Chapter 20 The Rebel part 3

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     Intuition sneaks away up to the control board of the mind. The deamons are dressed up below ready to take over. The lights go out down there. Rejection runs around frustrated. He likes to think he controls everything in there and he does influence much but now he must feint control.

Intuition plugs himself in going deep into Starke's being. We are but a foot in this world. The rest of our body is far larger. A member of eternity. At the start of our lifetime and for many their whole way through it they believe this is all there is despite so much evidence to the contrary. Starke dies that way though. Even though his being is much larger than this world his gifts know an infection in this world of his spirit may stretch through out his soul. Intuition wants him to see some of himself but that is not her realm, so she shows him signs.

The theater of dreams lights up his mind. There is a battleship chugging its way into part. It looks ready to sink at any moment so chewed up by countless battles caught at sea during some nothing war. It makes it to port and up close it looks salvageable. There is smoke coming from places that defy explanation. From down the runway walks a solitary man. He is in his dress blues with an officer's hat. He is met by a beautiful woman with long curly blond hair in a sundress. Starke tries to take over his dream. He wants to see the girls face up close, He knows he is the sailor and his life the ship. He yearns to see her face pushing so hard it awakes him. Remembering this dream and it still being dark out he closes his eyes and forces himself to relax so he may fall asleep again. It happens and Intuition still in control lets him fall into the same dream. He does this over and over again even when it is light out and he never sees her face.

The dream takes hi through the school day without the depression from Oppression pushing down Anger. Starke looks around for his dream girl and she is not there. He can feel it. She is metaphysical miles away in time. He may only get there if he finds the right road.

His clothes do not match. When his father pulled them from the bag he did not bother to coordinate outfits. The clique girls notice before he does or at least they are the ones that mock him to his face. His jeans are to short too. They come up past his ankle, the style is much lower than that and his shirt does not match his dress argyle socks. Its not something he normally notices and maybe he would not care so much but he thinks of his dream girl. So beautiful and he does not match his vision of her. She is not going to want anything to do with me. I bring only embarrassment and have nothing but pain to share.

He goes home that night and sneaks into his father's old clothes, finding a worn wool trench coat. It is perfect. It will cover what he wears nicely. It will work for the party. His father comes down and gives him a key. His mother does not want to keep being bothered to wake up and let him in. The next day he looks for Rockwell at school and finds him with a clique girl. Disappointing, he slips away before they see him. By lunch he figures out that Rockwell is dating her so the parties off for him. There are a lot of what they call yuppy puppies at his school. Their parents spend a great deal of money on their clothing. What is worse they are critical on those that do not. Starke like Icarus flew to high into their world for a time. He is on their radar now.

They are calling him dirty. Now that Sam Rockwell is in with one of those girls Starke has lost his advocate. The party is off for him. He is sleeping more. Addiction comes out. Other kids have tried drugs and alcohol by now, not Starke. HE has strong, wanting to be something more. His sees his life in decline now. Starke is in his dream, seeing the abyss with its cliff of darkness. It is all dark up and down, but this is not the real abyss. Only a close facsimile in his mind. This abyss has a tiny bit of light up top like a night sky. The bottom is an ocean of the deepest darkness. He is there at the edge. Addiction comes up behind him and kicks him hard right off the edge.

Starke fleys his arms and legs stretched out in complete terror. The falling feels like it will never end. The heart races. The body perspires. The skin tingles like it is pricked by a thousand miniscule needles. Then Addiction pierces the mind. "I am here for you. Get high." Starke feels like he is floating. "There is nothing like it. It changes your being. Transforms you into anything you want to be." The darkness fades and in his dream is a sunny spring day. The pains and ill feeling fade away. The world seems perfect. "Get high," Addiction whispers. Then all disappears like ether escaping into thinner gaseous state.

Starke is awake. He is in a pool of sweat and misery. He wants to change his state of being and believes he has been given the key.  

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