Chapter 12- An Amazing Human Being

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I wheel Percy into the condo, just like Jordan did for me not too long ago. He looks around for a moment, and then his eyes land on the toy MechSuit gun on the counter. He smiles "I like it here." I resist the urge to laugh. I suppose he would like it here. Now that I think about it, he and Jordan are very similar. And Jordan still lives like a little boy. With his toys and video games and cars. "Awesome!" Jordan says, laughing a bit. Percy blinks a few times, adjusting to the large windows. "Do I have to go back to school?" he blurts out. I laugh "In the fall. It's almost March. So you'll get an extra-long summer break." He grins. "What about my room and stuff. I glance at Jordan "It's out in the car." He says, keeping a smile. "We'll set it up tomorrow, ok?" I finish for him. Percy nods. I glance at Jordan again "Hey, can I talk to you? Alone." I whisper, looking at Percy. He nods, pursing his lips. "Hey Percy." He says, and grabs the fake gun off the counter, handing it to him. Percy smiles widely, looking it over intently. I blink, raising an eyebrow "Should we really let him play with guns?" I say, in a hushed tone Jordan shrugs "He's fine." I smile slightly. I think they'll get along fine. I just have to make sure they don't go too overboard.

I pull Jordan into his bedroom, leaving the door cracked. "I can't ask you to let him live here." I start off, finally letting my stress show. I'd gotten so used to being able to say anything I wanted, show anything I felt, whenever I wanted to. Now that he's here, I have to keep it all in. Hold back everything. Jordan sighs, grabbing my hand. He looks at it for a moment "I don't see a problem with it." I blink. "No problem? I can't just storm in here and raise a child!" He shrugs "I say you can. So what's the problem? We're in this together, remember? I'd like to take care of him with you. You have no idea how lonely I was." He says, grinning. I stare at him in disbelief. "You have got to be the only person on Earth that has ever said that." He tilts his head. "It'll be fun, I think. It's about time I settled down a bit." I sigh "With a person you just met and her kid brother?" He nods, matter of factly. "Yeah! And I don't see you as some random person, Ali. I see you as someone that I'm close to now. Someone that I rely on, a whole lot. And I am more than happy to support you in this." He says, smiling. I blink "You are a perfect human being." I whisper, and then shut my mouth "Oh I said that out loud." I say, blushing a bit. He laughs "That's nice." I grin "It is true though. I have never seen anyone so kind." He shrugs. "It'll be like a challenge or something. Should be interesting." I scoff "Yeah, interesting is one word for it." He smiles "Well I've never had siblings! I'm curious!" I laugh "You have no idea what you're in for. What about sleeping arrangements?" He ponders for a moment "Got it! Percy can take the small room, and we can just move a bed for you in here!" I blink, staring at him for a moment. I don't think he quite realizes what he just said. Share a room with Captain Sparklez? Should be fun. He seems to catch onto this, turning a deep shade of red. "Uh....I mean, if that's ok...." He stutters. I laugh, squeezing his hand "Its fine. My closet's in here anyways. That very practical." I say, grinning. For once, I'm not the awkward one. He sighs in relief, still a slightly red. "Oh, and Mitch texted you. Saw your phone go off a bit ago. I didn't read though, no worries." I nod, wrinkling my forehead. "You can read it, if you want. I'm not hiding anything from you." I say, a little surprised he felt the need to make that clear. He shrugs "No, it's your thing. I'll stay out of it." I smile slightly. It's nice to know he trusts me, at least. Not that he needs to worry about anything. Then I hug him, burying my face in his shirt. "Today has been too much." I mumble. He sighs "You could not be more right." We are interrupted by Percy's voice from the living room. "Hey guys! You're on TV!" I pull back, surprised. It's easy to forget we aren't alone anymore. "How'd he manage to turn on the TV?" Jordan mumbles, confused. I shrug, and walk out into the main room, pulling him with me.

Sure enough, the footage rolling on the screen shows Jordan carrying Percy out of the doors. The title "Real Life Superman." Scrolls beneath it. I clap a hand over my mouth and try extremely hard not to laugh. This is what I've been saying from the start! "Are you Superman?" Percy asks, genuinely curious. At this point, my face is red from the effort. Jordan elbows me, and I stumble sideway, exaggerating my reaction. He grins at me slyly. "Not really." He tells Percy. I gain enough control to speak "I think he is." I say, grinning. Percy smiles "Me too!" Jordan smiles slightly, chuckling and looking at the ground. Then he suddenly lurches forward, flipping me over his shoulder fireman style. I squeal in surprise. "Maybe I am!" he says jokingly, and tosses me on the couch. I grin so wide it almost hurts, laughing. How it should be. Jordan laughs too, flopping down next to me. Percy sits silently, observing "Are you guys dating?" he suddenly says. I turn deep red, retreating back into my personal shy bubble very quickly. Jordan smiles a bit, glancing at me "I'm not sure. Depends on if she likes me." He says, grinning. Percy narrows his eyes, staring at me. "I think she does." I press my lips together, gathering my courage. Then I lean over and whisper in Jordan's ear. "I think so too."

A/N: Awwwwwwwwwww:) If anyone can tell me what movie the song on the right is from, I will love you forever! Lol, slap dat vote button if you enjoyed, and make sure to guess what movie! I missed yo guys comments on the last chapter:)


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