Chapter 10 Interlude before Falling part 1

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Interlude before Falling chapter 10

Time marches on. Everyone knows that. We all see it around us as people fall down and die. We cry or some of us pretend to at least if we think it's the popular thing to do. Some want to tear pieces of clothing off and gnash their teeth like ancient professional Greek mourners, if they think people are looking, but stop when they do not. Starke is getting older. He knows people around, some more others not so much. There was an older boy who unfortunately got ahold of some alcohol before he knew better then to drive under its influence. He wrapped his parents truck around a tree and unfortunately did not make it out alive.

Sad as it is Starke came to envy him. Wants everyone to have his name on their lips instead of the dead boys. Glorifying him. Praising him. Cursing God, because they missed him so much. He craves love like an addict craves a mind/body blowing high. Any love even to the point of being jealous of the dead. He should not romance death. He has seen more of it than anyone his age, even most adults. Tasted it in its raw form. Rubbed elbows with it and had it spilled all over him.

He no longer rides in the back of the hearse with his back to the dead. Now he stares it in the eye. Literally. People do not die with their eyes shut. Mortician close the eyes of the dead with glue called Aron-Alpha back at the prep room in funeral homes. The eyes are sunk in most times and even if they are not they would be soon. So, morticians put these things in called eye caps. Nasty looking things. They have little pieces of the plastic cut back and pulled up at an angle so they may help hold the eyes stay closed. The eyes always white and cloudy when the life runs out of them. No longer afraid he stares in those milky eyes and sees happiness. Their struggle is over. "God, I want to be you," he says to the body he rides with now. "You're just lying there content that it's over. I have to get out of this hearse and worry who sees me. Every part of my life hurts. You get to move on. If people loved you then wow. If not then it's over. I can't sleep in peace. My mother screams all night. I don't know how to stop her from beating me. I don't know the rules if there are any. She yanked me out of my bed the other night by my hair. Pulled me down the hall bent over as I tried to keep up she bangs my head on the wall with every step. Once in the kitchen she stands me before a piece of cake she insists I cut wrong. She grabbed the back of my head and pushed hard to try to mash my face in the cake while she screamed, 'You've ruined it'. I resist. She warns if I keep resisting I will be sorry. So, I let my muscles go limp. She slammed my face through the cake until my nose shatters when it meets the glass at the bottom of the bakeware. She keeps on doing this until the yellow pineapple cake is soaked red with my blood. She is tired. She stops. Tells me the cake is inedible and throws the whole thing in the trash glass pan and all. I sob in quick bursts mostly just breathing because if I tear she will hit and scream at me things that make me embarrassed to be alive. I go onto bed and tremble all night. Imagining sounds convincing myself she is coming for me again."

"At five a.m. that morning before she goes to bed she comes in and orders me go get the pan I ruined out of the trash and make sure it is spotless. I hear her screaming all the time even when she is not around. I go over my friend Roy's. His parents are so nice its peaceful there, great escape, but he likes to play loud music. I hear her screaming at me in the heavy metal music. I have to run down to the door and see if she is there. Sometimes I can't handle it and go out in the cold woods to sit by myself. I hear her in the strong wind. I wish I was you. I want my eyes to go milky. My breath to stop. I want to be still like you," Starke whispers just louder than a thought to the deceased woman riding next to him.

"Awe he is in love with you," Envy squeals with glee to Death. "Rejection was so right. This boy gives us bellies full," Isolation says mouth full like a fat kid with a whole cake to himself. "But I want to take him now. He worships me but something about it is wrong. Still I want to take him now and not wait," Death complains. Death's eyes dart around or at list the veil he wears moves like he is looking around. He looks for Rejection, and to see if Addiction is nibbling at him, wise to what drove him batty before.

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