Entry 30: Private Correspondence - 03/15

241 19 1

Date: 15th March 2011

From: Sanders, Zoe; Paranormal Div.

To: Allen E; Internal Affairs.

Subject: i don’t even know what to put here.

And I honestly don’t know why I’m sending you this message either, but I guess I had to tell somebody just in case something happened to me. Apparently, something happened to Ms. Stryer (the Esoterics’ stenographer) when I asked her to help me with getting documents to research their Division’s history. Honestly, all I did was ask politely and she nodded and I thought that was it. Only for me to get this message from Heath last night, along with a document that’s both confusing and really disturbing. I’ve forwarded everything so you can read it, because I really can’t explain any more than that.

I won’t lie, I’m getting really scared. If something does happen to me, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON’T TELL NORMAN.

Zoe Sanders

---- Original Message (Received 15-03-2011 01:14AM GMT) ----

> From:  R. Heath <rheath1@eso3.info>

> To: Zoe Sanders <z_sanders@usparadiv.org>

>Subject: Important! Please Read.

>In the morning of Monday, March 14th 2011, our administrative worker Claudia Stryer informed Kojiro, our Division’s Head of Diplomacy, that she had been a victim of psychic manipulation , with a strong suspicion of memory distortion. This was followed by a confession that, under this manipulation, she had collected and released confidential information to an outsider without proper clearance. She cited your name as the manipulator in question, following which she was subjected to a full debriefing.

>If her testimony is to be believed, your actions were in defiance of both personal and jurisdictional rights, with no regard for her psychological wellbeing. Despite your oft brash ways, my observation of your relentless efforts and dedication to your assignment gave me the impression that you were an individual of admirable character and integrity. Hence I was appalled to learn that you had resorted to such underhanded techniques to further your investigation, forcing an innocent party to act against official protocol.

>A digital copy of the debriefing is attached to this message, to make you aware of the allegations made against you. Should you decide to offer a testimony in response to these allegations, I have cleared my scheduled appointments for tomorrow morning in anticipation of an interview.

>I await your urgent response. Please return the documents you procured as soon as possible.

>Open Attachment (7KB)

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