Classic > Plastic - Hayes Grier Imagine

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*from my Tumblr*

Classic > Plastic - Hayes Grier Imagine


That’s all you had to say to make me smile. Yes, the all popular, forever gorgeous, blue eyed monster Hayes Grier was my best friend… and that simple fact? It made me *almost* the happiest person alive. My family and his had been close forever, and Hayes and I were practically attached at the hip. But the only thing that could make my situation any better? If he loved me like I loved him.

Damn that boy… making me fall deeper in love with him every day. Whenever I’d get a text from him, I’d smile to myself. Whenever we’d hang out? The butterflies in my tummy wouldn’t stop raging till I fell asleep that night. And when he smiled… oooh, when he smiled. It was like rebirth to me. I couldn’t possibly be more in love.

“Hey, Y/N,” he said, walking into my room one sunny summer morning. He wore an old t shirt with paint stains and some basketball shorts… but to me, he couldn’t have looked more perfect. He flung his perfect brown hair across his forehead and adjusted it with his fingers as he looked in my full body mirror. He picked up one of the pictures I had of Harry Styles stuck in the side of the mirror. He laughed. “When are you going to get OVER this boy?” he chuckled to himself. “I’m telling you… nobody that perfect actually exists.”

I rolled my eyes. “well… there is someone quite perfect standing within five feet of me,” I mumbled under my breath, barely audible.

“What was that?” he asked.

“Nothing, nothing,” I shrugged, finishing the braid I was putting my hair into. I stood up and smiled at him… but it was a sort of half smile. The kind where you’re just trying to hide what’s underneath.

“Hey…” he said, walking towards me and rubbing my arm up and down. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah…” I murmured, looking at the ground and twiddling with the end of my braid.

“Come on,” he said, gently. “Are you sure?”

“I just… that girl. The one you like?” I said, looking up at him quickly before averting my eyes back down to my hair. It was oddly interesting.

“What about her?” he asked. His voice was soft.

“I mean. I know she only likes you because you’re famous,” I blurted out, totally inconsiderately.

“What? Y/N… no…” Hayes said.

“I’m serious! It’s true. Can’t you tell? She’s just some stupid plastic brat… Sabrina,” I said, sighing in anger and crossing my arms.

“Don’t call her that!” he said defensively. He took a step towards me. I could tell he was super angry. “Why would you ever say that?!” he yelled.

“Because I love you, Hayes! I’m so god damn in love with you… I can’t even stand it! And it kills me to think you’d rather have some annoying ass girl like her over someone who truly loves you… someone like me.” I could feel tears spilling out over my cheeks and dripping down to the floor. I hung my head and covered my face with my hands. I shook my head quickly… so embarrassed and upset. I dragged myself over to my bed and laid down on my stomach.

I couldn’t hear Hayes moving. I thought he’d left. I mean, that would’ve been the best thing. I could stop myself from any further embarrassment. I was about to just break down and sob when I felt a hand on my back. It was soft and gentle and rubbed up and down comforting me.

“Shh…” I heard his voice whisper. “Y/N… oh, Y/N… you’re so beautiful. Even when you cry… you get even more beautiful, if that’s even possible. I’ve loved you forever and I just thought that Sabrina would help take my mind off it, because you? A girl like you could never want some loser like me.”

The tears stopped and I stared down at my pillow, shocked. Hayes loved me? I was in shock for a couple of seconds.

“Well say something…” he said impatiently. I pushed myself off my pillow and stared at him for what felt like forever. And without saying anything, I leaned in and kissed him… something I’d been waiting for for way longer than I should’ve. 

One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ