Hayes to the Rescue! - Hayes Grier Imagine

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*from my Tumblr*


Hayes to the Rescue! - Hayes Imagine for Anon

I gazed dreamily at the back of his head. I could see the tie of his pink bandana… and his arm muscles perfectly through his back tank top. His hair was beautiful, and it flopped flawlessly over the sides of his bandana. He used to be the sweetest guy at school. He’d always smile at everyone in the halls, even me a few times! He’d just be the nicest guy you knew. But he left for a couple months, going on that Magcon tour thing. I don’t know what that’s all about. And he just got back yesterday, and (to my endless gratefulness) sitting in front of me in World History. Taylor… I sighed to myself.

“Y/N?” Mr. Bernstein snapped at me. I shook my head quickly and blinked a few times and looked up at him, snapped out of my Taylor daze. Tay turned around to look at me and scoffed, rolling his eyes and laughing. I immediately felt insecure and reached to fix my hair and rub my nose. “Would you like to add to the discussion or continue fantasizing?” the teacher asked rudely.

I shook my head quickly. “Won’t happen again, sir,” I said quietly and looked down at my desk. The bell rang a few minutes later and I hopped out of my seat and picked up my bag. On my way out the door I bumped into a large figure whom was standing right in the doorway. I shook my head. “Sorry, sorry,” I looked up into Taylor’s gorgeous eyes.

“Sorry yourself…” he said laughing at me once again. “Daydreaming about me again?” he walked away, rolling his eyes like an asshole. I wanted to cry. I pushed out of the class room and ran towards my locker. I found it quickly and upon opening the door, I buried my face into it, sniffling like an idiot. I stayed that way, holding the tears in until I heard someone clear their throat to my right.

“Are you okay?” I heard a boy’s voice ask gently. I felt a hand on my arm. My head slowly crept out of the depths of the locker and my red eyes looked up to see my best friend, Hayes. I looked at him with a pitiful look on my face. I could feel the tears welling up inside.

“Hey now, hey now,” he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. He wrapped his muscular thick arms around me and put him chin on my head. “Let’s go somewhere quiet, okay?” I just nodded slightly and kicked the door to my locker shut. Hayes pulled me outside and to our favorite bench. It was so hidden from the front entrance of the school and from the fields out back. No one ever came out here. We sat down and Hayes put an arm around me, looking into my eyes with his bright blue ones. “What happened?” he asked, his voice soft and comforting. His hand reached up to my cheek and he gave a halfhearted smile.

“Just… Taylor,” I said quietly. Hayes’ face got agitated. “He was being rude.”

“That stupid asshole,” Hayes said quickly. I could feel his arm muscles tensing. “I don’t understand why you like him so much. Ever since he got back, he’s been such a douche! Why would you ever want a guy like that? Y/N, you’re so much better than that. You deserve more than that. Don’t you understand?” He looked down, his eyes pleading. There were tears falling out of mine.

“Hayes…” I said. I ran my fingers down the fabric of his shirt covering his toned chest.

“Nothing,” he said once. Those baby blues looked away for a second before he sighed. “Listen… Y/N, I don’t want you to be with him. Especially now that he’s turned into some ignorant, stupid asshole. I just… I want you to be with me. Because… well, b-because… I love you,” he said quietly. He was looking at me the whole time, but after he stuttered the last three words, he looked away, absolutely helpless.

“Hayes,” I said, a whole new tone in my voice. “Thank you. And… I love you, too. I’d rather be with a perfect guy like you over someone like Taylor any day. I love you.” Hayes smiled. And I smiled back. 

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