Chapter 48- Superman

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I sit curled up next to him on his bed, staring out the window. I'd always taken for granted moments like this. Feeling like I'm floating amongst the stars when I'm in his arms. I enjoy them even more now that I know they could be gone in an instant, and how much I'd miss them. I have my whole life to love him. His strong arms rest around my shoulders, holding me close to him gently. I rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "How are you doing?" I ask him absent mindedly, tracing patterns on the back of his hand. "What do you mean?" he asks, slightly confused. "Emotionally. That wasn't easy for you either." I say, thinking of what he must have gone through alone. And that was his child too. He tenses slightly. "I think I'm ok. It made me realize just how much I love you. But, I killed a man, Ali." He whispers, almost seeming haunted by the words. I blink, looking at him carefully. "You did what you had to do." I say softly, but he shakes his head. "No. I could have just knocked him out, or had him arrested or something-" he starts, rambling in a sort of guilty desperation. I watch him carefully. "Would you have felt safe tonight knowing he was alive?" I say simply, and he stops, going silent. Then he looks at me, and says. "No." I smile slightly, and he leans back, wrinkling his forehead. He says nothing more on the subject. Maybe I've put his mind at rest. "I'm here, if you need me." I say, looking at him. He smiles a bit. "I'll always need you, Ali." He says as if it's an absolute fact, squeezing my hand. Then he slides out of bed, which does a great job of confusing me greatly. I look at him questioningly, sliding to the edge of the bed so that my feet dangle off of it. He never takes his eyes off me, and pulls something out of his pocket. The he kneels down on one knee.

My heart starts racing. This could not have been more unexpected. Then again, is it? He's always expressed his intent to spend the rest of his life with me, and I with him. So why am I so surprised? Just two days ago we were talking about children. I've always considered marriage such a simple thing; it surprises me now that it has become such a big deal. My hands start to shake a bit, perhaps in nerves. But it feels more like anticipation. Anticipation about the rest of our lives together. A fairytale ending to a life that so far has seemed more like a nightmare. It doesn't seem like this could actually be happening. It's almost too good to be true. But not quite. He smiles nervously, holding the ring that my parents gave me out in front of him. "Ali Mariee Jones." He starts, and I cover my mouth with my hand, unbearably excited and nervous and happy. We've always known how much we love each other. But this is so much more official. "I've asked your aunt already, so it's on her approval that I ask you this. I love you, Ali. I think you know that. We've been through an incredible amount of things together already, and I'd like to keep experiencing everything by your side. I want the world to know that you're mine, and I am yours. I want to love you forever. So, Ali, my Ali, will you marry me?" he says, emotion pouring through his voice. Tears roll down my face slowly now in my joy, and I smile widely, unable to speak at first. So I launch myself into his arms, throwing my arms around his neck and burying my face in his chest. He catches me lightly, laughing and hugging me to him gently. "I love you, Jordan Maron. My Superman." I whisper, hugging him so tightly it almost hurts. We've saved each other so many times. I finally pull back, pushing up the sleeves of my sweatshirt. It's the opposite direction of where I used to pull them. I guess that really sums it up, doesn't it? He's changed me so much; healed me to the point where I'm not the person I was a year ago. How could I say no? I stare into his eyes for a moment. We are so much more than just a silly couple, blinded by each other. We are together. Nothing could ever change that. Not the worst of times, or the most awful of people. We've already proved that. I love him. So I have no regrets in my heart or reasons in the world to say anything but "You'll always be my Superman."

A/N: Well....what in the world do I do now? Its over. MY BABY IS FINISHED. Obviously that last chapter was a bit short, just because of the way that the chapters worked out. But anyways, THANK YOU. Thank you all for sticking with me on the long and awesome journey of feels and plot twists and everything amazing about reading and writing. And for one last time, SLAP DAT VOTE BUTTON! Drop a comment letting me know what you thought of the book, what you guys might want to see next, and your hopes and dreams about #jail!

I will be resuming work on my Divergent fanfic, and also starting an original novel that is TBA. So check those out if you want to read more of my stuff! But I would consider writing another youtuber fanfic, so let me know what you dudes want to read!

Thank you all so so much!


Stolen From Superman-The Sequel To Waiting for SupermanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora