"You're a fool, that's not even half the truth. You don't even know half of the story and yet here you are judging." Aki pushed Kaito off him. "I wanted to tell you the truth for a long time, but I just didn't have the guts to admit to anyone that the same thing my father did to you while you training to be a samurai, and to Hino, was the same thing he did to me when I was growing up."

Kaito put his fist down, "You mean you were also-"

"Yes," Aki responded cutting him off. "And for a long time, the first time I told someone about it was my mother but at first she thought I was lying and that I was just confused, and when she finally caught my father in his own act she still kept her mouth shut because her position of empress was more important than the well being of her children."

Kaito bit his lip and sat down on the floor. This was a tough, going down the dark and evil memories.

"For a long time my father got away with sexual abuse, they were many victims and I'm sorry you, and Hino were victims of it. I wished I ended his life sooner. But I didn't banish you away because I found out you, and Hino loved each other. I banished you because..." Aki voiced cracked. He needed Zima here with him. To hold him, and tell him everything is fine, but no he had to do this himself and face this off himself.

"I banished you for your own safety, and good. When my father found out Hino was gay, he was heated and was planning on having you killed. So yes that day I framed you for an s rank crime that you didn't to and reported it to the Hokage and Shogun which led you to become an s-rank missing banished ninja. I did that so you were forced to run away. That was the same day my father found that love letter you left Hino, and my father punished Hino, he beat him and sent him away to a different school for all boys, that was combat based. So it would 'toughen' him up and make him more 'manly.' By then as you know my brother escaped that school, and he found you, and till then both of you were hiding together, up until this point when I finally reached out to you too."

Kaito was quiet, it was a lot to take in. This whole time he thought Aki was the bad guy, this whole time he thought Aki was ignoring what his father had done to the children, and women of the village.

"Why?" Kaito asked.

Aki looked at him confused.

"Why?" Kaito repeated. "Why didn't you come looking for me and Hino sooner, your father died months ago, its almost been a year and now you finally decide to reach out to us."

"I didn't have the guts to reach out to you two, it was until-" Aki stopped and looked back at the house, he could have sworn he heard Zima.

Kaito smirked. "It was her huh, I knew just by looking at her back at the academy. She was full of this happiness and this beam of sunshine. How did you two meet?"

"It was an arranged marriage," Aki responded back to him.

Kaito was surprised, "Damn an arranged marriage and you actually got someone that you fell for and get along with, now that's rare."

Aki didn't respond, but he sat next to Kaito.

"The way you look at her," Kaito said. "You really love her don't you?"

"Enough of my life, how were you and Hino doing all this time," Aki asked wanting to change the subject.

"Ehh we bicker back and forth but nothing like sex to fix his attitude at times,"Kaito said with a laugh.

Kaito saw Aki wasn't laughing and rolled his eyes, "Ugh something your wife needs to help you do is lighten up. You still never laugh or smile."

Kaito laid down on his back and looked up at the sky. "But on the other hand me and Hino, Hino always talked about wanting to get married if we ever found a village that was supportive and opened to couples of the same gender. Since your letting us back in I was wondering-"

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