Chapter 24- Gunshots

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I decide later in the day that I might as well get out and make up for the lost physical therapy of the morning. I end up heading to a gym downtown, with Percy hanging out at home with Jordan. He wanted to show him how to play Minecraft, and I figured they would best be left alone to do that. Despite my loathing of exercise, I know my muscles could use it. I'd like to be able to walk up the stairs without getting winded eventually. I take the bus down, making use of some of my random money that I now have lying around. I really do enjoy cities. As much as I love animals and farms, there's a certain bustle and craziness that I love. The people are so different and the culture is so rich. I can just listen to music and watch the activity. Sometimes I make up stories for people's lives. Funny how the human mind works. So imaginative, yet so near-sighted. I shake the deep philosophical things out of my mind as I get off the bus, walk a few blocks down the street to the gym I've decided on. I don't even get inside before things start happening. "Ali! I haven't seen you in a while!" a familiarly peppy voice says from behind me. I shut my eyes for a moment, hating that social standards mandate that I have to respond. "Hi Joey." I say tiredly, turning around to face my former instructor. As far as I know, he's not working with the hospitals anymore. He wasn't exactly who I wanted to see. I didn't really want to see anyone. I was hoping to have the day to myself. But of course the world isn't going to let that happen. I'll just try and get rid of him. "Everything working out ok after that fire?" he asks. I nod "Yeah. My brother woke up." I say, severely irritated with his voice right now. "Oh?" he questions, almost regretfully. I blink. "Yeah." I say slowly. Isn't that a good thing? I shake it off. "Anyways, I should get going." I say, just wanting to get out of here. I didn't like him before. But now it's worse. He seems... overly interested. He nods "Oh of course. I didn't mean to pry." He says, not really convincingly enough. I tilt my head slightly, looking away awkwardly. Why doesn't he just leave? "Oh, and a friend of mine wanted to say hi to Jordan. Tell him that Steven sends his well wishes." I blink. Why in the heck is he talking to his friends about us? Not just a client, a client's boyfriend? I wrinkle my forehead, slightly weirded out. "Ok. Bye." I say, turning and walking away, not really caring that the gym is in the other direction.

I head down the street, trying to shake the eerie feeling. But something isn't right. I don't like Joey. He seems worse now than before. Really strange. Almost scary. I glance behind me, and briefly see a flash of dark hair in the crowd. I quickly turn back around, heart pounding. It's just a coincidence, right? He could just be heading this way too. But somehow, I know that's not true. How did he know I was going to be here today? The longer I walk, the stronger the feeling of danger becomes. I pull down my sleeves anxiously, my old habit returning in my stress. I take a deep breath. Ok, think. If he is following me, he'll follow me if I make this turn. I walk across a cross-walk, heading down the other side of the street. There's no way he would do that if he was going somewhere else. I glance behind me quickly again, only to see the tall figure again. The people around me offer some security. I pick up my pace slightly; almost sure he's after me at this point. And I'm in danger. A nervous ball forms in the pit of my stomach, but I try to appear calm. I have to shake him off my track.

I make a sharp turn into a mall, hoping the thick crowd will disguise my movement. I head deep into the building, weaving in and out of people. I stop next to a tall pillar momentarily, looking behind me. I breathe a sigh of relief. No Joey. I quickly pull out my phone, speed-dialing Jordan immediately. I have to get out of here. I think I've lost him for now. But that doesn't mean he's gone. "Hey, can you come get me?" I ask, voice shaking with my nervous energy. "What's wrong?" he asks, instantly hearing my fear. I clear my throat obviously "Um, nothing. I just need to come home now." I say slowly, hoping he'll catch on. I don't want to draw attention to myself. "Ok...I'll be there in a second. Where are you?" "North town mall." I say, my eyes flitting around. "Meet me out front." He says tensely, hanging up. I take another deep breath, shoving my phone in my pocket. I pull up my hood, walking quickly to the entrance again, never taking my attention away from my surroundings. I'm not that far from the house. Jordan should be here in a few minutes. But I hover around the entrance, where I can see everything. My eyes fall on a remote corner of the outdoor patio, and I breathe in sharply. Joey leans on the wall, watching. My heart pounds and I wipe my palms on my pants, trying to appear like I'm not having a nervous breakdown. But adrenaline pumps through my veins. I'll stay in here until I see Jordan. But I'm going to have to walk outside. And he'll see me. I try to calm my heart rate. The more I can blend in, the better off I'll be.

I wait a few minutes in anxious agony, hoping he won't turn around. I almost sigh in audible relief when I see Jordan's car pull up in the parking lot. But I pray he stays in the car. I get the feeling Joey isn't just interested in me. I gather my courage and walk out, at as normal of a speed as I can manage. I don't look back, in fear that he's already behind me. I see Jordan staring at me from in the car, forehead creased in concern. I practically jump in, slamming the door. "We need to go. Right now." I say, slightly breathless from my tension. He slams it into reverse, not even pausing to consider why. I lurch forward, but I don't mind. The faster, we're out of here the better. I glance at where Joey was, out of pure curiosity, and hope that he hasn't moved. But the space is empty. My heart rate jumps tenfold, and I ball my fists "Drive!" I yell, and he does, hitting the gas. Nice thing about Jordan's cars, they're fast. I can't move, just hoping we can get out before anything worse happens. But it does. Gunshots echo across the lot, and people scream. Including me.

A/N: He he...he. I did it again. DONT YOU HATE ME!!! Lol new chapter tomorrow, hope you enjoyed this very dramatic writing! Slap dat vote buttona dn spam me with comments for more!


Stolen From Superman-The Sequel To Waiting for SupermanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt