Chapter 16 Home of the lost Boys part 3

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     Ms. Mundy breaks the silence. "Well your parents are on their way and you are going home with them." "No," it just comes out of Starke's mouth without him deciding what to say. Like the way your leg kicks up when the doctor hits your knee in the right spot with that triangular red rubber hammer. "No! You said no to me. Who do you think you are? You little spoiled brat. Your parents are to good for you." Ms. Mundy gets up and walks out to the lobby. Starke turns in his seat to look back at her. She is leaning on a chair craning her neck at the window to see the whole parking lot. Starke shifts back quickly as she turns back around to come back in. She sits down. Takes off her glasses and stares at Starke. Two cold dark eyes like gun barrels pointed at the boy.

"Your handsome and young. Even athletic looking," Starke stares at her like a hot ice cube. Those words just should not exist in a mouth attached to those eyes. "If you don't go home with mommy and daddy when they get here then you know what I am going to do with you?" she asks. Anxiety is tearing into Starke he cannot speak anymore. "I will place you in foster care, and do you know who is going to want a pretty boy like you? Nice little homosexual men. You will be there little toy. You know like in prison. That's who take boys your age. Even if they have wives. Men who want to have sex with young boys are the kind of foster parents that take young boys. It happens all the time. As pretty as you are that is exactly what you will get. Is that what you want? Maybe you do. Maybe you have heard and that is why you don't want to go home with nice parents like yours." The color runs out of Starke's face. He has not heard that. The idea of being raped makes anything he has been through seem so much less damaging. "How about I go live with my great aunt?" Starke asks. "Absolutely not. You are not going to live with an older lady you can take advantage of. It's foster care or back with your parents." Ms. Mundy stands up. "Let me know when your parents arrive," she says. Then exits out a side door to the left. Looks like it may be a kitchen in there from a glimpse.

Anxiety heightens the fear. The deamons are feasting. It is constant party in this boy for them and it only looks to be getting more abundant for them any direction he goes. His parents come in behind him. He throws up a little in his mouth. Looks around for something to spit it in. He thinks of using Ms. Mundy's waste bucket, but then decides not to. If she comes back and sees he did that not telling how horrible of a place she would send him. He swallows it. His parents come in. He gives up his seat so they can have the two across from her desk.

He walks over and knocks on the door and says lightly not wanting to offend her anymore, "they are here Ms. Mundy." She comes back in still chewing something as she outstretches her hand to his parents. She swallows, smiles like Starke has not seen then asks him to shut the door when he goes into the waiting area. A half an hour passes. Starke cannot hear anything going on in the room. She has a white noise generating fan. When she opens the door, she has daggers for eyes. Starke follows her and stands there. His mother looks to be crying. "We have done so much for him and he has put us through hell. My husband works night and day to provide things for him we never had and he just treats us like we are dirt," his mother is speaking in a very somber pathetic tone. "I have seen so many children com through here that would kill for parents like you too. He does not deserve you two," Ms. Mundy says then asks them to sit in the waiting room while she talks to their son. His mother is still complaining about how he treats them as she walks into the other room.

"You have the most wonderful parents. You do not know how lucky you are." There is no sense in him telling her a thing about him. Her mind was made up before he ever got there that morning. He did not want to get raped. He had been thinking in the waiting area. There was a show he enjoyed watching on television. It is called Growing Pains. The father on that show is a psychologist. Starke thinks a guy like that might be able to fix everything. "I think we need help," Starke says. Ms. Mundy looks like she has to use the bathroom. She shifts in her seat and looks like she is holding something in. She does not say anything so Starke continues. "I will go back if we have a psychologist." "Well you definitely need a psychologist. You need a lot of help, but maybe family counseling will help your parents deal with you." Starke disregards her language. If he gets his parents in front of a psychologist like the one on the show he will see right through them and set them straight. "Yes I think that is exactly what your family needs. Go ask them to come back in."

Starke does and they sit back down. He stands to the side. "So, Starke wants a family psychologist to counsel you all." "Uh eh no. He is not going to tell me I am crazy. He is the one with the problem," his mother says. She has venom dripping from her eyes she is so angry. "It is not like that. The psychologist will work to correct his behavior and help you two with strategies to deal with him." "And who is going to pay for that? I don't think he should cost me another dime. He is spoiled as it is." "Insurance will pay for it. Won't cost you anything and I think a psychologist will teach him how to appreciate you two and how much you sacrifice for him." "Ah wele ah I don't know. Allan what do you think?" "Only if its not costing me anything. We pay for everything for him and all we get back is grief," Allan says. "I would not want you to spend another dime," Ms. Mundy insists, " he is not worth it." "Well I don't know any shrinks and I am not going out of my way in the city for him," Allan says. "Right we should not be inconvenienced anymore, because of him. He has cost us too much money and time already."

Ms. Mundy licks her teeth with her lips closed over them. She is looking at Starke now. This must be something she does when she is thinking. For the first time she appears to be sympathetic towards him. "When we talked this morning, then again after you got here you asked me for help. This is to help you. You said you would do anything to get your son back and that he may be making lying acquisitions about you. I am trying to help you."

Starke's mother looks at her husband. She has worry on her face and is unaccustomedly quiet. "Do you have someone you suggest?" Allan asks. "I do. There is a fantastic psychologist right in Severna park so that is not too far for you," Ms. Mundy answers. "Ok, well if it doesn't cost us anything," Allan says. "It won't. He is fantastic and I know he takes insurance.," Ms. Mundy says. "Well it will cost us gas," his mother says. "Yes you will have to drive there, but its closer then here. Why don't you just try it. That or I can put him in foster care, but like I told you before once you go that route he is liked in for six months. You cannot just put him in somewhere to scare him and pull him back out."

His mother looks at his father. They look like they are out of options. "Well we will t-r-y it. Who do you suggest?"  Ms. Mundy digs through her desk then produces a card she hands his mother. "Doctor Peacock, like I said his office is in Severna park. I will call him for you and let him know what to suspect."        

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