Chapter 4- A Call

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I take a deep breathe. "Is it hard for you? To have some random girl wake up from a coma in love with you?" I tease, trying to keep my mind from reverting to my parents. He smirks "Actually no, it's flattering. And I wouldn't call you 'some random girl'. You're pretty amazing, Ali. And I don't think you realize how much I'd started to rely on you to be there. I'm glad you're awake." I raise an eyebrow "What do you mean, rely on me?" He sighs "You were like my therapy, like I said before. You were always there when things got hard. You were...intriguing." He says fancily. I smile a bit "How? All I did was lay there." He cocks his head to the side "Exactly. I couldn't get you to talk back. I couldn't get to know the person who I'd come to really, really like. It made me even more interested in you. Who you really were." I try not to grin widely, because this is the exact opposite of what I expected to happen when I woke up. "I'm Ali Jones. I lived in Seattle my whole life, and I want to be a vet. I'm a huge nerd and fan girl and I have a lot of emotional baggage. Obviously." I say, smiling at him. He nods, then grins "What is your favorite food?" I raise an eyebrow "Um, pizza, I guess. Why?" He laughs "I guess that was a bit random. I just wondered about these little things while I was with you. You sit by a person for a few months without ever being able to talk to them, and suddenly, their favorite food seems really important." He explains, shrugging. I nod. "Why did you bother to come in the first place? I mean, I know Mitch told you and all, but you owed nothing to me." I say, still wondering what made him even care. He sighs "But I did. To you and the fans. I couldn't just sit in my house in full knowledge that I could help you and not do anything. And once I went once, I had to keep going. Because you were interesting. And mysterious. And surprisingly attractive for a passed out girl." He says, grinning. I blush "What is that supposed to mean?!" He laughs "It was a complement!" I grin, breaking into a giggle as well. "Ok then." We go silent for a moment. "What about Mitch? You said he visited, but where is he now?" I ask, knowing this might be crossing the line a bit. But he was in my dream to the very end, and I have to know. Jordan tenses up a bit, but answers anyways. "Yeah. He's at the house with the rest of them, to my knowledge. You could call him, if you want." He says quietly, avoiding eye contact. I shrug "I just wanted to know. I'm not going to date him or anything." I say with a smirk. He smiles "Good. I'm guessing you made that mistake in your dream?" I nod. "Is he with Jerome?" I ask, wondering if my dream actually played out. Jordan nods, to my surprise. He was acting like the opposite was true. But, that makes my life easier, I guess. I can just be with Jordan without distraction. Still, I should get in touch. Mitch is a great guy. And I want to be his friend. I tilt my head "Thank you. For all of this. For waking me up, and taking me in and just being there." I say, looking into his eyes. He smiles "Like I said, I want to know you. We're in this together now, whether it was planned or not. I'm with you." He says, and my heart warms. This is the best situation for me right now. Despite my parents being gone, and all of the other craziness, I still have him. And that is all I could have asked for. Suddenly his phone starts to go off, buzzing on the table. I let go of his hand, looking at it like whoever's calling could see us. He glances at it and goes slightly tense. "It's Mitch." I sigh. Perfect timing I guess. "Speak of the devil. Might as well answer it." I say, and he nods, still looking reluctant. I pick up the phone and press it into his hand. "Answer it." I repeat slowly. He smiles weakly at me, and answers the phone. "Hello?" I can hear Mitch's voice from the phone. "Jordan. I'm at the hospital, where is Ali?" He glances at me, and I nod. He deserves to know. He never did anything to hurt me in real life. Who's to say we can't start over? "She woke up. She's here with me now." He says, rather defensively. "Can I talk to her?" he asks, almost excited. Jordan's face darkens "Sure." He says reluctantly, handing the phone over. I talk a deep breath and say "Mitch?" "Ali?" I hear him say. "Are you really awake?" he continues, disbelieving. "Yeah. I know what happened." He laughs a bit "That's amazing! You have to come over sometime! Everyone wants to meet you." It's so easy to forget no one knows me anymore. "Sure! Hopefully I won't pass out this time." I say, laughing a bit. I glance at Jordan, whose face is grim. But my choice rides over. Mitch is with Jerome, and I am with Jordan. I hope he knows that. "Ok great! Text me your number, and I'll talk to you later, I guess." He says. "Bye then." I respond, feeling slightly awkward as I hang up. Jordan just stares at me. "Don't worry, I'm not falling for him again." I say again, chuckling. He seems to snap out of it. He laughs "Was I really being that obvious?" I nod, laughing as well. As we both trail off, he sighs "Maybe you should get some sleep."

I glance around, wondering where exactly I should do that. He seems to follow my train of thought. "I'll sleep on the couch." He says. I smile "You don't have to do that." He waves a hand "You just woke up from a coma. I think I do." I sigh, looking at my skinny legs. "I'm not sure how well I can even get there." I say, hoping he'll just give up and let me stay here. He bought this place, he should enjoy it. But he just stands and picks me up off the couch. I squeak in surprise as he lifts me up bridal style and carries me down the hall. "You're light." He remarks with a smile. I scoff "Well duh." I say, enjoying the sway of his step. As he walks, I realize I know exactly where we are going, despite never having been in the house. "Is it weird that I already know where everything is?" I ask as he sets me down on the edge of the bed. I flop over awkwardly, thinking I'm going to have to unpack the stuff that the hospital sent home with me tomorrow. The things they recovered from my house. He smirks "Probably not. I showed you some videos, including the tour, I think." I raise an eyebrow "How did you know I liked Youtube so much?" He laughs "Well it might have had something to do with your sweatshirt. Or the fact that you passed out from the shear sight of Mitch." I shrug "Yeah that could tip you off, I guess." I can feel myself start to drift off. His bed is really comfortable. I yawn, making him smile. "I'll see you in the morning." I grin. "Thanks again Jordan." He shrugs it off and smiles, turning and shutting the door behind him. "Sleep tight Superman." I whisper, crawling beneath the covers and drifting away.

A/N: Hay doods, slap dat vote button if you enjoyed, and drop a comment! Lets go for- What is your favorite song? Mine is probably Take Back the night (CS version, definetly not JT eww).


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