Chapter 22 "the driveway" part 3

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     The deamons are restless. "We need those drugs. Those drugs are the key to us really taking control in here," Addiction says. Mistrust pushes forward, "If you go back without the drugs the cool kids will never accept you. Nothing will shield you from shame and ridicule. You will be a Pereira!" Starke thinks of the kids constantly ridiculed. Talked about to their face and behind their backs. The ones that do not dress right, cannot talk well, and are just awkward in every way. He does not have the strength to survive as one of them. Rejection calls for Oppression to let loose Anger. The great chamber rumbles.

"Give me the money," Starke stretches his hand out. Piner slaps the money in his hand and holds onto to get pulled up. "Be careful. I will wait right here," Piner says. Starke puts the money in his front left pocket and marches back toward the bonfire.

He is frustrated and does not know why. His mind is completely focused on one thing. Get the drugs and do not let the gatekeepers to the new land they are stop him. He beelines right to the fire. The men standing there are like iconic pillars appearing more structural than human. The women are sprinkled about like spice in a thick broth kettle. At surface the women are alluring like they just got off work from dancing in an eighties rock video, but the when the light of the fire kisses their face one can see what the partying has took from them. Under their eyes is dark like the chocolate frosting on a donut. Their face like cracked porcelain. The men wore scowls like sailboats wear masses.

Starke pushes in next to the biggest of the men. Starke is a big boy but he is a stump next to full growth here. The alcohol is wearing off. His nerves are kicking in he is sweating like a Klan man at N.W.A. concert. The smell of the liquor evaporates in the air with his sweat. They are passing a bowl. The man next to Starke holds when he should pass giving Starke a sideways glance.

Starke snatches the bowl from his hand hitting off it then hits it again before passing it to the mountain on the other side of him. The taste is all chemical nothing natural about it. Every doubt is taken away from Starke. He feels as if he could run head first through a brick wall and come out the other side no problem. Every thought in his head is simplified or non-existent, for him that is a beautiful thing.

"How old are you, kid?" the mountain side biker next to him says. "Old enough," Starke answers. "You better be. If the cops come rolling down here and you are underage and I catch a charge for that I will beat you until you ask me to kill you." "Well if someone," and Anger burst up in Starke he turned around glaring at the guy in the lawn chair, "sells us some damn greens we will be out of here!" "Shh I like you kid but don't push me. Who did you ask to sell you some greens?" Starke points back tot eh guy in the lawn chair who is watching them snickering, indubitably waiting to see Starke get smashed. "That's Harvey. You go over there and tell him Dodger said to sell to you." Starke thanks him and starts over when Dodger calls him back. "Hey kid where are you parked?" "Back there," Starke says pointing towards the road. "Oh no that will get all of us busted. Buy your shit and get out!" Dodger exclaims. "Yes sir," Starke says heading over to Harvey.

Harvey sits there with a smug look on his face and he is not budging. It's a stare down. Harvey is not all that scary like the other guys but he knows them Starke does not. Dodger turns around, "Hey little man! Where did you park?" Starke looks back and sees every face in the fire circle is staring at him. Starke thinks quick. Feeling threatened he answers, "I have two carloads around the bend." "You parked two cars with people in them by the road! Are you trying to get me busted?" Dodger screams. Harvey is loving this. He picks up his seat and moves back away from Starke. "Get your shit and get out of here! And next time when you come back kid you drive all the way up here where the other cars are. Lights out at the pass," Dodger says.

Starke turns back to Harvey's sour face. Harvey wanted to see a bloodbath. "How much do you want?" Harvey asks. "Um I got," Starke digs the money out of his pocket. Twenty-five dollars from the boys thirty-two from his own. He pushes the balled-up money in front of him. "Man, we don't sell like that, a half can is twenty-five a whole can is fifty how much do you want?" Starke puts seven dollars back in his pocket and asks for a whole can. "I have in bags of half cans so here's two," Harvey says slapping the bags in Starke's hand.

Starke walks back down into the darkness of the driveway finding Piner cowering near some trees. "Did you get it Starke?" Piner asks. "I did," Starke answers. "How much did you get?" Piner wants to know. "A can," Starke answers. "A whole can! I never had a whole can let me see." Piner has been in the darkness longer and his eyes are adjusted. Starke hands him both bags and as his eyes are adjusted to the lack of light he can just make out Piner's broad grin.

Piner pulls the cellophane from his cigarette pinching half the bag from the one he says is for the boys back in the jeep. "They don't need to know about this. We'll smoke this up ourselves," Piner says. Piner then gets up and walks back to the jeep. "Oh you done real good Starke. Man, you done so good. I am so glad you came along. I just had a feeling. Now remember let me do the talking to these assholes and you just go along with whatever I say. Alright?" Piner says. Starke nods the affirmative. "Me and you Starke. Me and you," Piner fist bumps Starke. "It's going to be an epic weekend!" Piner says just before they reach the jeep.  

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