Chapter 37- A Question

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*Jordan's POV*

It's been 4 days. 4 days alone. Percy hardly speaks to me, shutting himself in his room. I can barely bring myself to get up in the morning, and recording is all an act, like it used to be. Back to normal. Back to my old, lonely life. Back to pretending I'm happy when there is no one in the world left here that loves me. It's hard. But what's worse, is imagining what she must be going through. All alone too. Are they starving her? Are they torturing her? Is she even alive? I shudder at the thought, cold without her, despite the sun that streams in through the window. Emptiness. That's all I've felt since that elevator closed. My mind absently lingers on her, unable to think of anything else for an extended period of time. They could be doing awful, awful things to her. Things she won't recover from. Regardless if it's emotional or physical. I shut my eyes, wrinkling my forehead in the attack of pain that suddenly racks me. No. If she's alive, she can recover from anything. She woke up from a coma, for God's sake! I will heal her. I will make her better. Nothing they can do will break her. I swallow roughly, my heart rate subsiding slightly. I only hope she's hanging on for me.

I take Percy to the airport later in the day, packing whatever he wants to bring to his new home in a few suitcases. His aunt is meeting us at the gate. He is silent the entire way there, staring out the window blankly. I glance back at him occasionally, but I cannot bring myself to say anything. What are you supposed to say to a 10 year old boy whose sister was kidnapped because of you?! Who's having his whole life flipped upside down again? Oh, sorry, I probably got your only remaining close family member killed, but I hope we can still be friends? No. There is nothing I can say. It kills me, to see him this way. I've come to think of him as something close to my own child, in regards to my protectiveness of him. I don't want to see him go, but I know it's for the best. He can have two, actual, parent who know what on earth they are doing. He can be away from the fighting and drama of 20-something year old's crazy lives. He can make lasting friends, and have a home, and a family...maybe even forget about all the tragedy in these past few months. It will be better for him. I almost scream it internally, forcing myself to believe it. But it's hard to let him go.

The walk to the gate seems like a blur. That's what most things feel like nowadays- nothing. Without her, nothing seems to have a point anymore. I just exist. There is no clarity, no focus for me. I'm just here, trudging through each day, and time passing. Hours and days flying and crawling by, all at the same time. Time passing without the slightest hint of my notice. Step after step. Word after word. Record, edit, and upload. Talk to this guy. Pretend I'm happy. Pretend like I'm not dying inside. I know nothing more. Back to my old, boring existence. Darkness without her.

Percy jolts me from my thoughts when he smiles, something I haven't seen him do since she was taken. A tall woman with blonde hair, about the color of Ali's, stands with her arms crossed, leaning on a pillar. They look so much alike, that, for a moment, it hurts. I blink, and her face becomes clear. Much older than Ali, of course, maybe around 40. Her eyes are clear hazel, topped with sharp eyebrows. "Aunt Sandy!" Percy says, and run toward her. She turns, her face lighting up as she sees him. She smiles, hugging him. Her eyes flit upwards, to me, carefully seeming to observe me. She seems nice enough. A good mother, from this first perspective. But I could be dangerous in her eyes, or bad for Percy. I could be responsible for Ali's kidnapping. I could be the reason for everything that has gone wrong. But I could also be the one who saved Ali. Who took care of Percy. Who her niece fell in love with. I push back the thoughts and walk forward, putting a false smile on my face. She stands up a little, regard me with something in-between thanks and worry. "You must be Jordan." She says, and I shake her hand, nodding. "Thank you, for everything." She says, and her face softens slightly. I look down. "Percy is a wonderful boy. And he needs someone who can take care of him better than just me." I say, voice rather quiet. I could have done it, with her. But she's gone. Sandy nods, one arm still around Percy's shoulders. "I also mean to thank you for letting me have him. I can't have children, you know. This is...well, a miracle, for my husband and I. Despite the awful circumstances." She says, trailing off at the end. I wrinkle my forehead, the memories fresher than ever. I stare at the ground for a moment, trying to pull myself together. Then I remember I'm not by myself at the moment, and look up, shaking my head slightly "I'm sorry. I haven't been the same since..." I mumble, not able to say it. I know I must seem like a bit of a lunatic right now. She tilts her head slightly, even sympathetically. "You don't have to apologize, Jordan." She says softly, pausing for a moment. "Has there been any news, about her?" she then continues, choosing her words carefully. She's good at being considerate, that's for sure. I shake my head "No." I get out, trying to hide my pain. She watches me for a moment. I should find it to be strange, but it doesn't feel that way. Tears well up in her eyes as she seems to understand, just how alone I am. "I hate to ask you this now, but I need to know. Did she love you?" she asks, trying to get some closure, I suppose. I blink rapidly, looking upward for a moment, and pressing my lips together tightly. "I think so. And I love her more than anything." I say, my voice barely remaining steady. I feel like I'm dying all over again. She places a hand on my shoulder, a tear rolling down her face. She's probably the only relative of Ali's I'll ever meet again. So I have something to ask. Something that will probably never come to be realized or needed, but might. I take a deep breath. "If we do get her back..." I start, my jaw tightening. I try again. "If she ever comes back to me, I don't plan on letting her go again." I say, smiling slightly. If, just for this moment, I pretend she's standing right beside me, maybe I can be happy. My mind flashes back to the ring that she got from her parents. "I'd like to ask your permission to marry her, if we get the chance." I say, surprisingly calm. I can imagine her presence so well. Warm and shining by my side. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but its right to ask someone for her hand. Sandy seems greatly moved by my statement, her eyebrows knitted into a knot of sadness for what could have been. "From even this short time, Jordan, I know that you love her. And I'm sure she loves you too. And if that's the case, then I don't believe she could find anyone better."

A/N: Aw jesus, the feels....Sorry for the long wait guys, I had a crazy bit of a weekend. Will probably have another this weekend, but probably another tomorrow night, and I'll try for sometime over the weekend. So anyway, thanks for reading! Slap dat vote button if you enjoyed, and drop a comment!

This story is starting to come to a reachable ending! I'd estimate 20 more chapters at absolute maximum. But I do know exactly how im working out the ending and plot, and I think you dudes are gonna like it. Thought I'd let you know now that there wont be another book :But! There will be a few epilouges/future scenes after the last chapter. So stick around and enjoy!


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