good hour later there was a knock at the door. Optimus and I were on our feet in a split second. "I'll get it." He mumbled. I nodded and took another sip of my water. We had been talking and looking outside the whole time.

   Hot Rods p.o.v

     Here we were. "Who's going first?" The rain trickled down my window as I stared at the house. "I'll go first. Primus knows I'm the only mature one in this car to go meet a Prime." Drift got out as we all followed in suite. "That's harsh." I smiled. He pursed his lips and gave me a glare. He walked to the door and knocked on it. There was a silence then footsteps. Miko was behind me, Bulkhead at my side. The door opened and Optimus' facial expression made me smile. "Bulkhead? Miko?" They both smiled warmly. "Hell Optimus Prime, my name is Drift." Drift bowed. "Welcome Drift. I'm glad to see you alive and well." Drift nodded with a small smile to match Optimus'. "Uh, Hot Rod sir." Optimus smiled wider, "I have someone in the kitchen that would be more than happy to see you again young one." That could only mean one person. "Come on in everyone." He stepped aside and I walked in first. I kicked off my sneakers and walked around the corner. I looked to see someone at a kitchen table, there back turned. "Hello?" The man turned around. The others had joined behind me. "Bumblebee, it's Hot Rod." His eyes were wide. Bumblebee tried to get up but fell back down on the seat then that's when I spotted the crutches. "Oh Bee." I whispered. I moved to him and he jumped to me. I hugged him tight. "It's alright. I'm here. I'm right here now." He hugged tighter. That's when I noticed he had army pants on and tags. "Bumblebee, were you- were ya in the army?" I saw everyone tense. Bulkhead didn't look to happy. "Yes." His voice was hoarse. "You're voice." He shook his head, "doesn't work in bot form." I hugged him tighter. "Oh hell kid. Oh Primus. I hate what the universe has done with ya." He didn't let me go.

Crosshairs' p.o.v

"Hot Rod, where are you?" IronHide shouted into the com and when the com link opened a loud shot went off. Then a shout, :.:HOT ROD!....Megatron!:.: My optics went wide and I turned to IronHide. "They need help." I growled and transformed. "They are near our base. No humans." I took off out of base in the old planes garage. I followed their beacon then I reached the fight. Hot Rod was on the ground. Red liquid around him. Bumblebee covering him as cons came from every which way. Everyone had a gun. I growled and turned to the cons, "Hey! Did you cons know not to bring a puny human gun to a Cybertronian fight?!" They gasped as I transformed. The rain thudding against me. "RETREAT!" A roar was sounded and I smirked, "that's right! You better run!" I squatted down. "How is he kid?" Bumblebee didn't greet me he just jumped down to Hot Rod. "Billet grazed his side. He passed out from the amount of blood loss. Nothing we can't handle." I transformed and opened my doors. "Get in." Some got in but others got in with Drift as the driver of Hot rods car. "Let's move." We raced back to base. When we got there I hit my bracelet and went human to grab Hot Rod from Bee and run inside. Bumblebee was on crutches. I didn't ask him though. "We need a medic!" I shouted running in. Jazz went optics wide and immediately went into human form. "Set him on the table." I did and he got to work.
"Hairs?" Bee Asked. I turned around and smiled. "Welcome back?" Bumblebee smiles with a nod. "IronHide!" Bulkhead shouts and Bumblebee turns. "Haven't seen you in a while. IronHide shrugs, "been gone. Lost to the stars." Optimus steps up, "how are you all able to turn human and back?" IronHide smiled and set down a box for us. "Ratchet left his blueprints out. We managed to have them salvaged. "Thank you old friend." Optimus put on the blue and white bracelet. He hit the button and he towered over everyone. His voice rumbled now, "it's good to be back." Bumblebee grabbed one and did the same along with Bulkhead. "I'm back." Bulkhead said as he pressed the button and he was big and green again. "WOO!" Bee presses his and so did I. Bumblebee was a lot older looking than when I last saw him. He spoke in old Cybertronian code still. "Leg!" He started to fall and I caught him. "Woah there. Go back to human form. It's easier kid." He did. Then a voice, "I'm fine...don't you dare." We all turned to see Hot Rod on the table. "Welcome back to earth." He snorted and rolled his eyes, "ya, what a nice welcome present I received." Everyone laughed. "Alright, help me bandage this up." Bulkhead grabbed the lob ball from the corner, "oh how I miss my Jackie." Drift rolled his eyes, "I'm sure we will find him by tomorrow." The thing was, he was right. But, the catch was, someone got there before we did. The sight made our sparks jump to our throat cords.

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