I Told You - Shawn Mendes Imagine for Bryce

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*from my Tumblr*


Shawn and Bryce

Bryce’s POV

I stood at my booth next to Cameron during Nashville Magcon, sweating under all of the hot lights. I wiped off my forehead and pulled off my sweater, revealing my gray tank top. I took a sip from my water bottle and scrolled through my Twitter, waiting for the next girl to come and see me.

“Hi, Bryce!” a girl who looked around 15 screamed as she walked up to me.

“Hey!” I said, giving her a hug. She was a lot taller than me, and it was hard to hug her, but I did it anyway.

“I love your vines,” she said as her friend snapped a picture of us.

“Thanks so much! It means a lot,” I said. “What’s your name?” I asked her.

“I’m Sammy, and this is Gabby,” she said, pointing to her friend.

“It’s nice to meet you guys,” I said, taking a picture with Gabby.

“It’s awesome to meet you. We love you so much,” they said simultaneously. “But I think we know who loves you more,” Sammy started. I looked at her, confused.

“Who…?” I asked.

“Shawn! We can totally tell. It’s obvious,” Gabby said, nodding. Just before I could ask them how, the security guard ushered them away and back into the mob of girls. Cameron leaned over to my booth.

“It’s true. All the guys know it,” he whispered to me. I shook my head. Shawn so did not like me. I mean he couldn’t. I’ve like the guy forever, and there were no signs that he ever even paid any attention to me. “Believe what you want,” Cam said, “but it’s true.”

For the next hour, Shawn continually popped into my mind. I took frequent glances at his booth, four away from me, and stared at him. Gosh, he was adorable.

At around 4:00, all of the guys and I hopped up on the stage for some performances. I sat on the edge next to Jack J, and we chatted quietly as the special guests performed.

“Shawn likes you,” Jack started as some singer was in the middle of Hey, Soul Sister by Train.

“No, he doesn’t!” I whisper-screamed. I shook my head back and forth fast.

“Yea, he totally does. I can tell. We all can,” Jack said, nodding, his eyes totally serious. I just shrugged, casting off the possibility of Shawn liking me. He didn’t.

Shawn soon got up with his guitar to perform. He started off with a cover of As Long as You Love Me, by Justin Bieber, which all of the girls loved and screamed for.

“Thank you guys so much,” Shawn said into the microphone, his voice booming all throughout the ballroom. “Now this next song… it’s great. You guys probably all know it, so sing along. It’s called Give Me Love.” The girls roared, jumping up and down, holding phones and cameras in the air to catch the action going on up on the stage. Shawn looked down at his guitar, then at me, winking. He smiled before starting to strum. Jack looked at me with the I-told-you-so look before turning back and talking to Carter.

“Give me love like her

Cause lately I’ve been waking up alone.”

Shawn sang into the microphone. His voice was scratchy and beautiful. It could put me to sleep on the spot.

“Pain splattered teardrops on my shirt

Told you I’d let them go.

And that I’ll fight my corner

Maybe tonight I’ll call you

After my blood turns into alcohol,” Shawn turned and stared straight into my eyes. “Oh I just wanna hold you.” The rest of the song, Shawn sang to me, only me, no one else.

As he came close to the last chorus, the girls in the audience caught on with what he was doing. Suddenly a quiet chant came over the crowd.

“Bryce… Bryce… Bryce… Bryce… Bryce…” the girls chanted. It was loud and clear. I looked at the boys back and forth. They all nodded to me as Shawn continued to sing, staring straight at me. Jack pushed me up, helping me stand and gaveling me a little nudge toward the boy singing. “Bryce… Bryce… Bryce…” they continued. I walked slowly, biting my lip, wringing my hands.

I stepped up to the boy, still not looking him in the eye.

“My, my, my, my, give me love,” Shawn sang, the last line. The last strum faded away and I stood there, staring into the big brown eyes that I’d grown to love. “This… is hard for me to say…” Shawn said, looking at me with a nervous expression. My jaw opened a little and my eyes didn’t leave his. “I…” he looked at the guitar in his hand. The girls were silent, waiting for him to say something.

“SAY IT!” Cameron yelled from the floor. Shawn looked to him, nodding, and then back to me.

“I… I love you, Bryce,” he said in all sincerity. I took in a huge amount of air, a smile spreading on my lips, my eyes darting all over.

“I love you, too, Shawn.” I hugged him. He picked me up off the floor, his arms of pure muscle wrapped tightly around me.

“I told you,” I heard Cameron say before Shawn planted his lips on mine. 

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