Chapter 6

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Double upload to thank you all for waiting so long. Thanks!
Lazare held his head in his hands as he sat next to his mate, who was laying unconscious in a hospital bed.

He was breathing heavy, still overcome will rage.

When Lazare saw her on the ground he almost killed the men on patrol, after all they were the ones who hurt her.

Lazare let out a loud growl when he felt someone else's presence in the room. He wanted to get up and get rid of them but he knew that wasn't a good idea. So he took his mates hand into his and rubbed it against his face.

"Alpha..." A voice squeaked.

The man went tense and let out a growl, he only relaxed once he felt the other person was out of the room.

Lazare places his nose into the ginger curls of his mates hair. As he breathed in Malina's scent he began to calm down.

Once his anger was gone, it was replaced with another feeling.


After all, it was his fault that she was in his territory, and the fact that she had ran away from him.

Lazare raked his mind for reasons his mate would want to leave him. Was it because he had scared her away? Or was it because of how clingy he was?

Was it because she hated him?

He hissed through his teeth as his heart began to squeeze in pain. Lazare placed his hand on his chest and moved his face to Malina's neck.

He closed his eyes and took deep breathes of the pale girls scent.

Lazare just wanted her to be happy with him, but maybe that's impossible.

Maybe he's such a bad person that he deserves a life without his mate, not that it would be much of a life.

He didn't think he was a bad person, but if his mate hated him enough to jump from a window and run into the woods just to get away from him then maybe he was.

Maybe he didn't deserve his mate.

It was then Lazare made a decision that would probably ruin his life.

He had decided to let his mate go.

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