Chapter 9

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Kameron, Dion and Ritchie went through with there plan with out a hitch, that is until they realised they didn't have any where they could hide her and also guarantee Lazare would find her.

"These ski masks are so stupid," Kameron complained, "Why couldn't we have gotten those cool masks they sold?"

"Because you would have kept it and then there would be evidence." Dion stated, while tying his Alpha's mate to a chair while Malina cried, soaking the bandana that was being used as a gag.

"No I wouldn't have." Kameron grumbled, "Are you done yet, we need to cover up our scent before the patrol tell La-"

Ritchie glared at Kameron and elbowed him in the ribs, "Do you want to give us away?" Ritchie hissed, motioning his head towards Malina.

Dion coughed before taking a perfume bottle out of his backpack and spaying it all over the room. Malina scrunched her face up and coughed as the horrid smell filled her lungs.

Kameron groaned, "It smells like rouges!"

Ritchie just rolled his eyes, "Of course it does."

"Come on, let's go."

And just like that the three men left Malina.


Lazare sat in his office, doing mundane paper work while thinking what he was going to do with his life. He couldn't keep being Alpha, not without his mate, but he didn't have an heir, so unless Kameron or Dion were ready to become Alpha then he would have to hand the pack over to the closest residing Alpha, Alpha Harald Xylander.

Lazare was snapped out of his thoughts by some of his pack members barging in. As soon as he recognised them he narrowed his eyes, they were the guards he had commanded to watch over Malina.

"What?" He snapped, the people in front of his anxiously glanced at each other before a female stepped forward.

The woman coughed before she spoke with uncertainty, "Um... Well Alpha..." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "We have reason to believe-"

"That the Luna has been taken by rogues." A man in the group interrupted, speaking with such speed, a human wouldn't have understood.

Lazare gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, "What?" He repeated more aggressively.

"How the fuck were rogues able to get to my mate?" He spat with poison in his voice, now he was shaking.

Lazare was unsure what to feel, he wanted to shift and go on a murderous rampage but he also wanted to curl up into a ball with his mates pillow and cry.

"W-well Alpha she was at work and you told us to guard the house so we just thought-" The first woman meekly spoke before squeaking as her Alpha let out a ferocious roar.

Lazare glared at the five people he had trusted with the responsibility of guarding his mate, "Do you know where she is?"

One of the guards opened their mouths to say something before being interrupted my the door slamming open revealing a breathless Kameron.

"Lazare, me and Dion were having a run in the woods and we caught the scent of rogues and your mate," Kameron breathlessly rambled before turning to see the Luna's guards, "Oh."

Kameron knew the plan was most defiantly working as Lazare got up and growled,

"Show me where you smelt it."

Sorry this is so late.

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