No Control ~ 10 {Yoongi/Suga FF}

Start from the beginning

Yoongi looks up but when he looks at you he looks rather confused.

"I don't think annoying and irritating was your type," you said continuing to speak as Yoongi stood there quiet however you began to resay the words Taehyung mentioned in the car on how Yoongi described you. If Yoongi did like you.. he wouldn't talk about you in such a negative way to his friends.

"You're right, I don't like you.." Yoongi blurts out with absolutely no reaction...

Hearing those words leave Yoong's mouth made a stinging feeling come out of nowhere... You really do like yoongi.. but hearing the words I don't like you just made you feel like complete crap. You were hoping Yoongi would say he did, but clearly, he isn't interested in...

"Then why are you jealous?" You asked Yoongi trying to hide the fact that you were hurt.

"I'm not, I just don't want Jimin with someone annoying and irritating," he says coldly and he walks off just leaving you there speechless... Not giving you a chance to even speak or even reply to his comment.

Then what was the kiss about? You couldn't help but feel your eyes water. You took a deep breath and leaned against a tree...That kiss didn't mean anything...

Right about now you wish you were on your way home... You wanted nothing to do with Yoongi.


You walked back to where the tents were and found the boys around the fire with the fish Taehyung caught...

"Hey! Y/N over here!" Jimin says waving at the empty spot next to him but you just smiled and shook your head. You weren't in the mood to be around anyone.

"I'm not hungry.." You said looking at Jimin and all of the boys had their eye glued to you.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks you and you smiled.

"Yeah just tired." Pure bullshit.

You glanced at Yoongi and looked at the way he didn't bother looking your direction... Instead, he continued to stare at the fire in front of him with his hands in his pocket... So that's it?

Maybe coming to this camping trip was a mistake...

You walked back to the tent and just made your way in. What sucks about all of this is you share a tent with Yoongi. As much as you wished you could avoid Yoongi... It didn't seem like it was even possible. You sighed and felt completely frustrated with the whole situation. You could have been someone else and go next to Jimin and act like nothing happened however you couldn't seem to do that... Your feelings were in the way... Yoongi was there and you weren't ready to look at him... After all, he clearly doesn't care about you...

"Y/N?" You suddenly hear and you took one look up at the tent little entrance and at that moment you suddenly see Jimin right then and there.

"Oh hey..." You awkwardly blurted out trying to avoid eye contact, however, Jimin was staring right at you.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Jimin asks looking at you and you put a fake smile and looked at him.


"Are you okay?" Jimin asks you and you just shrugged...

"Just homesick," you lied and Jimin smiles.

"It's only been a day.." Jimin was quick to point out and at that moment you realized you were low key in your feels.

"No not homesick at my uncle's house... I miss my hometown. I miss how things used to be." You said clarifying yourself and at that moment Jimin stepped into the ten a little more and sat right next to you having all his attention on you.

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