Entry 14 - Interview with Raphael Heath (2) - 02/24

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Date: 24th February 2011

From: Sanders, Zoe; Paranormal Div.

To: Allen E; Internal Affairs.

Subject: Interview with Raphael Heath (2).

Heath called me in for an unscheduled interview today, which he had arranged with their stenographer.  I was not prepared for it, but I believe we have made significant progress, since he has given the impression that he will be more cooperative in the future. I’ve added the transcript of our discussion to this message. I hope you find the discoveries useful.

- Zoe Sanders.


Date: Thursday, February 24th 2011

Start Time: 10:13AM

Zoe Sanders: Um…Good morning.

Raphael Heath: Good morning.

Sanders: I’m surprised you called. I mean, I wasn’t… I didn’t think you…

Heath: You did not expect that I would schedule this interview.

Sanders: No. I didn’t.

Heath:  I believe there are questions you wanted to ask, which I did not offer you the opportunity to during our earlier meeting. So here I am.

Sanders: You…you actually want me to ask you questions?

Heath: You are just doing your job. It was not right to stop you like I did before, and so I hope to correct whatever damage I might have done.

Sanders: Are you…

Heath: …

Sanders: (sighs) I did not prepare for this. I thought I was just coming in to get the mission reports from you.

Heath: You will, after this is over. For now, ask any questions you desire.

Sanders: Even personal questions?

Heath: Of course, if you feel they are necessary. You did not bring your notes, but I’m certain the most pressing questions are already committed to memory. Just…think of this as a recorded conversation.

Sanders: Alright then. If you’re really okay with me asking anything…

Heath: I am.

Sanders: Okay. First things first, I’d like to know if my superiors spoke to you.

Heath: They did. Why do you ask?

Sanders: I’m trying to come up with a reason for your sudden change of heart. Because I was pretty sure you hated my guts.

Heath: They did speak to me. They reminded me that I am obligated to assist you in any way as you may require. I believe I am doing just that.

Sanders: So that’s why you called me back for this.

Heath: No. If I wanted to follow their instruction to the letter, I would have waited for you to call for me, and remained a passive entity in your proceedings. After all, I have supplied you with every document as you have requested…

Sanders: Even though you won’t let me leave with them.

Heath: My actions are justified, as I cannot risk the possibility of you losing any of them.

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