Entry 27: Interview with Landsteiner Jeffrey(2) - 03/11

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Date: Friday, March 11th 2011

Start Time: 10:53AM

Zoe Sanders: Hello, good morning.

Landsteiner Jeffrey: Good morning.

Sanders: I’m surprised. You're acting different.

Jeffrey: How?

Sanders: No snarky comments, no funny quips…

Jeffrey: I’m not always in the mood.

Sanders: Bad day?

Jeffrey: Quit stalling and get to the good-cop bad-cop solo act already. And I know you’re trying to read my mind. Stop it. It’s annoying. I already have a headache.

Sanders: I’m sorry. Okay then, let’s begin.

Jeffrey: Yeah, let’s.

Sanders: Heath gave me the documents about the containment failure.

Jeffrey: …

Sanders: What happened there?

Jeffrey: What do you mean ‘what happened there’? Haven’t you already read the documents?

Sanders: I have. I’m yet to read the final report, so I’m asking about the second incident, the first attempt at re-containing the incident. Those documents detail only Delaney’s perspective. I want to know what you saw and experienced when you went in. It was your first time, so maybe you noticed something he didn’t.

Jeffrey: I’m not very observant. If Henry didn’t see anything odd, then don’t bank on me seeing anything at all. He was the leader. I was just the back up.

Sanders: Strange. Your attitude now is entirely at odds with Henry’s depiction of you.

Jeffrey: Oh yeah? How?

Sanders: You seemed a lot more active by his recount. Almost like you were the one calling the shots that day while everyone else followed your lead.

Jeffrey: (laughs) Trust me, if I was the one in charge, we’d probably have ended up dead.

Sanders: So since Henry is the one I’m supposed to be talking to and I can’t reach him for some reason, maybe you could shed more light on him. What’s he like?

Jeffrey: Tough question. I’m not really good with describing people though. Okay, let’s see…physically he looks…I don’t know…dark. Like a cross between…like…Sherlock Holmes and an angsty teenager. All dark hair, dark eyes dark clothes and brooding face and trench coat and boots. Doesn’t talk much either. He doesn’t look like a Neph at all. But at the same time, you can tell there’s something weird about him.

Sanders: Did you get along with him?

Jeffrey: As well as I get along with any other Neph. Seriously, we just worked when we needed to and stayed out of each other’s way for the rest of the time.

Sanders: Speaking of him being a Nephilim, do you know who his father is? Or mother?

Jeffrey: No. I just know he’s a Neph because everyone knows he’s a Neph. It’s in his file and everything.

Sanders: And nobody has bothered to find out who his parents are?

Jeffrey: No. And to be honest, I don’t think anyone cares. Him and Crystal are sort of like that. They’re both supposed to be Nephs but they don’t look it, and no one has any bloody idea where they’re from. I mean, I’ve been around more of Nephs than I’d like to in one lifetime. They have a look. Light hair, big bright eyes, flawless skin, perfect model-type bodies and pompous bitch attitudes. Sure, Crystal has the attitude. And the body. But her hair is red. Like fiery red, not ginger, or that wine-coloured thing you girls like. Doesn’t make sense, but neither does anything around here these days.

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