Chapter 23- Sleeping Beauty and Superman

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A/N: WARNING DISCLAMER: Slightly rated R sexual stuff in this chapter. Much apologies of you don't like to read that type of thing. It's not too bad though.

When I wake up in the morning, Jordan's arms are still wrapped around me. I shift slightly, yawning. I catch a small smile spreading over his face. I smile. He's awake, of course. Just pretending. And not doing a very good job of it. "Morning." I whisper, blinking. His eyes flutter open, and he smirks. "Hey." His voice is still gruff from sleep. It's very attractive, I won't lie. My heart grows warm again, as it does almost any time I'm with him. I sigh, leaning back down on his shoulder. "We never really got to talk about Ryan yesterday." He mumbles, forehead wrinkled. It must be bothering him. I mentally smack myself. Of course it's bothering him! I should have mentioned it earlier. He was probably thinking about it all morning, alone. "I'm sorry Jordan." I whisper, feeling his pain. I wrap a hand around one of his, and he stares at it for a moment. "I just can't believe he didn't tell me." He says, voice blank, and quiet. I nod. "He's ashamed. He knows how you feel and he's not man enough to stand up and face you. Some people are just like that." I say, rubbing his palm with my thumb absent mindedly. He sighs. "I know. It's just..." he trails off, closing his eyes. I know he's hurting, and it hurts me to see him have to go through this. That so called "friend" of his needs to take some heat for this. "It's hard to see him go." He whispers, struggling with the words. I blink, almost wanting to cry; his expression is so sad. Most guys wouldn't show how they feel like this. But not Jordan. I know everything about his heart. Even the dark parts. "I was expecting it. But I just kept holding out hope. That was stupid of me." he continues. I squeeze his hand "Don't say that. He hasn't renounced you just yet." I say, trying to lighten the tone a bit. He purses his lips, shaking his head. "The thing is, I'm not sure if I want to be his friend anymore. Not if he's going to betray me so quickly." I blink, nodding. "That's your decision. But you have to be close to someone. Promise me you'll reach out to other friends." I say. I know that he needs people around him, just as much as I do. We both withdraw too easily. He nods, however reluctantly. "By the way, I think you supposed to have physical therapy in an hour."


My eyes widen. "Well there's no way I'm making that appointment." He laughs, seeming to remove his mind from Ryan. "Just stay here with me then." He says, voice growingly slightly huskier. Something inside me stirs, and my face grows warm. "Sounds like a plan." I say, smiling slightly. Then he presses his lips to mine, like he's been waiting to do it for a while. I breathe in sharply, kissing him back. He pushes himself up on two arms, hovering over me. I move with him, wrapping my arms around his neck. My heart jumps slightly, racing it what might be nervousness, or maybe want. I'm enjoying it. But I'm not sure what I should do. I feel him become stronger, and my mind races, like bright flashes of energy. I feel like I need something desperately. Him. Fire races through my veins as I submit myself to him. He moves to my neck, placing small kisses along my collarbone, like light butterflies. I shiver, unsure if I want him to continue. I've never been this intimate with anyone. I'm afraid of what I want, and where this might go. But I like it. Still, if I let this go on any longer, I might not be able to resist myself, let alone him. As hard as it is, I place a hand on his chest, pushing him back gently. He complies, however reluctantly. I grin, breathing rather heavily. "It's not you. I just...I don't want to go too fast." I say, eyes wide in exhilaration. He smiles slightly, never taking his eyes off of mine. "Whatever you want." He whispers. I sit up slightly, pressing our lips together once more, gently. Even that sends my heart racing, and suddenly, I'm having second thoughts about going slow. But I make myself pull back, lips parted.


He closes his eyes, seeming to savor the moment. "You are amazing, you know that?" he says, moving back to my side. I shrug "More like awkward panda, but whatever." He laughs "Agree to disagree." He's silent for a moment, staring at me. "But don't be scared you're going to do something wrong." I sigh. "That'll always be a fear of mine." I say. He touches the side of my face lightly. "If you ever want me to stop, just tell me. I'll listen." I nod slightly "Alright." It's probably the best thing he could have told me. He smiles a bit, and kisses me again. I shut my eyes, enjoying it. As he pulls back, I whisper "Someone was very awake this morning." He chuckles "You were just so beautiful. You're lucky I waited as long as I did." I smile. He is very, very sexy, as hard as he tries to be sweet and gentle. "Believe me; it was pretty hard to resist you." I say, slightly shocked at what I'm saying. I'm not good at flirting. I don't know how I haven't run out of the room blushing like an idiot by now. He grins. "Then I'm doing something right." I bite my lip, considering my next words. "I'd say so." I decide on, blinking in what I think might be a somewhat attractive fashion. But I probably just look like I have water in my eyes. He chuckles slightly, nuzzling his lips into my neck. I close my eyes "Whoa there tiger." I whisper, shivering again. He's far better at this than I think he realizes. He leans back, smiling. I can't look him in the eyes, I'm so flustered. I wasn't exactly aware of this talent of his. He tilts my chin up to look at him, and I smile shyly. "Don't be afraid of yourself." He whispers, and I press my lips together, blushing a bit and trying not to smile. "We should probably feed Percy." I say gently, changing the subject. He grins, leaning back again. "If you say so." He says. I smile "Unfortunately, I think we have to."


He laughs, grabbing one of my hands. "Well, come one then." He sits up, pulling me with him. I laugh too, grinning. He lets go of my hand and stands up. I watch him for a moment, and then he leans down, scooping me up. I yelp in surprise, and then start laughing again. "Let's go, sleeping beauty!" he says, spinning me around. I smile widely, my hair flying out behind me. As much as I enjoy it, I'm starting to get nauseous, so I say "Ok put me down, Superman." He laughs, and sets me down lightly. The room spins for a moment, but he stands still, like the only thing that matters.

A/N: WOW A WHOLE CHAPTER OF JALI LOVE. YOU ARE SO VERY WELCOME. Haha hope you enjoyed guys, let me know if you like this kind of thing! Drop and comment and slap dat vote button!


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