Disney World - Nash Grier Imagine

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Nash Grier Imagine

You trudged into the girl’s locker room at work, 7:00am on a Saturday morning. Your job had awful hours (7-3 four days of the week during the summer). But you didn’t mind, the job was fun and it paid very well. You walked over to your locker and opened it, throwing your sweatpants and jacket inside and pulling off your sandals. You let your curled hair down out of the ponytail and blotted the excess oil on your forehead. As you walked over to the costumes rack, you sighed, drearily greeted your co-workers, Lily and Annabelle.

“Hey, Y/N,” they said simultaneously, their twin instincts kicking in. The two girls were tall, blonde and beautiful: twins. They grabbed their dresses and the pair of shoes for the day off the rack and began to pull them on. You sighed, looking towards the Cinderella blue dress that hung by itself on its hanger. You pulled it off and stepped in, tugging the fabric up your body. It fit snugly, as the tailor had altered it just for you. You needed it, as you were working here at Disney World all summer.

Yes, you worked at Disney World, in Orlando Florida. It was a very well-paying job, acting like a princess. You (as Cinderella), Lily (as Sleeping Beauty) and Annabelle (as Rapunzel), all working on the seventh floor of Cinderella’s castle in the Magic Kingdom. The other workers (Jenny as Belle, Maggie as Ariel, Natalie as Jasmine, Valerie as Snow White and Hana as Tiana from Princess and the Frog) served on the lower levels, not getting to participate in the main event. You and the twins had been working there the longest, and had a special promotion for the 10:00 brunch event. It was just a little activity for the little girls and boys that showed up. You just had to walk around with your “Prince Charming” and take pictures, sing songs, etc. It was an awesome job.

You sighed, pulling your hair up into your classic Cinderella bun and swiped on some eyeliner and pink lipstick. You carefully put on your fake glass slippers (that looked surprisingly real), before heading out to the main room with the other girls. Jenny, Maggie, Natalie, Val and Hana were already there, waiting with your boss/director, Mr. Davisson, as well as the boys. Not all of the princesses got to have a prince, but you did. Sadly, your friend Aaron had been fired from the job last week for doing something stupid in the boys’ locker room. You didn’t know what it was, but all you did know was that you were getting a new Prince Charming today.

You glanced around the group in the festive costumes, taking in all of the sparkles. All of the little girls looked up to you guys and Mr. Davisson like to give everyone a pep talk before the day’s activities began. “Just remember to stay in character!” he called to you guys as you all nodded in agreement and headed out for the day. You all started towards the Magic Kingdom castle and piled into the elevator, puffy dresses and all, as the elevator stopped every so often and a few characters got out.

Soon enough, it was just Lily, Annabelle, Cameron (who was Lily’s prince), Matt (who was Flynn Rider), you and the mystery boy who was your new Prince Charming. The elevator dinged at stop number seven, and you all scrambled out the door. Julie, the hostess of the level seven breakfast, greeted you all as well as the waiters and waitresses.

A tap on your shoulder made you turn around to a beautiful sight. Your eyes widened at the bright blue you were staring at. Whoever it was, he was gorgeous. His face was adorable, and his body still looked hot even in his Renaissance Prince Charming costume. He looked you up and down and smiled to himself, before meeting his eyes with yours again.

“Hi,” he said, sticking out a hand for you to shake, which you did, “I’m Nash. Nash Grier?” He asked, trying to see if you knew who he was.

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