Chapter 10- A Pleasent Surprise

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A/N: So sorry about the wait. My life is just absolutely hectic, I'm really trying my best to get stuff typed for you guys. It isn't fair to you to have to wait for so long, I'm really sorry and I hope you can understand:)

"Excuse me, but you're going to have to move away from the building." An officer says to us as he walks be. I turn a bit red, and step away, back onto the blocked off street. I refuse to let go of Jordan completely, and pull him back into me as soon as we are far enough away. "I thought you were dead." I whisper. He buries his face in my hair. "I'm fine. So is Percy. A little shaken up, but fine." He reassures me. I grin widely, pulling back to look at him again, just happy to see his smile. You don't realize how much you need something until it's gone. "I guess you really are Superman." I say teasingly, but end up getting lost in his eyes again. It's almost annoying. But I don't mind so much as to stop. He shrugs "I did what I had to do." I stare at him, wide eyed. "You carried a comatose boy out of a burning building." I say incredulously. He has to realize how amazing that was. He laughs "Well, when you say it like that..." I cut him off mid-sentence, leaning forward and pressing my lips to his. It's short, but doesn't fail to send my head spinning. I could have lost him today. Before I even really got to know him again. Before we had the chance to even love each other. And who knows what I would have done then? He smiles at me, eyes sparkling like they often do. Everything just feels right. "I don't think I can ever repay you for this." I say, glancing over at Percy, who they are loading into the back of the ambulance. He raises an eyebrow "You already have Ali. Just by existing, you've made my life so much brighter. Even if I've only know you for 4 days." I blush slightly, and my mind flashes back to Emily's words. "You've known me for longer than that." I say, quite flattered and flustered. But it's in a good way. It sends butterflies racing through my stomach in an amazing way. He chuckles. "Alright, fine, 7 months. Either way, no debt owed, ok?" I roll my eyes "sure." But that's a lie. I will never stop trying to repay him. I owe my brother's life and my own to him now.

He wraps his fingers around mine. "Come on. Percy's probably ready to go. We should make sure he settles in ok." I glance over to the truck again, where they are almost ready to leave. I start towards them, pulling Jordan along with me, like it should be. I never want to let go of him again. My eyes graze over the crowd. I catch sight of Em and a few others. I was sure they got out, but it's good to know. I should get in touch with her. It'd be nice to have my best friend back. And Mitch too. I promised him I'd call. I haven't. But in my defense, things have been the slightest bit hectic. "You're his guardian?" an EMT asks as we approach the vehicle. I nod "My brother. Comatose." I say. She smirks "I noticed. We're going to take him down to the children's hospital, if that's alright with you. Are you coming?" she continues. I blink, a little surprised by her can-do nature and forwardness. But it's appealing in a way. Interesting. I then nod, remembering that she asked me a question. "Well come on then." She says, and steps up into the truck easily. Jordan hops up first, and then lifts me in after him. I'm grateful, because my muscles have had just about enough for the day. She shuts the doors snugly behind us, and knocks on the wall to alert the driver we're ready. My eyes finally drift over to Percy, and I almost fall over.

He sits up, blinking rapidly and wide eyed. "Oh yeah, and he woke up." The medic says, smiling. Almost like she knew I would like the surprise. I stand stock still for a second, shocked. Is this what it was like for Jordan? Feels almost like something's wrong, like your world just got turned upside down. "Ali?" he asks voice shaky and weak. Should be, after not using it for so long. "Percy." I whisper, disbelieving. I always believed he would wake up, but I never imagined it would be so soon. "Oh my god." Jordan whispers from behind me, smiling. "What's going on?" Percy asks, starting to panic a bit. I clap a hand over my mouth, still processing. Today has been far, far too much for one person to handle. But he needs me. So I have to pull it together. This whole week has been absolutely insane. And now this. I take a deep breath. "You've been asleep for a very long time Percy. But it's ok now. I'm here, and you are fine." I say slowly, taking a step towards him. I'm almost reluctant to go to close, in the fear that this might just be a dream.

A knot rises in my throat, because it isn't a dream. My brother is awake. He's back. I'm not alone anymore. He takes a few deep breaths, doing an excellent job of keeping it together for a 9 year old. He's always been stronger than me. More capable of handling stress. "Where are Mom and Dad?" is his next question. That's a hard one. I blink back tears. "Um, they're gone for a little while. I'll explain later, ok?" I say, my hands shaking in my effort to hold it together. I thought I'd have time to plan this out; to think about what I'd say. I guess fate had no intention of letting me off that easily

A/N: In other news, this story has an insane amount of plot twists! Lol, one more thing I wanted to discuss- DIVERGENT!!!! HOLY BAJEEZUS HAS ANYONE SEEN THE MOVIE YET? FREAKIN AMAZING! Comment with thoughts, and slap dat vote button! I'll try super hard t get another up before Monday (probably sunday)


Stolen From Superman-The Sequel To Waiting for SupermanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt