Chapter 7- Percy

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I clap my hand over my mouth. But it almost doesn't matter. He's alive. I'm not alone. My brother is alive. I repeat this over and over again, because I can hardly believe that it is true. "He was in the room across from you." Jordan continues, starting to smile at my happiness. That's why I have his documents. He may be in a coma, but he's not dead, and that's all that matters. I was in a coma. I woke up. Maybe he can do the same. I smile widely, happy tears filling my eyes. I guess it is possible to cry. "He's alive." I say, still disbelieving. Jordan nods, grinning as widely as me. It must feel great to give me some good news for once. "He's alive!" I repeat, throwing my arms around him, unbearably happy. I'm not on my own. I'm his legal guardian now. My brother isn't dead. I'm not alone.

We drive to the hospital the next morning. I have physical therapy anyways, so it's the perfect time to visit Percy. Jordan let me unpack all of the way last night, and put my clothes in the spare closet in his room. We're going to set up a bed in the spare room that he's not sure what to do with. It'll be small, but I'd stay in it any day. Because I'll be with him. So I couldn't care less how big it is. It's hard to believe he took me in as a roommate, just like that. I am forcing him to take rent. I can certainly afford it, and I would feel bad to just live off of him like that.

I grip the sides of the seat in anticipation. I'm going to see my brother. And stat doing something about my physical state. Get back on my feet again. There's almost too much excitement to be contained in one day. I bounce a leg nervously, staring out the window. Jordan glances at it and smirks. I roll my eyes and continue, because it's a nervous habit of mine. And it helps me to calm down. He suddenly places a hand on my knee. I freeze for a second, and blink, comprehending what he did. Then I realize it was only to stop the bouncing, and I snap out of it. Tingles run up my leg as he pulls his hand back, smiling slightly. Is it hot in here? I feel myself turning a bit red as I look out the window again, smiling shyly. My heart races now. Funny how one little thing that he does can set me off so easily.

After what seems like an eternity, we pull into the parking garage of the hospital. Just 3 days ago, I left this place. It's feels like forever; so much has happened. I hop as fast as I can towards the elevator on my crutches. I can feel my muscles already getting stronger. Just not quite strong enough to go on their own. I'm halfway across the building by the time Jordan locks the car and start to follow me. "Jeez Ali, slow down!" he says, laughing. I don't stop, but turn to look at him, grinning. "You'll just have to catch up!" I yell back, and he breaks into a brisk jog, reaching me a lot quicker than I thought he would. He grabs my shoulders from behind "Boo." I jump slightly, even though I knew he was there. I smile, because he's such a dork. But an adorable dork.

"We still have about half an hour before you need to be there." Jordan remarks as we take the elevator up to the ward. I nod tensely. He glances at me and smiles again. "What?" I question, raising an eyebrow. He shrugs, grinning "Nothing." I shake my head slightly, and smile a bit, confused. Boys are crazy sometimes.

When the doors open, I am out like a bullet. "Whoa there!" Jordan says, putting a hand on my shoulder to keep me from running head on into a nurse. I breathe out anxiously, and nod at her apologetically. She smiles "Percy is in room 12." It's weird to have these people know who I am. But they did take care of me for 7 months, so. Another nurse waves at Jordan, who smiles and waves back. They probably know him too. I continue down the hallway, only focused on seeing my brother. I reach the room and place my hand on the doorknob. But Jordan stops me from going in, placing a hand over mine. "Before you go in..." he says, looking at me. I turn and look up into his eyes. "Just remember that he's in a coma. It might be a bit hard to see." He says softly. For a brief moment, I feel like I'm falling into his deep brown eyes. Then I blink and it's over. I nod, a little unnerved. But in a good way. I wrinkle my forehead, and turn back to the door. It's worth it. I step inside.

He lies on the bed, motionless. The steady beep of machines reminds me of what my hospital room sounded like. His brown hair lays flat, longish and pressed against the pillow. And numerous wires and tubes extend from his skin. I freeze in the doorway for a moment, a little taken aback. It is hard to see someone you've only known to have been smiling and laughing like that. So still. I take a step forward, and then a few more. My eyes graze along his arms, which are scarred from burns. Jordan steps in behind me, absolutely silent. You could hear a pin drop. That is, until a different, but just as familiar voice, speaks. "He only sustained minor injuries from the crash. He was lucky." I smile slightly, keeping my eyes trained on Percy. "Hey Em."

A/N: Not so feely of a chapter for once:) Yet the flirting continues!!! God they are just adorable...I have to put in just tiny little things that seem insignificant to Ali but are super obvious that Jordan is head over heels!! And I just got an amazing idea for a plot twist:)

Drop a comment and slap dat vote button for the next chapter maybe tomorrow?


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