Chapter 11- Just Us Now

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Percy looks around for a moment "Where are we going?" he asks, getting worried again. I would be too, if I was in a strange vehicle with machines everywhere and no idea how I got here. "Just to the doctor. We have to make sure you're ok before we let you go home." The EMT says, smiling. He nods forehead wrinkled. He stays silent for a moment, staring at the ground. Then he looks up at me and whispers "I'm scared." Percy has always been this way. He tells you exactly what he feels. And he's being so brave. My heart breaks for him, and I can't keep myself calm anymore. I walk forward and wrap him in a tight hug, emotion rising in my throat. "It's ok. Everything is going to be ok." I whisper. He shakes, but stays quiet. He is being so brave. But this is hard. Very hard. I would know.

The ride is short, and Percy just sits most of the time, processing. I eventually end up leaning on Jordan, watching him struggle. Trying to figure everything that's happened in this insane world. At only 9, that has to be one of the hardest things he's ever done. I remember how much of a struggle it was for me, and that was only 5 days ago. And I was much better prepared for something like that. But his whole world revolved around his family, and what he knew. And now it's gone. Everything that he knew has changed. At least I still had Jordan. He has only me. And even that must be in question. I look different; I'm probably acting different too. And he has no clue who Jordan is. I suppose he might recognize him from his videos that I sometimes showed him, but that is probably not on the front of his mind at this moment. All that time processing must create a lot of questions. And they all explode as soon as we step out of the truck.

"What happened?" "This isn't Seattle, is it?" "Who's that guy?" "Why can't I walk on my own?" I sigh, holding his hand. But I don't see any point in hiding it from him. So I might as well explain now. "Do you know what a coma is?" I say, and he nods, to my surprise. Then again, he was always interested in doctors and medical things. Just in humans, as opposed to my horses. "Well you were in one for a while. So was I. They moved us here to LA, in California. We're going to live here now, ok?" I say, my voice not all that strong. He sighs "Well, that's confusing." Like I said, he's blunt. Most kids are. But he is more than any I know. "Yeah, I know. I've only been awake for a few days. You can't walk because you haven't used your muscles in so long. But don't worry; they'll work again in no time." I say, a fake smile on my face. I know I have to stay positive for him. Even if it's not how I feel. He nods again, and his eyes shift to Jordan "Who are you?" Jordan chuckles, smiling. I guess he likes kids. I didn't know that. But it makes sense. He never had any siblings, and he has to come into contact with a lot of younger fans. "I'm Jordan. I'm a friend of your sister's. Nice to meet you!" he says, his tone suddenly becoming more similar to that of when he records. There is a difference. It's more energized, animated. Strange, almost, after hearing him normally for a while. Percy shakes his hand like a gentleman, bringing a smile to my face. What he says next gets rid of it again. "Oh, that's funny. She doesn't usually have any friends." He says matter of factly. I purse my lips, looking down. It's a harsh reminder of my past. I know he doesn't mean to hurt me, but it does. He has no idea what I went through. I shielded him from it as much as I could. So this is only a fact to him. No emotions attached. Jordan squeezes my hand, recognizing my pain. I smile weakly, grateful that he, at least, knows.

The doctor pulls us aside after checking on Percy. "Well he seems ok. It was probably the shock of the fire that woke him up." I nod. It makes perfect sense. But it also makes things more complicated. "So you are his guardians?" he asks, glancing at both of us. I blush slightly "Um no we aren't..." I trail off, not sure if that is true or not. Jordan chuckles slightly "Yeah, she is." I sigh, regaining my composure. I smile again, brushing it off "There was an accident and I... I'm all he has left." I say, my voice growing quiet. The doctor holds up a hand in apology "I'm sorry. We already have all of the paperwork. We just need a signature." I sign the release form quickly and drop the pen, looking away from the status of parent's box. The doctor presses his lips together and looks down, aware of my discomfort. Jordan finds my hand again, like he does when he knows I'm breaking. He clears his throat and the doctor looks up "Ah, yes. He's free to go." I nod silently and turn away, walking back into the room. As soon as Percy looks up there is a smile on my face. Just as I know it must be.

As we drive home, he is silent, staring out the window at the city that has so abruptly become his new home. He suddenly speaks "This is a nice car." Jordan grins. He really does love cars. "I know right?" I tease, nudging him. He gives me a look and turns back to Percy briefly. I grin, looking out the window. "You like cars, Percy?" He nods vigorously. I can't help but smile as Jordan's face lights up. "We'll have plenty to talk about then!" Percy goes quiet for another moment. It's like he wants to be a kid; like he wants to forget everything. But can't. His head is still spinning. Just like mine. "Are we alone Ali?" he then asks, sending a chill through the car. I blink "Yeah." I say quietly, fighting back a sudden wave of tears. He was going to figure it out eventually. He's smart. It was just sooner than I thought. "So Mom and Dad are gone then?" he continues, voice muffled by what I would guess is a sleeve. His voice is strangely empty. "Just you, me, and Jordan now." I respond, trying to sound positive. I don't think it's working. "Ok. That's alright, I guess." He says, blank. That's another good thing about him. He moves on quickly. He's young enough to forget. To move forward without another glance. It's not so easy for me. I think I'll save his letter for latter, when he's old enough to understand it.

A/N: Guys my day sucked..... like really a lot. Hopefully you liked the chapter though:) Slap dat like button if you did and drop a comment on whatever you feel like.


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