Hammock Night - A Personal Imagine

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Hey guys, long time no see!

This imagine is very personal and is based on a real personal experience! It's pretty abstract if you don't really know what the scene is... but it's different and I hope you enjoy it! 

XOXO Grass

Hammock Night

It was late that night, and I can remember every single detailed of it because it was at the same time the worst and greatest night of my life.

June, his birthday month, had been rough. 11 months since we started dating, exactly 7 years after we'd met, and the entire month was filled with chaos. Everything I said had apparently set off some nerve in his body that automatically lashed out at me, and every time I tried to fix things, they blew back up in my face. It had always been like this, but I had always found a way to fix it. I just knew how to fix it because we'd gone so far back to an extent that we just understood each other. June was odd.

I sat outside his house, swinging alone on his hammock in the storm, the place we'd spent hours together. Probably around 3 AM, but I knew I had to be there in that moment. I bet he knew I was there too. I might have been crying, but it could have just been the pellets of rain splattering against my face. I sure as hell felt like crying, though. I could see his bedroom lights were on from the large bay window at the top of the house and I wondered if he was awake.

My body felt numb from the sadness I'd felt. I almost couldn't feel any worse. That was until I saw his blurred figure against the light blue curtains followed by another boyish figure running out the back door to the porch. He stopped where he was on the deck, shutting the door quietly. His hair began to fall from the rain water. It was a nice summer storm, just rain, no thunder or lightning.

He stayed paused for a few minutes, and after a while I just looked down at my hands and laid my head back against the hammock, feeling the rain on my skin. His quiet footsteps echoed against the pouring rain and I was only positively sure of his presence when he sat down next to me on the hammock. We face each other. And only now was I sure of the crying... from both of us. Amidst the rain, it was silent.

5 minutes of staring at each other. My whole body was beginning to numb.

"I thought I understood. And at this rate, if nothing happens, the numbness is going to take over, (H/N)" He stared at me another few minutes.

"(Y/N), no one understands."

Another few minutes.

"I thought you said I did. You told me that even if I couldn't relate, that I could still feel for you. If I really don't understand... please... just try your best to explain it to me."

"He died years ago... you'd think I would've put it behind me by now. But I still bring it up and use it as an excuse to push people away. I've been blocking people out since then. I can't keep a relationship with anyone..." The rain began to fade away. I tried to think about it.

"You told me... a long long time ago, that you blocked people out because of his death. And I distinctly remember telling you that it was okay, and that I understood. And that I knew that I never had experienced anything as tough as you did, but I would try my hardest to understand." I took a deep breath. "You said that you could never block me out."

He looked down at the ground and I could vaguely see the tears rolling down his sweet cheeks. The rain was coming to a complete stop. "It fucking sucks..." he yelled. I squeezed my eyes shut to try to contain myself. A few seconds later I opened them and reached forward, wiping his tears from his cheeks. "(Y/N)..." he sighed.

"'Some days you have to let it all out,'" I repeated what he told me the first day we'd met. He just bit his lip and sobbed, laying his head upon my shoulder as I reached round and held him tightly. "No worries," I say.

"I'm not going to block you out... I couldn't..." he says.

And I held him there, until we woke up the next morning, sprawled about the hammock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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