chapter 22 "the driveway" part 2

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Piner kicks the door open and slides over. Starke hops in. "You have money Rag boy?" the driver smirks back through the rearview mirror. Piner grabs Starke's left arm before he can raise a fist. "It doesn't matter if he has money or not we are getting the smoke. You two are tourist," Piner says. "Easy for you to say. You never have any money," the driver says. Starke's fist unfurls. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of bills. Piner's eyes dance across Starke's palm his mouth actually waters. He licks his lips and shakes his head no. Taking Starke's hand with the bills and pushes it back to his pocket. "Hey listen, if you don't want Starke you don't want me. Drop us off right here," Piner says. "Nah man, be cool Piner. We are all cool here," the front passenger says then twists around in his seat and puts out his hand with the thumb and pointer finger jutted out. Starke looks at Piner who nods and makes his fingers do the same. Piner holds his up as well. Starke does the same. The three touch thumbs and pointer fingers then pull away and puff like they are hitting a joint. "Peace man! I am Robbie. You're cool," Robbie the front passenger says. "This dick is Will," Robbie punches the driver on the shoulder hard. "Punch buggy no punch back!" Robbie screams. "Hey I never saw a bug! You dick!" Will screams. He smiling now. All pretty pearly teeth connected to Hilfiger ad looks and a brown mop top haircut that works for him.

The vehicle is a new red jeep. Beautiful. Some people are so lucky. They go to the adjacent high school Usually people from the different schools do not mix, but partying knows no bounds. The rumble down the road being thrown from side to side. Will must think you need to drive a jeep like you are of road even when on a perfect driving surface. They turn off the main road and, on this stretch, there the houses are far apart separated by trees and darkness. Will jerks the wheel and they are off the paved surface and on a dirt road. A cloud of dust poofs up around them. Will skids to a stop. Starke lurches forward then flings back his head banging on the padded roll bar. He sees stars. Piner knew what was coming. He held himself by pushing his knees hard on the seat in front of him.

"Where are we?" Starke asks. "We are at the driveway," Piner says all cool like a loud whisper. "Come on let us out Robbie," Piner says. "Uh uh," Robbie mouths. He is like petrified wood. "Come on Robbie we can't get the greens if you don't let us out," Piner says. "I tell you I ain't moving just get out of here," Robbie says. Will gets out and lets Starke and Piner out on the driver side. "Sorry Piner this is as far as we go, but you knew that. That's why you got him," Will says. "Yea right," Piner says.

Piner and Starke walk off. It gets darker. The driveway narrows as dirt walls rise up on each side, someone must have excavated through a hill. They walk on for a quarter acre then the flickering light of flames start to dance about. It grows brighter and brighter. Rock music is playing not blasting, just playing. Piner stops. He doubles over holding himself at the knees. "You alright?" Starke asks. Piner breathes heavy and does not answer right away. Starke's eyes adjust. He can see that it is a crowd ahead. Big guys. They look like convention of tiny trolls. Big humans but tiny trolls. "What the fuck is that up there, man?" Starke asks. Piner straightens up looking down by the fire. "Have they seen us yet?" Piner asks. "Who?" Starke questions. "This is the driveway. Members of the Pagans Motorcycle club hangs out here. That big old house up there is where the brothers live and they and other members of the gang party and sell greens outside here," Piner explains.

"The fucking Pagans man! What the fuck are we doing here!" Starke exclaims. "Shh. If they hear you we are dead man. You just can't scream stuff like that," Piner says. "Fine let's get out of here," Starke whispers and turns to walk away. Piner grabs his arm. "It will be cool man I've bought here before. Just follow me in. You don't say a word," Piner says.

They pair walk together around the last corner. It has all been dug out by excavators at one time. An area half the size of a football field walled around it with earth eight-foot-high just like the narrow driveway down to this area. Beyond the piled-up earth is tall oak trees. The flames from the bonfire dig into that darkness just so far then pull out quickly, like the trees and the light from the fire are dancing partners.

Long haired bears of men stand around the fire. Some with fifths of whiskey others pass joints. Starke's eyes pass by all quickly never locking eyes or chancing a lingering gaze on anyone. Starke follows Piner and does not like it. For being such an expert on this place he walks like he has quail eggs for balls and they may break. Piner seek out the least scary. The guy that looks like if he changed clothes he might be able to work the drive though line at the local fast food. The guy is seated on an old ribbon style lawn chair. Piner motions for Starke to stand there where he is. "What no," Starke mouths but Piner moves on. Starke stands there like a lonely cornstalk.

"Hey man you got any greens for sale?" Piner asks the seated man. "Greens?" he asks never looking away from the bonfire. "Yea man, you know greens, beaners," Piner pleads pulling money from his pants pocket. The man looks from the fire at Piner. "What?" he says. "PCP man. I need a half can. I was here with Dale last week you hooked him up," Piner says. "Then where is Dale?" the man grints through his teeth as he stands. Piner swallows hard, "Well I guess he is ho-home." The man spits like someone blasted open a faucet, some chewing tobacco comes with it. Starke could see some of it splashes back on Piner's white leather basketball shoes. "Then you'd better run on home. You made me get up. Next you gonna make me start a swinging," the man says. Piner about faces and walks past Starke who follows.

Back into the darkness the pair are blind again as their eyes need to readjust to lack of light away from the fire. Starke loses sight of Piner completely and walks with his hands in front of him to feel his way. His fingers fumble across the back of Piner's neck. Piner whips around swinging in the dark. Starke feels the the fist flying toward him and catches it taking Piner to the ground. "Easy bro, easy what's the matter with you?" Starke asks. Piner is panting. "Oh, it's you. I thought it was them coming for us," Piner says. "Well what went on?" Starke asks. "They don't remember me! They won't sell to me!" Piner exclaims.

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