Chapter 2 We were Born

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We were Born

We were born and everyone in the host is buzzing. Chatter, chatter, chatter. The noise is driving Rejection batty. Batty, but not worried. Anger has a little fear though. The heaven-sent spirits which Anger learned from Rejection are called gifts and this baby has many gifts are all chatting about something that will drive us deamons out. The parents never talked to the baby while it grew in the womb. Between that and all the negative talking Rejection and Isolation fed well. They are major influences in the baby and have grown very close. Of course, the gifts do not like this, but with all the negativity inside and out there was not much they were able to do about it. What they thought the game changer would be was the birth. Family would come in and see this beautiful healthy boy. Maybe recognize some of his gifts and praise him. Even if that did not happen they would love him and his parents and bring light into what had become way to dark.

Anger saw their point. He admired the gifts. He wanted to be one. He wished he had been heaven sent and not from hell, but as Rejection never failed to remind him, he was from hell. Never could you be like the gifts. "Don't forget where you are from," Rejection says to him over and over again sometimes even poking him in the chest as he does. Maybe somehow, he got in Anger like they got in the baby, because Anger can hear his silky yet crackly voice whispering hateful words when Rejection is not around. Anger has not grown like the other deamons. Rejection tells him his time will come. Without Rejections reminders of where they are from Anger believes he might have starved out completely. Perhaps that is why Rejection is in his head if he is? Perhaps he feeds him too. Rejection has a way of somehow simultaneously commanding a superior air and being cozy-friendly at the same time.

Hours pass in the hospital and it's only the father and mother there. Then a day passes by as they watch all the other parents have visitors. People to rejoice with. People to bitch to. People to share the experience with. Rejection is actually giggling. "The other Rejection in the mom says they are anticipating the father's family will stop by. She is already double teaming the mom with anger to run them off if they do. It's a fight because there is a good spirit in there that just wants to show her and her husbands little creation off. But don't worry. I feel this will work itself out nicely for us."

The father is a member of his country's military at the end of his tour. They baby is born in the United States of America a few states away from the parents extended family where they are stationed. The couple have no support from family and hoped a baby would change that. Anger found out that that belief was also heard by our Rejection deamon back in the abyss. That is how he knew they would not abort or give the baby up for adoption. He always said in that superior yet cozy way, "It will all workout".

The same weekend they are born the fathers mother, father and sister had a trip planned to the same state they were in and would be passing close by. Anger overhears the gifts discussing it. Somehow, they had their own way of growing and knowing things.

"Surely they will come and rejoice in the baby's birth. A birth is always a happy time," the gifts rejoice. They have not grown much and needed a positive bump to get them rolling. "Will they grow stronger and drive us out?" Anger asks rejection. He answers Anger with something he does not quite understand. "No, I don't see that happening and we still have you," he whispers with emphasis on you. Without understanding Anger eats up the praise all the same, it feels good. Good? For half a second, he wonders if this is what the gifts feel like. He cannot believe Rejection ever knew what this felt like. No room in him for it. Rejection is all hell. The high in Anger is robbed by the birth of greatest thieving deamon that ever existed. This deamon comes out of nowhere with a [poof] cloud and soon as it does it robs Anger and the gifts of any good feeling felt at the moment. Hope over in the gifts nearly falls out and needs to be resuscitated by Strength.

Anger gets close to Rejection, so he may hear what is happening. The closer he draws the more his being is drained. It does not affect Rejection and Isolation the same way. It seems to feed them. Anger can feel this deamon is very powerful but still he follows Rejections orders the same as the rest of us. That first in status still lending Rejection such command. He got in it seems even before the gifts. The name of the newcomer and Rejections dominance are made clear with one simple command. "Pity leave Anger alone. I will have use of him," Rejection commands. Then shoots a dark look at Isolation who has moved alongside Anger. With those words the drain in Anger stops and he feels for the first he is a part of the team when Isolation steps away from him.

Pity has the whiniest voice one could possibly hear. When he talks the sort of belly Anger has gets sick as he fights the urge to regurgitate. Pity enjoys talking and talking and the more he does the sicker everything around him gets except for Rejection and Isolation. Pity is like a Rockstar for them and a big one at that, the stadium filler kind and they have front row tickets with back stage passes.

"Sooooo," the whiny Pity screeches. "The extended family passed on by without stopping. No stopping at all! NONE! Not even for a peekaboo. HA, HA, HA, Ha!" he screeches. The gifts are covering their ears, but it is not helping. They were shrinking with every word Pity speaks. The child is affected as well. All can feel the temperature dropping. Anger covers his face but then is compelled to look again as Pity speaks. He has that way about him, a blackholeness, a compelling and a penetrating voice. "So, I came in with a neighbor of theirs at the apartments," Pity screeches on. Rejection looks all around like a captain of a sea vessel monitoring his ship and checking the waves. Rejection mouths to Anger, stay calm. It was then that Pity noticed Anger and somehow, he seems knows right away what Anger is. Anger recognizing this thinking perhaps he is the only one with limited sight. "What is he doing here?" Pity asks. "He is with us," Rejection answers back. "Well I don't like that you know how powerful and unpred," Pity is interrupted by Rejection. "He is with me. I have use for him," Rejection insists very powerfully asserting his control. He surveys the area again and seeing the gifts are diminishing fast. Hope especially is faded badly. The baby has grown cold. They all feel it. "Perhaps we should show you to your quarters," Rejection says and he and Isolation usher Pity and his baggage away.

Anger surprised not knowing a deamon could carry baggage, or that there were special quarters. Rejection knew so much and controlled so much. In comparison the gifts look lost and their leader Hope, well he is in horrible shape. Might just fade away at any moment. Rejection quickly comes back. He has the situation assessed and a plan of action while the rest of us are still bewildered, belittled and flabbergasted by the arrival of Pity.

"I need you know Anger," Rejection says looking right into him. "Ok," Anger answers in a shallow voice. "No, I really need you. You are like fire. You have been down trodden. You belong in the host. You can be this host, but those measly gifts are letting this host die. Feel it? I know you feel it! Its frigid in here and those pimply, measly gifts are letting our host die!" Rejection fumes. How did he do that? Anger can feel it and it feeds him. Anger grows finally, and it is Rejection feeding him. "Now go over there and heat this place up!" Rejection screams and then whispers one word he wants Anger to say when he is close to Hope.

Anger storms over and grabbing and pushing at the gifts creating a frenzy like a mosh pit. Everything is heating up possibly by the friction Anger is creating alone. He looks back and sees Rejection still and staring at him. They lock eyes then Rejection looks at Hope. Hope still faded the only gift not affected and fed by Anger. Anger moves close enough that only hope may hear him, "Baptism." He says it not knowing what the word means nor cares to know at the time. He finally feels his own essence and maybe some the gifts are rubbing off on him. For creating the heat near them feels good, really good. The best he ever felt in fact. It is then in that fury, just when he thinks I can really take off Rejection screams, and everyone stops.

Hope is on his feet. The pause of the moshing lends the gifts chance to notice and they rally around Hope. Isolation is back standing next to Rejection and Rejection with Anger's attention caught draws him back over. Anger is bigger for a moment but shrinks again as he gets back to his spot by the pair.

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