Chapter 9 Sweet Child of Mine part 2

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As Starke sleeps darkness brews inside. The deamons wanted. Voracious appetites that just crave more as they got more instead of being satisfied. Rejection hungered as well but something darker pulls his strings. That greater darkness works through him but is not present now to help so he goes down deep disappearing in search of Anger who might help him control the others.

"Go get him," Pity orders Envy once Rejection is out of sight. Envy hustles down to Pity's quarters and brings back Death. "Reign hell on them!" Pity screams. Death answers with immediacy looming up from the floor growing as he does like a gargantuan shadow. "Pedal push it over there boy," Pity orders pointing at the gifts. Death has a way he likes to creep up on his prey. Pity does not. He marches over to the gifts in his way like the squawky punk kid on the playground with the big guy right behind him. Strength stands to push him back. Death is over top them. He starts his energy suck pulling the life right out. Strength drops to his knees, struggles an instant then falls back. All the gifts fall with him.

The deamons swarm like killer bees with a fresh whiff of the crazy pheromone. They take bites out of the boy everywhere bouncing about like ping pong balls in a lottery machine. Cold blood essence soaks the interior. They are taking him down and taking him down quickly. Built up hostility from waiting too long had finally taken its toll. They work in gangs. All except Death. He is working alone. They are pulling down the pillars that hold the boy's life in balance. Yanking and tugging like Egyptian slaves pulling on rope as little things that make life worth living get ate up. Things like souring the memory of a time his father took him to the movies. "Your father was ordered to take you by your mother!" the deamons scream in chorus. In truth he was ordered, Starke knew it deep down. He heard his mother tell him, but he chose to believe his father wanted to take him. Maybe he needed an excuse to do something with him because he did not know how to love.

"Your mother doesn't love you she just wanted you to bring her the love she never had! You failed!" True but he needed lies to survive. Then finally the deamons kick the chair on the hanging man. "Your father killed your dog!" It is true he tried to forget that one. Buried it deep. He loved that dog and more importantly that dog loved him. He needed that love and pure acceptance that dog gave him. That dog was special and his father killed him. He knew it. He saw it.

His father lost his temper and kicked the dog for messing in the house. Then as the dog whimpered and ran to the sliding-glass door. His father opened it to let the dog out then slammed it shut to quickly catching the dog in his ribs. He hustled outside but days later he was dead. They said they were taking him to a vet and he never came back. They told him the dog got in the trash and ate chicken bones that cut him up inside. The deamons screamed deadly truths at him he is not ready to hear. Fever pitches in him brought on by death. "What do you have to live for?" Pity asks the boy through his inner ear. "Nothing," he whispers back tossing in his sleep.

Rejection startles Anger when he comes upon him deep in the bowels. In truth he always could find him. It just served him better to let Anger believe he could hide. "I need you Anger. Well we need you. Me and the boy," Rejection says. Anger fights the urge to answer. In truth he wants to be needed even if it is by someone he despises. "I can't stop the others deamons without you. They are to strong together. They are going to kill the boy," Rejection says.

"What?" Anger asks sharply. Rejection knew what Pity and the other deamons were fixing to do when he left. His ears were so great he could hear even into their dark thoughts. He can hear inside Anger now, his will creaking his way. "What's wrong with the boy? I feel no threat to his body down here," Anger asks "That's because they are not attacking his body. They are attacking his spirit which will tell his mind to stop everything. Shutdown the living works," Then Rejection closes his eyes. "I can hear the sucking sound now. Death is pulling his soul down now."

"You simple fuck! How could you let this happen?" Anger fumes. Rejection starts to answer. "Shut up! Let's go!" Anger demands.

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