Downpour - Nash Grier Imagine for Skylar

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Okay guys I think this one is actually really good like jadojfpaf jaio

Downpour - Nash Grier Imagine for Skylar

“Oh, that’s so funny!” I exclaim, clutching my stomach as I double over in laughter at Taylor’s story. He was telling me about when he took his cousin ice skating and the cousin had a bit of an… accident! The way he told the story made it so funny. All the other guys were laughing around us, all except Nash. He sat in the corner scrolling through something on his phone, constantly glancing up and glaring at me. I don’t understand what was wrong. I loved the boy… I’d never do anything to hurt him! And I don’t remember doing anything recently that would make him so upset. Whatever, I sighed.

I turned back around in Nash’s family room to the guys and a couple of my other friends that were girls. Leigh returned from the kitchen and handed me a glass of pink lemonade, my favorite. I sipped at it eagerly, wanting to let it last all day. Cameron decided to tell a story, too. “I remember when I was really little, I was at the beach, and there was this girl that was probably seventeen or eighteen, and she was really pretty, like drop-dead gorgeous… almost as pretty as Skylar,” he said. I blushed bright red. Nash looked up in the corner and scoffed. I tried to shake it off. “And I was staring at her for a few minutes straight,” Cameron continued, “and my mom tapped me and she was like, ‘Cam? What’s wrong?’ and I just looked at her and pointed to the girl and shit my pants right there!” I broke out laughing so hard I couldn’t contain myself. I was literally rolling on the ground, almost hyperventilating.

“Oh, my gosh, Cam!!” I said in between giggles. He wrapped one arm around me as my laughter slightly died down.

“Yeah, she was beautiful,” Cameron exaggerated the last word. “Just like you, Sky!”

If it was even possible, my face turned even brighter red. I mean, I’d always loved Cam as a friend, but he was making it seem as if he liked me or something. He couldn’t, could he? Well even if he did, I had my eyes set on someone else… who was being such a jerk and a buzz kill right now. I took another sip of my lemonade as I glared at Nash. Why was he being such a downer?

“Shut up, Cameron,” he said in such a nasty voice.

“Nash!” I’m angry now. He was now blaming Cameron for trying to be nice when he was obviously the one in the wrong?

“You shut up, too! Skylar, you’re such a whore!” he yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone was silent. His words echoed in the room, piercing my soul. My heart felt heavy, dropping into the pits of my stomach. For a second I was still, my mouth gaping open. It then hit me, what he said. I dropped my glass of lemonade on the table and pushed myself off my seat on the floor.

“Sky…” Jack tried to stop me. I shook of the comments from the blonde haired boy and sprinted towards the door. I flung it open and looked around, into the pouring rain. The streets were soaked and there were little rivers flowing towards all of the drainage openings in the curbs. But it was still bright… it was the warm summer kind of rain. I stepped out the door and slammed it behind me, immersing myself in the precipitation. My pink tank top soaked through within seconds of being in the rain, as well as my denim shorts and white converse. My hair fell in clumps, sticking to my neck and back, but I didn’t care. I ran.

Carter had driven me to Nash’s house early this morning for a day to hang out. I didn’t have a car. I heard the door open from behind me. “SKYLAR!” A deep voice yelled. I didn’t turn around. The door closed and there were loud footsteps behind me.

I looked back for a couple seconds to see Nash’s hair and blue and white shirt all soaked. But I ran on. I needed to get away from him. I’d loved him since we met, and he never even acknowledged it.

“Sky, stop!”

“Come back!”

“I’m sorry!” he yelled to me.

I didn’t answer.

“I didn’t mean it!”


“Skylar, I need you!” he yelled to me.

I didn’t answer.

I soon made it to myself, however out of breath. But I didn’t care. My face was soaked with tears and rain mixed together, the salty taste entering my mouth that hung open from crying. I stopped running and bent over in the middle of the street, hands on my knees, openly crying.

I heard Nash’s footsteps from behind me slowly come to a stop right next to me.

“Skylar…” his voice was soft, calm.

“What?” I spat at him.

“I’m… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said back there. It was an accident. I was just so caught up in everything… I was jealous, ok? I couldn’t stand Cameron with his arms around you. It just made me want to puke! And that’s because… well… Skylar, I… I love you.”

I stared down at the pavement, my eyes wide, and my back still towards the boy. I didn’t look at him. I was silent for a couple of minutes, still digesting what he’d said. He loved me back?

“Well say something…” he said, his voice now slightly nervous.

“Nash…” I said, slowly turning around. I looked up into his big blue eyes. “I love you, too.” A big smile spread on his face, which soon continued on to my face, too. Nash looked down to my hands that hung by my sides, and reached out to take one of them. He pulled me closer to him, so my stomach was against his. He reached up to rest his hands on my neck and pulled me close to him, softly kissing me. My heart exploded in my chest.

It was the perfect kiss.

One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora