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" I thought that I
was dreaming. "

Third Person Point Of View

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Third Person Point Of View

Jess's knees got weaker than before, her heart was racing due to the contact with Seungmin but the worry she had was much greater than some useless feelings.

She had an episode. Those are only supposed to occur when the person starts becoming mentally unstable, which was Jess's biggest fear ever since she found out about her diagnosis. If treated properly at first clinical sadness can't do much to a person besides keeping them in a box of emotions but with Jess's case, it was hugely different. Jess's mental issues started when Kyungah left which was three months before she actually got assigned a therapist.

Back then those three months didn't mean much as Jess strongly believed she was just depressed. In her mind depression would have been easier to treat, she didn't know where she got such an idea from but she surely had it.

Jess wasn't even able to hold onto Seungmin for help as she was too weak to even lift her arms. She was doing a foolish thing, she was using all her strength to block the tears from flowing out of her eyes again. Jess knew there was nothing Seungmin could do, so she just had to get him to call her mother.

" S-Seungmin, can you call my mom?" Jess asked weakly as she was struggling to breathe. Her mom would be able to help her greatly at a moment like this. No one's love is greater than a mother's love for her child.

Seungmin nodded, " Where's your phone? "

Jess pointed her finger at the backpack that was still by the lockers. Seungming nodded and slowly helped Jess down on the floor. There weren't any benches for her to sit on, so all he could do was make sure she was sitting comfortably with her back to the wall for support.

Jess wasn't thinking right at this moment if she was she wouldn't have asked for Seugmin's help. She didn't know what was wrong with her because she never did things like this, it felt as if there was a stranger inside of her.

Seungmin walked over to her back and got her phone. Surprisingly her phone didn't have a password but one thing he did notice was the '99+' by her messages icon. He knew he was doing something wrong but he opened the app.

And there it was. All the messages that Jess had been trying to ignore for the past few days, the mysterious messages with the horrible components. He was disgusted by them, who wouldn't have been?

Once again Seungmin didn't allow himself to be selfish and quickly exited the messages app only to open her contact and look for her mother's contact.

One he did without thinking he pressed call, he didn't know what he will have to say but he will figure it out, he had to.

" Yes, sweetie? " Her mom picked up the call.

Seungmin scratched the back of his neck, " Uhm, hello. I'm Songhee's friend from school and.. um.. we have a problem and I don't know how to help her. "

" What's wrong?" Seungmin could easily sense the worry in her mom's voice.

" She had an episode. " Seungmin said quietly, " and currently she is sitting on the floor as she isn't able to get up without help, it's like she doesn't have any strength left. "

Seungmin heard some shuffling sounds from the call, " Stay with my daughter, for now, I'm coming straight away."

And soon enough the call ended. All that Seungmin had to do now was make sure Jess didn't get any worse. When he walked back to her, he saw tears all over again but this time she wasn't even able to block her ears.

" No one is going to save you. Just give up. You're a disgrace Songhee. A different name won't be ever able to hide that. You're worthless. " Jess kept mumbling to herself it was just like before. She wasn't familiar with her surroundings and she had completely forgotten that Seungmin was even there.

As soon as Seungmin heard what Jess was saying to herself, he pulled her in for another hug.

"I'll save you. You're not a disgrace. You have such a being meaning to this world you are not worthless, " Seungmin whispered as he hugged her and tried to comfort her.

Much to his surprise, the girl started to calm down. She wasn't able to hug him back but she stopped saying those devastating things for a short while.

Seungmin thought she was calming down until he heard a whisper from her, " Songhee. "

Seungmin pulled her away and looked into her eyes, " What did you just say? "

" Songhee, " she repeated.

" What about that name? " Seungmin asked.

She opened her eyes weakly and looked at him, " Call me Songhee, Seungmin. "

He nodded as if telling her that he will do so. Jess was suddenly accepting her Korean name. She looked at Seungmin once again and smiled before crashing into his chest.

Seungmin brought her closer to him and he hugged her and did his best to comfort. Soon enough Songhee's mom was standing at the entrance of the hall.

She stayed quiet for a while and admired the view in front of her. All she wanted to do was take her daughter in her hand and hug her as tight as she could but she knew by just the view that the boy's hug was a lot more helpful than hers would ever be.

Soon enough the mother shook her head and walked towards the two teens. She crouched down by their sides.

" Thank you, " Songhee's mom said as she patted Seungmins back as in showing her appreciation for his existence.

Seungmin nodded his head as if saying 'no problem'. Slowly he got up and picked up Songhee bridal style. The mother was looking at him and smiled, she was happy that Jess knew someone like that.

" Can you help me take her to my car? I'm going to take her to the emergency room. " Songhee's mom softly said.

Seungmin nodded and followed Songhee's my, he didn't notice when the mother had picked up Songhee's back until he realized he was a bit distracted when he was trying to comfort Songhee. He felt his cheeks become red but he did his best to ignore the distracting feeling.

When they reached the car he helped place Jess inside of it and placed the safety belt onto her.

When he closed the door he looked at Jess's mom, " excuse me? "

" yes? " the mother replied.

Seungmin took out Jess's phone from his pocket and gave it to her mother, " Please look inside it. There is something Jess isn't telling us. "

The mother only nodded.

Soon Seungmin heard the bell ring. He bowed at Jess's mom and soon turned his back running back inside the school.

When he entered his classroom again he was panting, he felt all the eyes on him but he just sighed and walked towards the teacher to explain everything that had happened excluding the part he hugged Songhee in order to comfort her.

The teacher nodded and allowed him to return to his seat without any further punishment.

A/N can we like talk about the stage names? Like wtf is Lee Know? I know in Hangul it's not that bad as it's just 리노 which can be read as "Lino" but like STILL WTF. AND ALSO PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TWEETING " I.M is Gucci and I.N is Walmart ". Bitch where? They both Gucci AS FUCK. :)

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