Chapter 14

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Malina woke up in the bed by herself, she had no recollection of falling asleep, although she did remember what happened before that.

Slowly and quietly she sat up onto the bed and threw her legs over the side, but as she put her feet on the ground, one of her feet landed on top of something incredibly warm and much taller that the carpet.

As she look down she saw a large dog, then it hit her,

they had put a fucking guard dog on her.

Lazare opened his eyes as he felt the most amazing thing against his fur, his eyes immediately snapped to the source, his perfect mate.

The Alpha began to panic inside, he had gotten so angry that he had shifted in the hall on the way to their room but he had hoped to calm down before she woke up so that he could shift.

He was definitely calm now with his mates brown eyes staring at him but if he shifted back she might think of him as a monster.

The man, or wolf, watched as his mate hesitantly moved a hand towards him, his tail began to wag as his body flooded with joy, his mate wasn't afraid of him.

His body jolted forward to meet Malina's hand and then froze, keeping his eyes on his mate afraid his sudden movement scared her.

Malina moved her hand against the massive dog as it's tongue rolled out of its mouth, all she need to do was distract it and since she didn't have any treats, what better way to distract it than to pet it.

The woman placed her hand against her stomach as it growled with hunger, not now, she thought. She was very afraid the animal in front of her would mistake it as growling and take it as a threat.

Lazare promptly stood to his full hight and rushed out the room, he cursed himself for not thinking about feeding her, and felt incredibly guilty about letting her hunger go on for so long.

As he walked down into the kitchen, his instincts pushed him towards the back door, which lead directly into the forest, but as much as he wanted to hunt for his mate and show her he was strong enough to take care of her, he also knew that as a human she might not be as appreciative of the gift of a dead deer as another of his kind might.

Malina stared at the open door after the animal had walked out of the room, had it been afraid of her? Or was it simply going to get its master?

Either way this was still a chance to escape in her mind, all she had to do was walk out the door and hope nobody else was in the house.

So she walked slowly out of the door into the hallway, she looked both way, at left side of the hall there was a dead end with a door at the end and on the right side of the hall it seemed to end also with a door.

Malina decided to go right, walking slowly but stopped as soon as she felt something poke the back of her leg, causing her breath to stop.

I feel like people don't like this book from the lack of feedback (like votes and comments)

So do you like this story or should I just stop writing it?

His Perfect (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon