Chapter 10 Interlude before Falling part 3

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It's early morning. He recognizes the name. It is a rarer name like his. Ethnic European. A girl nearby he has known since second grade has that same last name. She is so cute. What will she think if she sees him with peed up hands pulling her relative along on a stretcher. If it did not happen tonight it would happen sometime. His father picked up another account in his school district and is busy. What if the next call the relative of a girl who already teases him about his clothes and other things, or one of the fancy boys with big mouths who push him just short of him belting them one. So much tension. Constant fear of his mother and what the people around him might find out. Tender feelings about girls who are starting to notice him more because he is considered cute. One day though the secret will get out and he will be a Pereira.

Death is listening. It is his thing. All these expired bodies around Starke but they mean nothing to him. They are not sweet. Death craves flesh in its prime. So, he opened up to Starke and revealing himself under the veil. Starke got him. Before he speaks he senses a comfort there. An antidote. "Death take my life," he thinks. "that just means you take me away from all the pain here."

Isolation tiptoes around Death, even a strong deamon like him dare not look Death in the face. "think about it you will never be alone again. In him is as close to anyone as you will ever be. Better then tunneling under a heap of dirty clothes," Isolation whispers

Death's face like a waterlogged body abandoned at sea. The flesh is in lumps looking to be dripping off. He can take the boy. Stake is romancing him however, still something is not right. Maybe Starke repents at the last moment and he ruins everything. All that praying to God garbage. As if he cares. Where is he now. How does he help his life? Still he wants him. "I can help you. Pull you into me so you never feel the same pains that you feel here," Death's crackly voice cajoles.

Rejection hearing the goings on and creeps up behind the deamons. Death does not sense it but Addiction is crouching just behind him and influencing his actions while simultaneously feeding on him. Rejection knows how valuable Addiction could prove to be so he has humored him and turned a blind eye thus far. It would not be long before he could not hold him back any longer. Controlling deamons is like carrying a rubbage can filled to the tiptop with water trying to not let any spill out. Some is going to spill out so the best you can do is try not to get upset and keep it to a minimum. He grabs Addiction's tale and flings him off towards the gifts making him shriek, shrink, and scurry off like a mad dog.

Death twirls around. "Oh, it's you. How lovely. You want me to move aside and let you eat, again. All you do is eat and eat growing larger and larger whilst we grovel for crumbs that drop out of your mouth," Death insists. "It's not that bad. You've had plenty of chances to run off but stay. So, how bad is it.... Right nothing to say. Now off with you and Envy before I bash your heads together like Moe does to Curly and Larry."

Starke is beaten down. He needs a compromise to keep things going. Without the gifts this boy could drop any day. If he does not feed the deamons more then, they will riot though. He needs something. Perusing the gifts it came to him. One idea that sparks on and off again. Creativity. But how to approach him? Anger. Anger could touch off deamons or gifts. Surprisingly he agrees to aid without hesitation.

Starke went home and pierced his ears. It was ok with his mother because he can take them out for removals. Punk Rock is the thing. He spikes his hair and cuts his highwater pants off at the knees. It works for him. He slips in between the different style crowds at school and is not teased for his clothes anymore. Some of the things he does is reactionary to the abuse his mother still piles on him so the deamons see him spiraling and are satisfied to let it burn.

Life is alright. He finds happiness at school. His mom still tells him out of the blue he is smart, strong and handsome. He loves the attention he gets from the girls but still does not let any get close enough to know his secrets. Its hard but manageable. People even gravitate towards him because he makes them laugh and is happy enough for his joy to be contagious. Hope springs and he thinks life might just be alright. He even gets the guts to take television production class at school. He eats it up. The teacher even tells him he has talent. Life sure can be nice when no one notices.

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