"Wow the big bad macho man can actually sing" now it was my turn to smirk.

"From time to time. Don't bother telling anyone because they won't believe you". Julius muttered amused by my reaction.

He was right though.

I had no one to tell but even if I did, who the Hell would believe a big bad intimidating, man like Julius Stone was caught singing along to Bon jovi, especially with his unbelievably deep voice.

" Well, looks like we're here." I looked out the window and sure enough there was my apartment complex.

We both got out and stood looking at each other.

"I had so much fun tonight Julius." I spoke boldly taking his large hands in mine.

"The pleasure was all mine mi amor. Good night."

I turned and walked towards my building. I was half way there when I started to feel like I was forgetting something to do something.

Remembering, I quickly spun on my heel and retreated back down the path. Julius looked up at me curiously as I got closer to him. Getting up on my tippy toes I reached him and pecked his cheek.

Gosh it was so hard trying to kiss the sexy tree that stood before me!

Before I knew what was happening he grabbed my waist and pulled me flush against him. Next thing his lips were attacking mine. The kiss was sweet and gentle yet rough making all of my thoughts hazy. It was Like a kissing scene out of a movie, but 100 times better.

Once we broke away, he leaned down slightly and whispered in my ear his voice sending delightful shivers down my spine. "Good night princessa." He gave me one last kiss before he released me and I skipped up to my apartment, letting myself in.

I sighed as I heard the engine revving once I had gotten inside and closed the door. For God sake, I missed him already! My cheeks heated up as the memories of the evening flooded my mind.

"Looks like someone had fun. seriously missy, look at the time!" I jumped at the voice. I glared at Penny and her friend Trish sitting on the couch giggling.

"You should have seen your face. " my sister said between laughs.

"Ha very funny. And yes I did have fun. So much fun that right now I must retire to my chamber to get some beauty sleep. Goodnight Penelope. Oh and Goodnight Trish" I exited them room leaving them both still in a fit of giggles.

Once I'd changed and taken off all the gunk on my face I lay in bed with the lights off, just staring out the window. Just as I was about to close my eyes, my phone vibrated on the bedside table.

J: Good night m'lady. Have sweet dreams about me.

I laughed silently to myself. I could literally see the smirk on his face.

E: Dreams? More like nightmares

J: Ouch. That hurt mi amor.

E: I'm sure it did. Goodnight Mr Stone.

I put my phone back on the table and just lay there thinking. I was really starting to like Julius. Hell, we'd only been on one date and had one kiss yet I was already starting to catch feelings.

But how much could I really trust him?

Trust him not to hurt me?

I'd been in love once before and the experience was not something I wanted to live through again.

Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now