Entry 21: Pine Street Report (1)- Sep 24 2010 - 03/05

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Date: 5th March 2011

From: Sanders, Zoe; Paranormal Div.

To: Allen E; Internal Affairs.

Subject: Pine Street Report (first part).

After much bureaucratic protocol, I was given the Pine Street mission report today. Heath assures me that the report is complete as far as all documentation could go, and any lapses in information stem from issues in the process of collection. The first of two transcribed reports is attached to this message, and the other would be delivered by tomorrow (it turns out the actual containment mission was more turbid and complicated than we were led to believe). I leave it to you and other fellow investigators to make your own conclusions in fair judgment, just in case I may have some hidden biases as a result of my involvement in this investigation.

 Zoe Sanders.


(Sanders' note: This document contains only the Scout and Affirmation reports. Please check next document for the Containment Report.)

(Page 1)

Esoteric Division

Scout Preliminary Report.

Report filed by: J. Trotter*

Scout Unit: B

Date: 24th September, 2010

Time: 21:32

I made an assessment of a block of flats reputed to have appeared about a month ago within a previously empty stretch of land along Pine Street, Madison.

This apparition has been the subject of much debate, receiving attention from both the residents of the area and local media, before being contained by the FBI as a matter of national security. The townspeople speak of it with dread and morbid fascination, attributing its appearance to a series of unusual occurrences that took place in the last three weeks, including three suicides and a case of exercise-induced myocardial infarction. There have also been at least ten reports of missing humans within a one mile radius of the apparition, and several unreported victims, including members of the county police and FBI. All levels of law enforcement personnel have no leads, and no corpses have been found to date. Even while I worked, there were arrangements being made to involve several religious bodies and exorcism services, and more than one call made to the Vatican. The case is currently in a jurisdictional tussle, as many want to be involved in it due to personal losses.

The building itself was a dark looming structure, built with stone and unfinished concrete walls, its architecture and bass relief details reminiscent something European (possibly Parisian). No abnormalities seen on light photography (Picture included in report).

Scan Logs:

>Thermal: The building is 5.33 degrees Fahrenheit above temperature calculated for the location and heat absorption spectrum for the building material at the time of day. Temperature difference still noted after nine scans; persisted through fluctuations in ambient temperature.

>Electromagnetic: Moderate degree of radio interference. No detectable encoding through all assessed frequencies.

>Vibration: Sonic amplification on all four walls of structure revealed no voice signatures. However, a low-frequency sound (rather similar to intestinal peristaltic wave forms) was noted on more than one occasion.

>Psionic diffraction: Wide field density with hyperbolic sigma-wave pattern in low frequency waves (ranging 4 to 12 hertz).

>Spectral field: Alterations suggested otherworldly origin of materials in the building, which was confirmed via high-energy electron microscopy of concrete chippings.

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