Sick Day - Nash Grier Imagine for Christina

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*from my Tumblr*

Nash and Christina

I sighed, trudging into school on Monday morning, my backpack lazily slung over my right shoulder. Its contents were spilling out, but I really didn’t feel like picking any of them up. My eyes were half closed as I crawled down the hallways, trying to get to my locker. Why did mine have to be in the furthest hallway from the door? Nobody looked any more awake than me, so it was okay that I looked like a zombie. But I mean you can’t blame me. I’ve had a cold for about two whole weeks and I’m pretty sure it’s turned into a sinus infection. As I finally tramped over to my locker, a tap on my shoulder startled me.

I swung around quickly, holding my hands out in fists in defense. My head felt momentarily dizzy from my body being moved too fast. I felt a little stupid, as it was only my best friend Nash. He held his arms up in the surrender fashion, but his hands were filled with my school books. “Woah there! Take it easy!” he said in his deep voice, eyes wide as he looked at my fists. I made a pathetic face, trying to recover from being woken up so early.

I dropped my fists, and rubbed my eye with one hand. “Looks like someone didn’t get enough sleep last night…” Nash droned on, handing me my Chemistry textbook. I glared at him, but my look was soon cut off by a cough and a loud sneeze. I covered my mouth with my arm, but almost fell over in exhaustion and dizziness. Nash caught me and stood me back up, so I was leaning against my locker neighbors’ doors. “Come on, Chrissie, why haven’t you been sleeping lately?” Nash asked, emphasizing his nickname for me.

“No… I just…. Had a lot of homework last night,” I lied to his face. I tried to just shrug it off. The truth is, I’ve been up thinking about Nash every night this year… not to mention the sinuses giving me constant pain in my nose, not allowing me to sleep. But back to Nash. I’ve been totally head over heels, Disney princess movie IN LOVE with the kid for seven years. SEVEN YEARS. I met Nash when I was nine years old and we’d been friends for such a long time. You’d think I would have given up by now, but he was much too perfect for me to just forget about.

He never really noticed the way I stared… or the way I wrote his name all over my homework assignments. I think even my teachers noticed that.

“Are you sure you don’t need to go home?” Nash asked, his eyes showing he was concerned. He held onto my arm to make sure I wouldn’t almost fall asleep while standing up again. I tried to shake my head no, but the dizziness and pain finally got to me and I started to sway, trying to keep myself upright. I closed my eyes and felt a raging pain in the back of my head, and collapsed into Nash’s arms. He pulled me back up and slung one of my arms over his shoulders so he was supporting me. “That’s it. I’m taking you home.”

“But… but Nash…” I tried to stop him. I had a huge history final today and I couldn’t miss it.

“No buts, Chrissie. We’re going home.”

Once we arrived at my house, Nash left a note on the counter of the kitchen telling my parents (who were at work) that he was here and would take care of me. I stumbled up the stairs to my bedroom where I fell onto the messy bed. My bedspread and sheets were lying about; I didn’t feel like making my bed this morning.

Nash followed me into my room and pulled the covers up over me. I was only wearing some sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt, so I didn’t need to change or anything. After bringing me a steamy cup of hot chocolate, Nash sat down on the bed next to me, patting my leg through the covers. I sipped at the mug slowly, the warm cocoa flavor filling my mouth. I stared down into the pink mug at the drink, avoiding Nash’s prominent gaze at me. He reached out and held my hand.

“Chrissie… your hands are really hot. Are you sure you don’t have a fever?” I shook my head, rolling over the thought of it. Nash just nodded his head at my answer. After a while of him staring at me, he had me scoot over in my bed so he could sit next to me. I pulled the covers over both of us and rested my head on his shoulder. He still held onto my hand gently, as if it was a baby that he wouldn’t dare hurt. He used his other arm that was closer to me, to wrap around my shoulders and rest gingerly on my arm.

“Nash… I’m going to get you sick,” I tried to tell him. Even though I loved him being with me and caring, it seemed a little selfish to ask for him to get sick for me.

“No, its okay, really. If I get sick, it’ll mean we get to spend more time together,” he said quietly smiling to himself. I felt his hand stroke through my hair soothingly.

“You like spending time with me?” I asked. He didn’t respond for a minute or so. But when he did, I couldn’t brace myself a lot for what he said.

“Of course I do, Christina. I love you.” I sucked in a breath, my eyes wandering the room fast. The butterflies in my stomach were having a party and I could feel my cheeks heat up even more than they already were.

“I… I… I love you, too, Nash,” I said. Dammit, stop stuttering, Christina! I told myself.

“Really?” he asked, sudden relief in his voice. He tipped my chin up so I was looking in his eyes.

“Of course. I’ve loved you for a long time.”

“I’ve loved you for longer.” We sat in each other’s arms for a couple minutes, just admiring the presence of the other. I closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep finally.

“Chrissie?” Nash asked, his voice quiet.


“Will you be my girlfriend?”

I looked up and into his eyes. “I’d love to.” And with that he kissed me on the lips.

Nash and I were stuck in my bed sick all week… but I couldn’t complain. ;)

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