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"What's the point
In dreaming when
Reality sucks"

"What's the pointIn dreaming when Reality sucks"

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Jess Point Of View

I sat down in my seat and started to get all my books on to my table. The weekend had been horrible with all the horrible messages coming in that I barely was able to even do anything productive, not like I would've anyway.

Soon enough Seungmin had sat next to me and was getting his books out as well. He didn't even really greet me and for some reason, it kinda saddened. He usually was the only one who would talk to me at school but it looked like it had changed now.

After I got all my books I hid my face in my hands and tried to relax my brain a bit so it could get ready for the torture it will soon have to experience.

Soon enough I felt someone poke my shoulder. I looked up to see Seungmin.

" What do you want now?" I asked Seungmin.

He looked into my eyes and smiled, " Will you sit at lunch with my friends and me?"

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets, " Why are you suddenly asking me that? "

He shrugged and looked at his friends, " I just want you to join my little friend squad, is that bad to want?"

" Oh, you want me to be the laughing stock of your conversations?" I laughed bitterly.

" No! Why would you think that? " Seungmin asked me shocked, he looked offended. I felt bad that I had offended him but I didn't get what I had said wrong.

" Cause I've only experienced that," I said quietly.

" What was that?" Seungmin asked as I had disturbed him from his thoughts,

I looked at him and let out a small smile, " I said that I will eat lunch with you and your friends."

He smiled brightly at me, " And now you're under my spell and you can't ditch us."

I looked down at my table and sighed, " Okay, promise. "

Soon lunch time came, I know I promised Seungmin that I won't ditch them but my phone had started to go off again over and over again.

I got up from my seat and ran out of the classroom and into the girl's bathroom. I heard Seungmin shout after me but what could I do besides ignoring him in a situation like this.

I unlocked my phone and new numbers had started texting me. I looked at the messages and read them quietly.

Does your ass bounce?

Would you roleplay
with me baby?

How you ever had a
thick man take you
from behind?

That sweet ass of
yours should help
the problem in my pants now

Can I imagine you
taking me in while in a
school uniform?

I was feeling sick to my stomach. I still can't comprehend how someone can be so disgusting and say such things to me, a sixteen-year-old.

I felt the tears run down my cheeks, I couldn't hold them in any longer.

I felt violated.

I felt useless.

Most of all

I felt like a disappointment.

Seungmin Point Of View

I sat down next to my friends at the lunch table.

Changbin looked at me then around me, " Where's Jess?"

" She just ran away and hid inside the girl's bathroom," I said as I looked down at my food.

Miryeo looked at me annoyed, " You know that you could've just asked me to get her."

I looked at Miryeo and shook my head, " She probably wanted time alone."

Miryeo got up and asked me, " You're coming with me to get her or will you just continue to be useless in situations like this? "

I sighed and got up, " We'll be back soon! "

Miryeo and I headed towards the bathroom I saw Jess run in to. As we reached the door, Miryeo told me to stay here and she will go in and try to talk with Jess.

Third Person Point Of View

Miryeo headed into the bathroom, she looked around a bit to see if anyone was in there.

Soon enough she heard quiet sobs. Miryeo's eyes widened and she knocked on the door of the cubicle.

" Jess? " Miryeo asked.

Jess looked at the door, " What? "

Miryeo very well knew something was off. She looked at the door only to realize that it wasn't locked. She slowly opened the door to see Jess sitting on the floor crying while her phone was in her hands.

Miryeo sat down next to Jess and pulled her in for a hug, " Just cry it out. "

Miryeo was trying to help Jess but she really couldn't completely as she didn't know what was the problem.

Jess continued to sob but this time she hugged Miryeo back. Jess very well knew what she was doing but she didn't care as even she realized she needed that hug a lot.

Miryeo was rubbing Jess's back in order to try to calm down the girl who was bawling her eyes out.

Jess pulled away from the hug and wiped her cheeks, she had been crying for fifteen minutes.  Miryeo talked to Jess a bit and tried to calm her down.

Jess felt cared for when Miryeo helped her. It had been a while since someone comforted her. It felt nice to have someone hug her and tell her that everything is going to be okay.

Miryeo got up and helped Jess get up, " Seungmin is out waiting for us, he's probably worried."

" Why would he be worried? " Jess asked Miryeo after she washed her tear stained face with cold water.

Miryeo giggled, " I can't tell you but what I can tell you is that you should keep Seungmin close."

" Why? " Jess was confused.

" He cares a lot for you so I bet it would only make him happy if you were to get to know him. " Miryeo sad and laughed.

Both of them exited the bathroom only to see a worried Seungmin.

He really was worried about what had happened inside the bathroom. He had heard some cries but he wasn't allowed to enter the bathroom.

A/N Do you guys even like this story?

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