Chapter 33- Agreements

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*Ali's POV*

Steven just smirks at me, seeming to enjoy my pain. My eyes flare slightly. "Done?" He asks casually, and I nod firmly. He chuckles. As much as I hurt right now, as vivid as the pain in my chest is, I have to ignore it. I have to be strong. I have to use my brain. Because there is no way I am getting back to him if I'm a crying wreck the whole time. I tilt my chin up slightly, and Steven chuckles. "Oh Ali. It's going to be fun to break you." He says softly, tauntingly. I tighten my jaw and just stare at him, refusing to respond to his prodding. Joey just stands in the corner, face glowering and arms crossed. He looks rather annoyed. Must be such an inconvenience to have to spend your Saturday kidnapping someone. I resist the urge to punch him in the gut and my eyes flit back to Steven. He steps toward me slowly, arms crossed. His black hoodie is large on his thin frame. "Now, Ali, I'm going to make an agreement with you." He says, in a matter-of-fact way. I raise an eyebrow smoothly. "Are you?" He nods, pressing his lips together, seemingly amused by my sass. "I am. So listen. When those doors open, you are going to walk calmly out of them like nothing is wrong." I scoff. "Why in the hell would I do that?" He shakes his head with a tisking noise. "Because I have the gun. And if I shoot you, you are never getting back to him." He says slowly, stepping towards me inch by inch. It makes my skin crawl. His calm manner is even more disturbing than if he was loud and forceful. But he has a point. I breathe in sharply even at the mention of Jordan. He smiles slightly, observing me. "That's what I thought." I refuse to look at him, my eyes locked on the wall across from me. The elevator music chimes softly, adding to the horrifying silence. "So, Ali, you are going to step out of those doors and walk calmly to the car. You are going to smile at the receptionist. You are going to look happy and cool and collected. And you will not run. You will not scream. You will not fight us." He says, accentuating each you. I narrow my eyes "And if I don't?" He laughs "I'll shoot you." He replies, still smiling unnervingly. I blink, swallowing. "You want me alive." I say, looking at Joey poignantly. He avoids my gaze, and Steven tilts his head. "Not really. It's all the same to me. I mean, Jordan will suffer more if you stay alive, but he'll hurt either way. So it's really not of importance to me." He says casually, like he's explaining how to get to a park. I nod slightly, knowing he's got me rather locked down. Besides, I'd rather stay alive. The longer I make it, the greater my chance of being rescued or escaping. "Just wondering, Steven, did you consider the cameras in this building?" I ask, sounding a little confident in my reasoning. He chuckles "Oh Ali, did you really think I was that stupid? We took care of those before we came." My face falls a bit. It was worth a shot. Still, this is bad news. I don't think the police are going to be able to do much. These guys are basically ghosts. I can feel the blood draining from my face as I realize how slim my chances really are. But not impossible. No, nothing is ever impossible. Unlikely, sure, but not impossible. The elevator beeps, signaling that we've reached the first floor. Steven grins, clapping his hands together. I jump slightly "Ah! Showtime, sweetheart!" he exclaims as the doors open. I shiver a bit at his voice, and walk out the doors.

I unclench my fists, as hard as it is, and step out of the elevator. Every fiber of my being wants to run. I force myself to walk in step with Steven, counting the steps in my head. I clasp my hands behind me carefully to keep them from shaking. Joey's eyes follow me closely from behind, and I know that I cannot attempt to signal anyone. He watches me like a hawk, his eyes boring into my back. I look at the back of Steven's head, stomaching my disgust of him. His hair is so light blonde, it's almost white. It's shaved close, almost to the point of baldness. His tall frame looms over most people in the room, menacing and demeaning at the same time. I remember the vivid green of his eyes, set deep in his pale, gaunt face, and I shudder. I blink a few times, focusing on the ground in front of me.

Steven leads us to a dark van with tinted windows, parked in a remote corner. "Get in." he says, gesturing at the back seat in an obvious command. I swallow, and know I should run. I should fight. I shouldn't go so easily. But I know for a fact that I'd never make it. So it's the choice between being beat up now, or later. I'd rather keep my wits about me for now. So I slide in, shutting the door hesitantly, watching the slit of light disappear. It could be the last time I see it in a while.

Joey gets in on the other side, to monitor me, I suppose. Everything seems silent for a moment. Just for a second, I think I might be allowed to stay like this. But then, Joey moves, grabbing me like lightening. I can just make out his eyes in the darkness, seeming to have faded to a deep black. My own eyes widen, and I throw up my elbow. But he grabs it, shoving it down, and shoving his hand over my mouth. I try to scream, but the cloth muffles it as he presses it into my nose harshly. My instinct is to hold my breath, but it's too late. The sweet scent drifts through my nose and my heart races in panic. The darkness around me seems to press inwards, threatening to suffocate me. I can feel my heart rate slow, and Joey lets go of me, my arms falling to the seats, limp. My head rolls backwards against the cushion, eyes drifting shut. I can feel the drug pulling me under, lulling me into unconsciousness. My last memory is Steven's quiet chuckle, and the words "Sweet dreams, sweetheart."

A/N: A little more action than usual! That used to be all I would write in some of my other fanfics. Thanks for reading dudes! Loving the support, keep it up! Slap dat vote button if you enjoyed, and drop a comment!


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