Bandits Girl (Chapter 7)

Start from the beginning

"Why are you so for this girl?" Elder Thomas asked.

"Why are you so against her?" Chris shot back, and I let out a growl of agreement. I hadn't given them a reason to hate me so why did they?

I hated how they talked like I wasn't even there... well, truth be told, I wasn't there as far as they knew, so I guess it was alright. But it still annoyed me when Elder Cate responded, "Because we don't think she is fit to lead this group by your side."

"Oh?" Chris asked, his voice raised, "Then the answer is simple."

"Simple?" Elder Thomas spluttered, the confusion evident is his voice. He flustered around for a moment trying to find what to say, but like a fish gasping for air on dry land, he came up with nothing.

Marco and I simply looked at each other with the same raised brows, that seemed to suggest, 'Simple eh? How so?'

"How so?" Elder Cate's gravel-like voice asked, and Marco and I leaned in to hear the answer to this important question.

"I abdicate the position of being leader." Chris said, and there were shocked gasps from the inside, while on the outside, Marco staggered back from the tent, with a hiss of, "What the Hell are you doin' Chris?"

The elders seemed to think the exact same thing. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING?" Elder Thomas roared, "DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY WOULD GIVE TO BE IN YOUR SHOES?"

"I am perfectly aware," said Chris with a hint of smugness and a pinch of sarcasm, "so why not give it to them? Besides, I can't be leader if my decisions aren't trusted."

"All this over one girl. Surely this isn't necessary Chris?" Elder Cate questioned, but Chris' voice reigned firm.

"I gave up my true name for her. I told you my true name so I could be bonded with her, something I did for no one else. I am serious about her, thus this is perfectly necessary. You are an elder, Cate, this I respect. But if you do not trust or respect me and my decisions then there is no point in me being leader now is there?"

"The boy has got a point." A third, wise-sounding voice, rang out, and for a moment I didn't know who it was.

"But elder Edmund!" elder Cate hurried to proclaim, and I remembered that there was indeed a third elder. The only one who had said nothing that night of the good fire, when Chris had performed the bonding with me. He had said or done nothing except look at me with stony eyes of... approval.

Funny how I only remembered it just now.

"No 'but's Cate, I believe in Chris and his decisions, as I must since he is our heir and when we pass on the Cross Bandits will be left to him to do with as he pleases. Besides, we are not here to discuss Chris' love life, so despite what we say, there will be no need to abdicate your position Chris." Elder Edmund said, and instantly I liked him.

He seemed like a calm person, a voice of reason. I felt like, if need be, I could trust him with my life and well being.

"I too think there is something special about the girl, so she will stay. Understood?" Elder Edmund did not wait for the consent of the others before he pushed on, "Now, let us get on to the topic that we truly came to discuss."

"This is where it gets interesting." Marco whispered to me. Yeah, as if it hadn't been interesting before.

"We are here," Chris' voice rang out strong and clear, "to discuss the next area of raids."

"As you all know." Chris continued, "Our last raid was... unsuccessful. And we are running low on gold and previsions. Thus we are going to need extra raids. I say a good amount is four, one north, one south, one east, and one west. Completely random, rich side of town destruction."

I could hear murmurs of approval, as Elder Cate asked, "How long would this march last."

"Judging by the distance with must cover," I could hear the ground crunch and many, repetitive, footsteps, so I assumed Chris must be pacing, "two months at the very least."

"That's a long time." Elder Thomas commented.

"But it must be done." Chris said, and for a moment I wished I could see his face, just to perhaps more easily understand what emotions were churning inside of him. But the wish lasted only for a moment, which quickly passed, as I was drawn back into the conversation.

"How many people will you take?"

"What is your suggestion?"

"35 men should do." Elder Cate said, her fingers tapping on a table.


"And the girl?" Elder Thomas asked, and Chris sighed. I could practically see him rubbing his temples fiercely, "What about her?" He asked trying to keep the frustration out of his voice and failing miserably.

"Are you going to take her?" Elder Thomas and I snorted. Did he even need to ask?

"Of course." I mumbled, while I clearly heard Chris' voice say, "Of course not!"

I hissed, whoa, whoa. So far our minds had been on the same page, and NOW he decides to stop being a mind reader? I didn't like this at all.

"I was at first going to bring her... but it isn't safe." Chris continued and I rolled my eyes. Safety? Oh please I could care LESS about safety.

"I agree." Elder Cate said, and I could only mummer, "What?"

Marco looked at me, "I agree too." And when I glared at him like I wanted to kill him, he raised his hands in defense and said, "It's dangerous. I've been on plenty of raids before where skilled men have lost their lives."

"I'll be fine," I insisted, but Marco shook his head, "Chris isn't going to take that chance. Do you know how much I had to do to even make him consider giving you the horse? It ain't going to happen."

I stood up suddenly, "I'm going." Then I stormed off, grabbing Melody's reigns, not bothering to last bit of the conversation.

There was no way I wasn't going.

I and before I walked out of distance I heard Chris say, "We leave tomorrow at dawn!" And Marco whisper, "He is so going to kill me."

<End of Chapter 7>

The adventure starts next chapter! Woo-hoo!

Thanks for waiting,


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