Entry 18 - Interview with Landsteiner Jeffrey (1) - 03/01

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Date: 1st March 2011

From: Sanders, Zoe; Paranormal Div.

To: Allen E; Internal Affairs.

Subject: Interview with Landsteiner Jeffrey.

With the Unit Head’s consent, I performed the first interview with Unit member Landsteiner Jeffrey. Though he was not available at the beginning of the Esoterics' involvement with the Pine Street apparition, I believe his open, seemingly unbiased and somewhat talkative nature has proved more valuable to my information gathering than any of the previous interviews. I have also requested the release of the first of recorded documents regarding Mr. Jeffrey’s work with the Esoteric Division, in order to gain proper insight into the kind of agent he might be, both personally and professionally. This document is currently being re-written, and would be available for processing tomorrow.

I have attached the transcribed interview to this message, and I do hope you support my decision to carry out subsequent interviews with him. 

Thank you.

Zoe Sanders.


Date: Tuesday, March 1st 2011

Start Time: 11:58AM

Zoe Sanders: Good day.

Landsteiner Jeffrey: Hey. I guess it’s finally my turn huh?

Sanders: It is. You seem excited. Is there something going on outside?

Jeffrey: No. I mean, I don’t know. They could be planning something for later.

Sanders: What are you talking about?

Jeffrey: The guys, I think they’re…wait, why am I telling you this? You’re clueless.

Sanders: Clueless about what?

Jeffrey: It’s my birthday today.

Sanders: Oh really? Happy birthday.

Jeffrey: Thanks. Even though you’re kind of ruining it with this whole interview shtick.

Sanders: …

Jeffrey: Just saying.

Sanders: Could you state your name for the record please?

Jeffrey: Hi, record. I’m Landsteiner.

Sanders: Your full name, if you don’t mind.

Jeffrey: Landsteiner Albert Dorian Jeffrey.

Sanders: (huffs) I’ve seen your file and I know about your parentage, so I wonder how you have such an extensive surname. Are you just mocking this investigation?

Jeffrey: No I’m not! Don’t blame me, blame me ma’s family. They just kept slapping names on there like it was a competition.

Sanders: What do you mean?

Jeffrey: Landsteiner, Albert and Dorian are all for me. Grandma called me Albert, Grandpa picked Dorian and Ma named me Landsteiner. Like what did they expect me to do, walk around saying “Hey, I’m Landsteiner Albert Dorian”? And all the names sound like something you’d call an old Labrador. Except Landsteiner. So I use that one.

Sanders: Well that’s…interesting. I find it odd that your mother gave you such an unusual first name. What is it…German?

Jeffrey: (laughs) Pretty close. It’s Austrian. Weird, you’re like the first person to ask me about it. Everyone else just makes jokes about it, you know. Kids are so mean these days.

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