Chapter 18 We're the Victim part 2

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     "Oppression is a slaver. He shanghaied Anger dragging him right down into the body where he will make him work inward," Rejection explains. The body churns from somewhere below, as if there is a boiler down there and the pressure relief valve is popping off. Rejections laughs. "Anger will turn in on itself and we will feast. He won't be supercharging any gifts anytime soon," Rejection says.

It is time for another appointment with the good doctor Peacock. No filling out forms or waiting, for his parents that is. They go right in, Starke is stuck waiting in the office. He tries to check the clock with his peripheral vision not wanting the reception to say she is feeling threatened by him. She glares at him though. Apparently, the rule only works one way. Starke feels threatened but that must not count. She is taunting him, huffing and puffing dramatically. Slamming stuff down. It sounds like a stapler. He imagines it sailing through the open glass from her office landing solidly at his temple. His mind's eye so strong it hurts there. Hits to the temple are a pain he knows to well. He hazards a square straight on glance at the clock above the receptionist head. Luckily, she is looking down when he does. Fifteen minutes to the hour, he might as well of waited in the car and saved the stress of sitting in this office. Why did he come at all? This psychologist thing is not working out how he expected it to at all. Nothing the show he got the idea from. Then five till the hour, Dr. Peacock emerges and calls him into his office. His parents sit there grinning like two sawed off shotguns staring at him.

"Take a seat Master Starke," Dr. Peacock says. He takes a seat himself crossing his legs closed style like women sit when they wear a skirt. He props a pad on his lap and starts jotting something down in red pen before anyone says a word. Starke is a little anxious. Dr. Peacock has not left much time for him, and he does not seem to concerned with wasting the little time he has with him now. "What do you like to do Starke?" Dr. Peacock asks. Starke shrugs. "You talk trash with the boys about the girls?" Peacock asks. "What?" Starke asks with a loud offended tone. He thinks of Kate and all the jerks that lied on girls. He would never do that. Why is this man who is supposed to see through people assuming that about him? "You know talk trash?" Peacock says with a smirk. "No! Never," Starke answers. His mother chimes in, "He thinks of talking trash as bad-mouthing girls." "Oh no. You don't use that vernacular around here. I am from Chicago. Talking trash means just killing time with conversation." "We would call that shooting the bull, or bullshitting around here," Allan says. "Shooting the bull. Interesting," Peacock says and scratches down on his pad. He looks up. Pushes his glasses back on his nose as he checks the clock. "We are out of time. Starke your homework is to do three things a day for your parents and report back to me what you've done next week," Peacock says.

Starke wants to ask what their homework is but does not get a chance. "And that doesn't mean making your bed or fixing you lunch. It's something for me," His mother insists. "Yes, well something for the whole family. Starke, you need to earn your keep, and appreciate all your parents provide for you," Peacock says. Starke fumes. Anger bulls up within him. "Well look at that a two minute past the hour. You guys are into my time know. I suggest you move on out of the office before I charge you for another hour." "I could sit here another hour. You are so interesting Dr. Peacock," his mother says like a billionaire's sycophant. How disgusting Starke thinks. They move on. Starke wants to slam doors. He glares back at the receptionist. "He's threatening me! He's threatening me!" the receptionist sounds the alarm. "That's it next week you are waiting in the car," Allan says. "See Dr. Peacock he threatening to me too," his mother says. "That is why I suggested military school," Dr. Peacock says. "But that is so expensive," his mother says. "When I charge you overtime it will be expensive," Peacock says. "You wouldn't do that to us," his mother says but she picks up he step out the door.

"Give me your house key," his mother says holding up her hand towards the backseat. Starke reaches in his pocket and hands her the key. "You know no longer deserve a key to our house. If we are not home to let you in then you sit outside and wait. Its our house not yours and we let you live there. You deserve nothing. We give you more than you deserve," his father says robotic and rehearsed. "Yea and we won't be cosigning your bullshit anymore," his mother says. Then she leans over whispering to Allan, "I learned that in Tough Love I am going again tomorrow. We have been way too lenient on him."

Too lenient! What bullshit. This doctor is a bastard asshole. What did I do asking for this Starke thinks? He is so Angry then his thoughts turn on him. He wonders what he has done to deserve all this. He believes Kate is to good for him. Other kids are loved because they are lovable, he is not. He is tired. He just wants to go home and sleep. 

DeamonsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora