12 | you alone are valid

Start from the beginning

"Who told you? Was it Axel?"

"He didn't tell me much," she defends him, "but I talked to him once I started hearing things and he's confirmed it. You're not the only one, Aviana," she leans in, squeezing my leg. I clench my jaw, forcing the tears to stay behind my eyes. "Tanner has sexually assaulted multiple girls. And no one believes us. Except for Axel, but he's always hated Tanner, so I mean it's been in his best interest." She sighs, looking away again to mumble, "he genuinely cares about us though and when I asked him for help, he was there for me. He's there now. And I think, now is the time to get the truth out."

I shake my head. "I don't want to be involved. I want to have no part in this. I can't."

I stand up quickly, but Nicole is fast and she blocks my way. "I don't understand what you're going through," she mumbles, "Tanner has made my life a living hell but he never raped me."

I frown angrily. "What was your whole deal then?"

"Willa couldn't prove anything!" She screams, her eyes becoming glossy. "She waited days before telling me! Before telling anyone! And then she tried to kill herself, and she was unconscious for days and I couldn't do nothing!" She drops her head and sighs loudly. "I got close to Tanner, but he ended up being the most lovable person I had ever met. I didn't want to believe he had raped anyone. But, I went the party with him in hopes he'd show who he really was. I had someone videotape us to prove it but," she starts to cry, "he was amazing. And the way he looked at me, the way he made me feel, was unlike what Willa had said about him."

I cant stop myself from taking the sobbing girl into my arms. "And then?"

She lays her head on my shoulder. "I had sex with him. He didn't rape me. I gave up, and I stopped talking to my best friend after she started therapy because I thought she was lying. But then the video got out—" she stops, "have you seen it?"

I shake my head. "I heard about it."

She sniffles. "The person who took it showed it to Tanner and he posted it everywhere, claiming I was the one who took and posted it because I wanted to be some fucking porn star or something. That's when I knew who he really was. I tried to file a report with my best friend saying he had raped both of us, but my video proved consensual and they didn't believe us. Willa was fucked up all over again and Tanner went on with his life, but, although claiming he raped me was wrong, what he did was much worse. He's a fucking creep, Aviana, and I know there are more girls that are afraid to speak out."

"I don't understand," I sigh, "you seemed fine with him when he greeted you that one time?"

She sighs. "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer."

I shake my head. "This is all too much. I don't know. What can we even do?"

She looks at me, trying to pull herself together. "We'll figure something out. I'll get your number from Axel and call you later on, okay?"

I nod awkwardly, trying not to hate her because I feel bad for her too, but it's so hard, and can't help but glare after her as she shuffles back into the school.


So far, Axel has stuck to his promise to Jem. It's about 8:30 when I'm climbing the stairs and he's quietly closing Jem's door after reading to her, still in his work clothes. I try to pretend he's not there, like I have been for the past couple of days because it hurts too much, but his beautiful, grey eyes meet mine and all I want to do now is look at him. 

He gives me a small smile like we're the best of friends, and I'm forced to pretend I'm not trying to hate him. 

"Did Will talk to you yet?" He whispers, keeping his voice low so that my parents can't hear us from the living room. 

I shake my head, about to ask why he'd want to, but Axel is already lightly grabbing my arm, leading me into Will's room. I try not to shiver when his fingers graze my bare skin, but it's a little too obvious, and the look he gives me almost says he feels the same way. I avoid it because I always read into things, and he made himself very clear during phys ed the other day. 

Will's lying on his bed snapchatting someone when we get into his room, and I take a seat on his couch. Axel doesn't sit beside me like I want him to, but it's probably for the best, which I'm sure he knows. He plops down onto Will's bed instead and smacks his leg. 

"Bro," he mutters, and Will looks from him, to me, back to his phone and smiles sheepishly, throwing the device to the other side. 

Will sits up too, crossing his legs, and gazes at me, his blue eyes full of care. "Okay, Avi," he folds his hands out in front of him. My face heats up and I start to worry about what he's going to say. I hate it when Will is so serious. He looks over at Axel for help, but all the boy does is raise his brows to persuade him to keep going. "This Tanner thing," he starts, and I let out a loud gasp. 

"Nicole?" I ask. "Is that what this is about? Her plan to 'take Tanner down'?" 

Axel nods. "I think it's time, Avi," he urges. 

I raise my voice. "You weren't the one in that situation!" I quaver, hardly realizing how hard I'm squeezing my fists together at the thought of what Tanner has done. I shake my head furiously. "I don't want to have to think about it again. I just want to move on." 

Axel stands up and sits down beside me, squeezing my knee. "Look at me," he says, and I look up into his sympathetic eyes, trying to calm me down. "Avi, I understand that it's terrifying but if Tanner has done it once, more than once, he's going to do it again. You could be helping so many other girls," he pleads, "and you don't have to be afraid. I'm going to be there the entire time." 

I bite down hard on my lip, trying to stop it from quivering. "Why do you care so much?"

Axel sighs, letting his arm fold around my shoulders to comfort me, not even paying attention to Will. "I have a mother, I have a sister," he consoles, "and anything I would do for them, I would do for any other girl." He sighs out and adds, "and even if I didn't, that doesn't matter. You alone are valid. You don't deserve what happened to you and neither do the girls it hasn't happened to yet. Will and I," he looks over at my brother, "are here for you, and if you take the step to own your experience, I'm positive other girls will too." 

"Like the'Me too' movement, Avi," Will mumbles. "If you're in, if you confirm what Tanner did to you, that slimy bastard is going to jail." 

I stare at Will, and back up to Axel whose eyes are steady and hopeful and secure, and I know that I can do anything with these two by my side. 

I nod. "Okay." 


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