17. The Morning After

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Chapter 17

The Morning After

Katerina’s Point View

“ You will never know just how beautiful you are to me”, and I don’t react despite how my stomach flutters to those words. I steal that moment from him and keep it, much like I know he will.

I wake up to Harry opening the door to the room, thinking he was just about to leave me in his bed. All the sudden it dawns on me that I’m just another girl to him and he was sneaking out, but then he quietly gives the lady at the door a tip and whispers thank you, wheeling the trolley of breakfast in.

“Morning”, I say sitting up in the bed.

“Shit! You scared me! I wanted it to be a surprise Kat!”, he says a little too fussed.

“I’m still surprised”, I say grabbing my phone from the nightstand.

I have at least five unread messages from Niall, so I read them without hesitation freaking out that something could be wrong.

* Kat, Have you seen the papers? *

*Kat! Answer. Is it you or Pippa? *

*So, Sarah reckons its you and Tom isn’t too happy because Harry and Pippa have a past, and getting back together with her wouldn’t be good for his image *

*Darn it Kat! Can you please answer me, Sar and I are worried your not responding to her either *

“Harry have you seen the papers?” I say going onto my twitter to check what the fuss is about.

“Yeah, we um. Need to talk about that” Harry says as I open up to a blown up twitter of photos of “Harry and mysterious brunette, is Pippa back in Harry’s life?” That’s me. My heart sinks and I look up at Harry who’s now sitting on the bed passing me an energy drink.

“Wait, who’s Pippa?” I ask Harry.

“My ex. She’s this girl I dated before x factor and then we were on and off for a year after but we haven’t properly been friends since X Factor… just you know. Hanging out…” He says regretting the words as they flow out of his mouth.

“Oh” I say. I feel a fire in my chest starting to heat. I click on the Pippa’s twitter and flick through photos of her. She has the same dark hair as me and a similar body type, but much, much thinner. Judging from the photos I can see she’s a model.

“But. Well. I guess it’s better if it is Pippa because then we don’t have to worry about what happened yesterday and everyone finding out. That would be a nightmare” The words he says are like daggers to my already burning chest.

“Yeah defiantly, is she even in England for it to be legitimate?” I say like I’m unaffected by what he’s said.

“Well, she’s actually a family friend and she’s going to be there for Mum’s birthday tonight” He says tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I move away from his touch and get up from the bed to put my clothes on. I keep Harry’s shirt on but I put my jeans and heels on.

“You going to have any breakfast first?” Harry says quietly.

“Yeah, I actually have a lot of… Work to do ill um. See you in a bit. I’m just going to take a shower and get ready.” I say awkwardly. This morning after is turning out to be beyond painful, exactly what I didn’t want. That’s why you don’t do love, remember?

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