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Jess Point Of View

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Jess Point Of View

My head was throbbing, it felt like someone was trying to rip it up from inside. I have never experienced such a horrible headache, the worst part was that I couldn't even properly open my eyes.

I tried my best to open them up and managed to only to close them afterward as the bright light made my eyes burn, what is happening? I felt a hand hold mine and just by the feel of it I knew it was my mom's soft hand. The touch of her hand reminded me of childhood when I would always cling to her as a koala to a tree. 

I opened my eyes again this time trying to get used to the bright lights that were radiating from the ceiling, it wasn't my ceiling. I squinted my eyes looking around the foreign room, the room looked like a hospital room. I felt my heart start to beat extremely fast, I thought my heart would jump out of my throat. I felt uneasy.

Why am I here?

What happened?

Why don't I remember what happened?

I looked at my mom, she was asleep. I lightly tugged on her arm and woke her up.

" Mom, why am I here? " I asked as my voice got a bit shaky.

She pulled her hand towards my head and stroked the side of my face, " Sweetie, you had your first episode."

I looked at her as my eyes opened wide, " W-what? "

" You had your first episode while you were at school, " my mom explained as she tried to calm me down. I nodded and continued to try to remember what happened and why I went into an episode. I was thinking until I realized that I don't know one very important thing

" Mom? " I called out to my mother.

She looked at me and sweetly smiled, " Yes? "

" How did you get me to an emergency room if you were at work and I was at school? " I asked as I looked into her eyes searching for an answer.

" A nice boy took care of you, " she continued, " he called me and told me that you had an episode or something like that and that he didn't know what to do. "

I nodded and listened to what she had to say.

" Who was that boy? " I asked confused.

There wasn't anyone at school that would help me, most would just walk past me if they saw me acting like a crazy person and most probably filmed it as well.

She smiled, " I think his name was Seungmin. "

Of course, it was him. Who else could've it been?

I groaned and rolled my eyes, " Of course, it just had to be him."

" Why are you annoyed Jess? " mom asked confused.

" I can't stand his guts, " I mumbled into my pillow but of course she heard it.

I heard my mom sigh heavily.

She's mad.

" Lee Songhee! Even if you don't like someone you should still be thankful if he hadn't found you, who knows what could've happened!" my mother said strictly.

Why did she have to get so mad? I have every right to dislike someone and also I'm in a hospital, couldn't she just cut me some slack?

I turned to her, " I never said I wasn't thankful! And please don't call me that. "

" No, it's your name, I gave you that name and I have every right to call you by it." my mom was getting angrier and angrier, she doesn't understand, does she.

I turned around and acted as if I was trying to sleep, " Leave. "

She took a deep breath and got up, " Songhee, I know you're mad but do not disrespect me. You want me to leave? Okay, I'll leave."

She walked to the door and exited.

I sighed and got up in a sitting position, I kept quiet because I heard my mom cry on the other side of the door. I hated disappointing people but I always end up doing it, what the fuck is wrong with me?

I felt tears dwell up in my eyes. No, Jess doesn't cry. Don't cry.

A/N this was very short but I like dividing the events according to the situation, so in the next part Jess will already be at school and all of Stray Kids will be there ;)

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