Chapter 44- Dead

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A/N: Lawl that title though. You have no idea who's dead ;) Some of you were actually pretty spot on with the predictions, so good job! K, and also, play the song for maximum feels.

It's like a blow to the chest all the same. I can hear Jerome's yell from behind me, voice thick with horror and fear and desperation. It still seems minimal compared to the screaming in my head. How could this have happened?! He's probably dying, and it's my fault. He saved me. How brave of a person does it take to sacrifice themselves? How honorable and kindhearted can one be, to give his life for a practical enemy? I can feel the rush of hot rage and pain rip through me once again, fresh and burning with all the fire of a sun. It's such a strong feeling that it takes everything that I have to keep from exploding. To think that someone I'd barely had the opportunity to know; that I'd shunned my whole life, is dying, because of me, is almost unbearable. So my attention snaps to Steven, leaving Jerome cradling Mitch on the ground behind me. I have no idea where he's been hit. But I do know that Steven is standing right in front of me. His pale face is sunken and his eyes seem to violate the meaning of living just by existing. He is evil. Pure hatred and pure evil. Everything awful about the human race is represented in him. Greed and hate and anger and death. And it seems as if his gun is out of bullets.

He tosses it to the side, backing up slightly. He was riding on the fact that the bullet would kill me, so that he could die and take me with him. That's been his goal all along. But that didn't happen, thanks to Mitch. And now, now he's here, standing in front of me with no way out. Backed into a corner with no escape. For once in his life, he's lost. He has no weapons. No exit. No excuse. He's cornered here, in front of me, with a gun pointed at his head and a very angry man holding it. I can see the fear in his eyes. I can see that ever elusive look of a predator cornered by its prey. I know that he's never dealt with something like this. This is the first time he's been certain of death. And it's now, in his final moments, that he shows his true colors. A coward. A scared madman. But his eyes still burn all the same, and they light an unquenchable fire of longing in my chest. Longing for revenge. Ali, my Ali, sits only a few feet away from me, damaged and hardly breathing. Mitch, who I once hated and now know is one of the bravest people in existence, lies dying behind me, held by a kind, loving Jerome that is experiencing something that no one should ever go through. Yet here I am. Still hesitating to kill the man who caused it all.

He deserves to die. In every way, shape, and form knowledgeable to anyone. But can I kill him? Can I take a life of the face of the Earth? What gave me the right to do that? I never take my eyes off him. It is only the faint words that Ali whispers from behind me that make up my mind. "Do it." She says. And, just like that, I have no hesitation. She gave me the right. What she says is what I do. Of course I can't refuse. I've never been able to say no to her anyways. He's tortured her and hurt her. This is her choice. So I fire, knowing that I won't miss.

I throw the gun down, unable to look as he slumps to the ground, the light finally leaving his eyes. I'm filled with mixed feeling about what I've done. He deserved it and Ali wanted it...but I killed someone. I ended someone's life on my own accord. It's so wrong, yet I know I did the right thing. But I can't afford to think about that right now. Not while Mitch is still bleeding beside me.

Ian and the rest come running down the stairs at the sound of the gunshots. I wonder for a moment why they weren't here sooner, but it then strikes me that what seemed like an eternity to me probably happened in a matter of moments. So Mitch might not be dead yet. I go to him before Ali, for the only reason that he is in more immediate danger. And, I have to thank him. Just in case. I need him to know that he will not go in vain. That I'm sorry. So sorry for everything I've ever said or done to him. I could never live with myself if he didn't know what I think of him now.

As my eyes fall on him, I cannot tell where the wound is. I can only see the blood. Red and thick and everywhere. Jerome is almost hysterical and Ian's face is grave. It doesn't seem promising. I kneel down beside him, and he shifts his head slightly, still conscious. I'm suddenly overtaken by a wave of grief and disbelief. Could he really be dying? Is this actually happening? I fight back tears, overcome with sadness and horror. What are we going to tell the fans? Not to mention the damage done to myself and the others. And Ali...she'll be devastated. Jerome clutches him like he's trying to keep him from drowning, and says his name over and over again through his sobs. It's heartbreaking. I look at Mitch more closely, almost desperately, in the slim hope that I could do something to help him. He's bleeding, that's for sure. But, as I look, I see that the wound is on his shoulder, not his chest or his stomach. I start to laugh suddenly. Well of course it's not his chest! He has a vest on! "The bullet deflected off his vest!" I yell, my heart leaping. There's hope now. Ryan rips off his shirt and hands it to me, saying "Use this to stop the bleeding." I press it to the wound firmly, forcing Jerome to lay him down on the cement floor gently. Mitch groans in pain, but I have to keep the pressure on it. "Jerome, hold this down." I say. He doesn't seem to register that I'm speaking to him for a moment, staring at Mitch still. "Jerome!" I yell, and he snaps out of it, taking the shirt. "Someone call an ambulance." I say, and Ian responds quickly "I already did." I look at Mitch's eyes, and, while they're unfocused, they're alert. "Mitch. Do you hear me? Stay with us, ok?" I say, looking at him intently. He blinks a few times, and then mumbles "It's only a scratch." (A/N: Anyone get that reference?)I smile, breaking into surprised, relieved laughter. He'll be alright. Mitch will fight through this if he can say that. "Oh my god, Mitch!" Jerome says, laughing and crying at the same time. The fact that he said something like that while bleeding out on the floor of a basement is not all that surprising, for Mitch. "I'll be fine, biggums." He continues, grinning, his smile slightly lopsided. He's not in the best shape, but I think he'll live. As this settles in, the next fear jumps to the front of my mind, and my head snaps up. I stand quickly, my mind returning to the reason why I'm here in the first place. Ali.

A/N: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO DEAD MITCH. No guarantees about Ali yet. Sorry about the wait, I had two horse shows this weekend, and was isolated from internet. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed, and slap dat vote button!


Stolen From Superman-The Sequel To Waiting for SupermanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt