Chapter 42- That Night

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*Jordan's POV*

Ian calls us all back 7 days later. Every day has seemed like an eternity. I just want her back. I want to find her, or die. I can't see any future ahead of me without her. It may sound ridiculous, or stupid, but honestly, it's too late for me to go without her now. She's the only thing that keeps me from slipping back into my depression and suicidal spells. Even if I lost her, and didn't kill myself because of that, it'd be something else. Maybe years in the future, maybe the next day. I'm just not stable enough to go on by myself. She heals me more than anything, so what's the point if she isn't with me? Why should I keep going, if I know I'm going to die in the end anyways? Every day we wait, she could be slipping closer to death. She might already be dead. It drives me halfway insane, so I focus intensely on my work, starting to write and animate nothing in particular, for no reason other than an excuse to do something with myself. The ache in my heart has in no way subsided. If anything, it's grown more intense, the longer we're apart. And now, it's accompanied by an itch- an insane determination to get her back. To kill Steven and put an end to this madness and destruction. If I let him live, he'll kill others. He'd find a way to hurt more people, even from jail. I'm closer now than I have ever been, and it feels like nothing can stop me, unless it kills me.

The house is a chaotic flurry by the time I arrive, when the sun has already set. Mitch paces back and forth in the hall, and Jerome watches him, tapping his foot anxiously. Ryan glances at me as I enter "Took you long enough." He mumbles, and I resist the ever-familiar urge to flip him off, only shrugging slightly. Mitch's eyebrows curve it what could be taken as some sort of approval. I'm trying, at least. Couldn't say the same for Ryan. Ian hangs up the phone, ending the call with whoever he was talking to, and the room falls silent.

"Alright. My friends have got her location. They're coming with us to raid the base. It's just a house, luckily. Oh, and more good news. The case is now under military jurisdiction, so we have full permission to kill or wound at will without trouble from the police." Ian rattles off, and I nod, slightly relieved I won't have to go to jail myself. Mitch cracks his knuckles "Ok. So when are we going?" he says eagerly, and I couldn't agree more. But, that doesn't seem to be the case. "We have to wait until tomorrow morning. It'll only be a few hours, really. But we have to get eyes on the area, and backup ready. The area has to be under lockdown first. It's protocol." Ian says, and I sigh, rubbing my temple. It makes sense, really, and if this is what we have to do, then that's that. But it's irritating, the waiting. "So we meet back up here with your friends and get weapons or whatever around 6 tomorrow?" Jerome confirms, and Ian nods. I swallow "We can do this, guys." I say, surprised by the team spirit that seems to be forming. I never thought I could be a team with these people. But, here I am, already feeling connected to them in a deep way. Everyone is tense, everyone is eager to get out there- to get her back. To get rid of Steven and everyone that helps him do these awful things. They've hurt others besides us. And it's time for them to go.

*Ali's POV*

I feel something change in myself that night. Like I've been pushed off a cliff. I'm suddenly hanging on for dear life by my fingernails, fighting with everything I've got to keep myself from falling into that deep abyss which could be nothing but death. I feel my heart fluttering barely, and my breaths coming in ragged, weak waves. I struggle with every fiber of my being, for him. I let his face fill my mind, because I know this is going to be a long fight. I just have to survive until morning. Morning is when the 3 days rest is up, and they bring water and food. The only thing that can save me now. A few hours doesn't seem so long, but every second drags on forever when you fight this hard. Oh god, please, Jordan. Find me. I think of only him, letting the memory of his face and his touch and his smell push me forward. Just until morning Ali. Only for him.

*Mitch's POV*

I take that night to be with Jerome. I don't know what is coming tomorrow, so I savor tonight. I lay with him wrapped in my arms and his around me. We stay like that for hours, silent. He is the only thing that makes me have second thoughts about what I'm doing tomorrow. What if I was to die? Or, even worse, what if he died? I don't know how I'd go on. He's been here with me since 3rd grade. And now, now he's so much more than a friend to me. He's my biggums, my loveable bacca with the biggest heart of anyone I've ever seen. I can't bear to let him go for a second. I press my lips to his forehead softly, and he smiles, looking at me intently. He probably feels just like I do right now. Halfway determined and halfway desperate to protect him. I see a tear fall down his cheek silently, and I wipe it away quickly, trying to fight the rising of my own emotions in my throat. "Everything's going to be fine, biggums." I whisper, trying to hide the shaking in my voice. He looks at me for a moment, touching my cheek gently. "You know that isn't true, Mitch." I swallow, not wanting to acknowledge that he's right. "One way or another, someone's going to get hurt. Even if it's not physically. We're going to have to kill people, Mitch. That's going to leave some scars." He goes on, forehead wrinkled. I close my eyes for a moment, trying not to think about it. "We'll get through it Jerome. I love you." I say, pulling him closer to me. He whispers it back and rests his head on my chest. I think I fall asleep after that moment, unknowing of what was to come.

*Jordan's POV*

I don't sleep that night. An uneasy feeling rests in my stomach. One that tells me we're running out of time. It's unexplainable, but I know she's in danger. As if she hadn't been this whole time. I scoff internally. But this is different. Something's different. I ache to have her back at my side more than ever. I love her so much it seems impossible. And I will get her back.

A/N: Obligitory wrapup of each characters POV before the battle scene in the VERY NEXT CHAPTER! OH MI GERSH. MUCH EXCITMENT. So I'm planning on having a few wrapup chapters after the next one, and some epilogue/ bonus scenes after that :) No third book though, to answer a few questions. Much apologies, but I have other projects that I want to start on, and the ending is a good place for the story to stop. It's hard to explain, but it's ready to be done. Remember to slap dat vote button and DROP A COMMENT!! The more you leave, the faster we get the epic battle/ feel jerker chapters!


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